स्वतंत्रता संग्राम की - TopicsExpress


स्वतंत्रता संग्राम की वीरांगना अवंती बाई लोधी को उनके जन्मदिवस पर शत शत नमन... In 1857, the freedom movement against British India was the landmark as the uprising and revolts began due to the policy of “Doctrine of Lapse” started by Lord Dalhousie who was the British viceroy and Governor General of East India Company. According to the Doctrine, any princely state or territory under the direct influence of the British East India Company (the dominant imperial power in the subcontinent), as a vassal state under the British Subsidiary System, would automatically be annexed if the ruler was either "manifestly incompetent or died without a direct heir". In Central India the status of the Ramgarh was a small territory belonging to the native rulers of Gondwana in erstwhile Mandla district. Raja Gaj Singh and his successor Raja Dhan Singh and his brother Raja Hemraj Singh became the rulers of this small state. After the death of Raja Hemraj Singh, his son Raja Lakshman Singh ascended the throne of Ramgarh State. In 1850, after the sudden demise of Raja Lakshman Singh, his successor named Raja Vikramajit inherited the throne as ruler of Ramgarh State. Till this period, the supremacy of British rule had been established almost northern, eastern and central India. They were intervening in the internal affairs of native states and were also forbidding the rulers of their legitimate inheritance and social as well as political obligations. Due to these unusual circumstances, Raja Vikramajit who was a religious minded ruler and devoted his most of the time in meditation was declared by the British East India Company as a insane person and declared the state of Ramgarh to be confiscated, as Raja Vikramajit was having no male successor. Rani Avanti Bai, wife of Raja Vikramajit strongly condemned the British policy of day to day intervention in the affairs of her state. In 1851, the English East India Company appointed the ‘tehsildar’ of Mandla as the caretaker administrative head of Ramgarh, which proved to be fatal and long lasting mistake by the British. It led to the uprising and revolt in this region by the native princess against the unwanted interference of East India Company. Later on Raja Vikramajit and his queen Rani Avanti Bai jointly opposed the British appointment of a tehsildar to look after the administration on their behalf. Raja Vikramajit fell ill and after his death Rani Avanti Bai took the entire reins of the state in her hands and tried to give good governance to her people. As everybody knows that in 1857 that entire northern, eastern, western as well as central India was in the flames of mutiny declared by the British East India Company. In the eyes of patriots and warriors, it was a freedom movement which had the following of entire masses. Rani Avanti Bai was a brave lady having a very acute and strong desire for the emancipation of the political system of the entire region from the clutches of the British East India Company. Although she was having limited resources, she valiantly fought against the British East India Company and during the several small battles; British army had to lose the battle ground and were forced to retreat. Although Rani Avanti Bai tried to search some legitimate successor to own the inheritance of the state, she virtually failed to have male successor. East India Company confiscated her state under the rule of “Court of wards”. This maligned intention of the British East India Company had an impact of utmost remorse and displeasure among the royal family and followers. Rani Avanti Bai had no option other than to have direct and immediate action against the British East Company and her agent who was appointed and entrusted with full powers to rule and govern the state. The agitation and the rebellion spread throughout the Narvada – Sagar territory. From all the native rulers who joined Rani Avanti Bai against the British East India Company, the main leader of the rebellion was Raja Shankar Shah – a tribal ‘gond’ who was the king of entire Gondwana region. She also had the backing and support of other minor chieftains of the region. The battle was fought at ‘Khari’ in which the British Deputy Commissioner Wadington was the commander of British East India Company army. Wadington was a crooked and diplomatic Captain of the army who encircled the native soldiers at the place known as “Deohargarh”. Enemy forces surrounded Rani Avanti Bai and asked her to surrender before the British troops but she declined to do so. Instead of falling in the hands of enemies, she chose to kill herself by her dagger to put away the agony of subjugation and bitter insult. With her limited resources, Rani Avanti Bai fought valiantly against the mighty British East India Company and died on 9th April 1858. She is remembered as person who made the supreme sacrifice for her people, her state and the entire nation. It was her supreme sacrifice which lighted the candle of freedom and the movement not only grew violent more aggressive and resulted in the culmination of Indian Independence on 15th August 1947.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 08:58:41 +0000

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