আপনাদের সকলকে আহবান - TopicsExpress


আপনাদের সকলকে আহবান জানাচ্ছি এবং আকুল আবেদন জানাচ্ছি দেশের বর্তমান দূর্যোগময় ক্রান্তি লগ্ন সম্পর্কে এবং অবৈধ স্বৈরাচারী বাকশালী হাসি-না সরকার এর কু-কর্ম বিশ্ব দরবারে আন্তর্জাতিক প্রতিষ্ঠানগুলোতে অবহিত করতে নিচের ই-মেইল এডরেসগুলোতে প্লিজ নিম্নোক্ত মেসেজটি কপি করে ই-মেইল করুন। দেশ বাঁচান মানুষ বাঁচান। ঢাকাস্থ জাতিসংঘ কার্যালয়- [email protected] আমেরিকান দূতাবাস- [email protected] কানাডিয়ান দূতাবাস- [email protected] যুক্তরাজ্য দূতাবাস- [email protected] পররাষ্ট্র মন্ত্রণালয়(যুক্তরাজ্য) - [email protected] অস্ট্রেলিয়ান দূতাবাস- [email protected] চায়না দূতাবাস- [email protected] ইউরোপিয়ান ডেলিগেশন- [email protected] সৌদিআরব দূতাবাস- [email protected] তুরস্ক দূতাবাস- [email protected] রাশিয়ান দূতাবাস- rusembbd@gmail জাপান দূতাবাস- [email protected] ওআইসি কার্যালয়- [email protected] আরবলীগ কার্যালয়- [email protected] আল-জাজিরা - [email protected] বিবিসি - [email protected] ইকোনোমিস্ট - letters@economist হিন্দুস্থান টাইমস - feedback@hindustantimes নিউইয়র্ক টাইমস - inytletters@nytimes হিউম্যান রাইট ওয়াচ - [email protected] এমনেস্টি ইন্টারন্যাশনাল - [email protected] Hello Mr. X I am a citizen of an independent country BANGLADESH, today i am writing to you because we are not in good situation, not our country as well. Now I am writing you in brief the reasons : Sir/Madam, You all know that the government which is formed by a selection without country citizens authentication and without a proper election on 5th January 2013, is rolling a stream on us, on our country. Since it is not an elected government we are calling this a totally illegal and captured government because everyone knows about the background of that election, 154 persons are selected by a party named AWAMI LEAGUE by doing compromise with another party that is JATIYO PARTY which is now a domestic opposition party not in real because the representatives of that opposition party are also playing role in government which prove that the opposition partys role is meaningless and on 5th January only AWAMI LEAGUEs agent gave vote, no people were present and the election observation team told in media that only 5% people cast their vote in all over the country and through media every single person is eye witness that the election centers were empty. Now I am coming to the important point, as you all have seen the situation of the country is deteriorating day by day, the ex-prime minister BEGAUM KHALEDA ZIA who is also a Chairperson of a party named BANGLADESH NATIONALIST PARTY -B.N.P. is loosing all her freedom to do activities as a political party head and moreover a Senior citizen of a freedom country. This illegal and selfish government just want a one sided government in this country, they are crossing their limit by violating all the rights and conducts. They are killing and disappearing local people of this country, forcing towards jail.The administrations are not working for people rather they are playing vital roles doing illegal acts ordered by the illegal government. The country BANGLADESH is not a democratic country anymore. They have collapsed the TRUE&FAIR speaking media an example of that EKUSHEY TELEVISION (ETV), they have captured the justice places like court where the judge is doing injustice with local people and the people are not getting remedies also. Lets talk about the recent issues created by the illegal government, as you all know on 3rd January 2015, the leader of BNP and ex-prime minister went to her office which is located at Gulshan, Dhaka. But after completing her work when she started her journey towards her home, the illegal government stopped her BY FORCE, by giving barriers by the trucks, pick up vans, a huge platoon of POLICE, DETECTIVES stopped her and locker her gate as well. On the next day the government telling in front of media that BEGAUM KHALEDA ZIA is having a high life risk therefore she is locked at her office, but if she wants to go anywhere, just inform us, we will give full protocols and safety equipment that are required for her.But what we have seen on 5th January at 5 p.m. ? Begaum Khaleda Zia wanted to go at her Naya Paltans office because of a program called by their party, but at that time police just stopped her at the gate, she tried a lot but became failure and she also asked to the administration that if it is for my safety than why this illegal government is not allowing me to go at may another office ?? Is it a democratic country ?? Why this illegal government is hampering my legal rights ? The most shocking part was, the POLICE threw PIPER SPRAY targeting to Madam Zia and her supporters in front of media, every one saw that, as we all know PIPER SPRAY is restricted all over the world by UNITED NATIONS (UN). Begaum Khaleda Zia and her supporters and also some media workers are heavily injured by that spray. Arresting BNP supporters and also local people who is fighting for democracy in our country.Killing, injuring, doing physical assault and many other crimes everyday. Now, Sir/Madam ,as a citizen of a democratic independent country, we do not want this situation any more, we want democracy, we want freedom. The days can not go like this way. It is also stopping the wheel of finance in our country, the business industries are collapsing day by day. We really want to pressurize this illegal, HUMAN RIGHTS violating, KILLER government internationally, we really need your help now. PLEASE SIR/MADAM HELP US, HELP OUR COUNTRY GIVE US FREEDOM, GIVE US LIFE !!! Thank You Very Much - A BANGLADESHI CITIZEN......যদি দেশকে দেশের মানুষকে ভালবাসেন তা হলে নিজে পাঠান. অন্যকে পাঠাতে বলেন. ... Copy .. রাসেল ভাই...
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 23:05:44 +0000

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