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हड्डियो मे ज्यादा केलसियम एकत्रित होने से बेकबोन पेन,पैरो मे दर्द होता है। इसके इलाज के लिये,घरेलू है। अाप भी देखिये। Archive for the Osteoporosis Category Sticky: Osteoporosis and calcium By Rajinder Singh Bhalla on January 16, 2015 This entry is filed under Osteoporosis and tagged How to get stronger bones, Osteoporosis, Side effects of calcium supplementation. My father was a government employee and we used to get the medicines and treatment free of cost in government run dispensaries. In our schools we used to be taught that calcium makes the bones stronger. I used to like sports a lot. I am not national or international player. I played almost all games. I was always above average player in every game. With proper training I could have made a mark in some sports at least at state level. But I did not pursue the sports professionally. It was fun to play. When I was a kid, the doctors used to give lots of calcium tablets in each visit to the dispensary for any ailment. Even when I used to complain of cold and cough, along with other medicines we were given calcium. The idea of being strong used to drive me crazy. I used to eat too much of calcium tablets. By the time I was 20 I started feeling back pain. My ankles used to hurt. I used to trip and injure my ankle for absolutely no reason. But I never took those things seriously. Now I remember that I used to sweat a lot. All over my clothes I used to have white salt lines. It used to be very embarrassing. I tried everything but salt excretion will not stop. For the first time, this came to my mind while I am writing this note today (16.01.2015). Now I feel so stupid. My calcium intake was higher and so I used to excrete huge amount of sodium. By the time I was 40 I was told that I have severe osteoporosis. I was shocked. I used to feel extreme pain in my knuckles even if there is a slight impact. I used to have low blood pressure. My back used to hurt too much. I used to have severe constipation. I had kidney stones 3 years in a row. I used to have severe pain in my back. Getting up from the bed in the morning was a big job for me. I did not like drinking milk. I used to add tea leaves in my milk and used to drink about 250 ml milk with tea leaves a day. That was my calcium intake. I used to give calcium to my son as well when he was young. And since I used to have back pain etc I again took some of the calcium teblets when I was 30 year old. My son also used to have back pain when he was young. Around 40 when I was told that I have severe osteoporosis, I took thing seriously. I started reading about the cure of osteoporosis. For the first time I came to know that there is no cure for any disease with the doctors. For the first time I came to know that that there is no cause and effect relationship between diseases and medicines. We used to read that medicine science has progressed a lot. It all started feeling just like a fraud. Anyway I kept learning from internet. Then I day I read about the benefits of drinking water. I started drinking 10-12 glasses of water spread evenly. Every hour one glass of water. Within 10 days all my bone problems seemed to have resolved. I was too happy drinking the same amount of water every day. But soon thereafter I started feeling that the improvement made in bones is slipping away. The negative changes were not sudden. So I could not come to the conclusion that it is increased intake of water that is causing the trouble. After about 1 year, I came cross web site – watercure and watercure2.org. Impressed with the work of Dr. B I started adding salt to my water. ¼ spoon of salt to my water. Around this time Dr. B died due to some complications of lungs and water. I continued but with caution. My intake was about 8 glasses of water with ¼ spoon of salt added in each glass of water. One can well understand that my intake of salt in food would also have gone up. All 4 members of family used to drink salt and water for about 18 months every day without a break. During this period I felt that my bones have become perfect. I had two falls during this period while playing. None due to bone or muscle problems. But the recovery from pain and fall was in less then 2 minutes. That still surprises me. The pain and kind of injury I got on two occasions was enough to put me in bed for more than 6 months. And after 2 minutes I had no trace of pain or any injury. At the end of 18 months period I found that my blood pressure had shot up to 150/100. I had water retention in my feet. I stopped adding salt to my water immediately. Water used to feel sour. Very odd feeling for about 2 months. In 2 months my Blood pressure was back to 110/70. After I had started adding salt to water, I had started playing badminton. I started swimming. Before I started salt and water I had tried on a number of occasions to start sports and exercises, but within 2-3 days I used to have fever and severe body ache and I used to stop. With water and salt I had no fever or body aches. In and around 2011 I read that scientists have found that there is a molecule in our body which controls excretion of calcium and sodium in our urine. And they concluded that excess of sodium is too bad for our bones. In case we have excess of sodium then calcium will also be excreted. I laughed at the conclusion. I reversed my osteoporosis by increasing my salt intake. Today I have normal bones. I have no osteoporosis. All thanks to salt. Now when I look back, I realise the real reasons are as under – High calcium intake caused higher than normal sodium excretion. So I had low Blood Pressure. But I never realised. I had no serious symptoms of that. When I increased my salt intake excess calcium was excreted from my body and my bones became alright. Simple Example White wash is pure calcium. We need to peel off the white wash when we need to apply the white wash again after few years. The same way our bodies must excrete calcium before they can use the calcium for bones again. When there is build up of old calcium in the body, the bones stop absorbing the calcium and there is calcification in the body affecting bones, heart, kidneys (I had kidney stones 3 years in a row) liver etc. We need to have perfect mix of calcium and water for white wash to last longer. Same is true for bones as well. White Wash is done on walls by having a right amount of Whitewash, (known as calcimine, kalsomine, calsomine, or lime paint) with water. If it is more or less then the correct amount, the flakes will come off of the walls soon. Even after a very good and professional white wash, the flakes start coming off of the wall after 2-3 years. The reason is moisture, heat and dryness. When the flakes start coming off, before applying new white wash we scrub the wall and remove the remaining white wash on the wall. Another thing to note is – the residuals remaining after mixing white wash in the container. This is spent calcium which is of no use and must be thrown. My father (80 as on May 2014) also had osteoporosis and was bad ridden for more than 5 years. He had both hip replacements without much improvement in his movements. Now he is also on the same recommended system. He is feeling much better. He is independent and walks without support once again. Now what are my suggestions for beating the osteoporosis? No increase in salt intake (I had to deal with water retention for more than then 7-8 years later) Just do water routine mentioned on the home page of this web site. That is safest . Do the water routine for 10 to 20 days to begin with. After that do the water routine 2-3 times in a month. 4 days at a time. Keep learning. Keep coming back to this web site. I will share all my experiences free of cost. I will never make money out of pains of others. डा- भल्ला के पेज से। साभार।
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 04:47:48 +0000

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