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আমি খুব দুঃখিত যে আপনাদেরকে বাংলায় রেজাল্ট দিতে পারছিনা। আমি সকাল ৭ টা থেকে রেজাল্ট লিখেছি কিন্তু কারেন্ট চলে যাওয়ায় তা পোস্ট করতে পারিনি। তাই রেজাল্ট অনেক কষ্ট করে লিখেও দিতে পারলাম না। আজকের জন্য ইংরেজিতে একটু কষ্ট করে পরুন। কোন অর্থ না বুঝলে কমেন্ট করুন। উত্তর দেয়া হবে। আমার টিউশন আছে বিধায় বাংলায় দিলাম না। নইলে দিয়ে দিতাম। ইনশাল্লাহ আগামিতে এমন দুর্ঘটনা ঘটবে না। We kick things off with The Authority making their way out to the ring and talk about respect. The fans chant for CM Punk and Stephanie asks why chant for quitters. It’s because they’re quitters themselves and would love to just quit their jobs when things get serious. Paul Heyman comes out and says his client Brock Lesnar feels disrespected by what Seth Rollins did at Night Of Champions. Rollins comes out and says he acted alone and did so because he wanted to face the best and calls Brock Lesnar the best. He apologizes to Heyman for what he did and Heyman accepts but should it happen again next time hell be dealing with Lesnar. Rollins next addresses Dean Ambrose and the theft of his MITB briefcase and calls out Ambrose. Ambrose appears on the screen and says looking at The Authority makes him sick and says Rollins used to be a man but now since Rollins has his corporate mommy and daddy fighting his battles, if Rolllins wants his briefcase back all he has to do is come and get it. The Authority exit and make their way up the ramp but Cena cuts them off and throws Rollins into the ring. Rolllins flees through the crowd and returns to the entrance and mocks Cena -Commercial- Susan G. Komen campaign Moments Ago: We take a look at what happened before break Backstage: Triple H gives Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury the authority to get the job done and retrieve the MITB briefcase 1. WWE Intercontinental Championship: Miz vs Dolph Ziggler vs Cesaro Miz and Cesaro double team Ziggler. Cesaro with a gutwrench on Miz. Cesaro goes for the big swing but Miz clotheslines him. Miz turns his attention to Ziggler. Ziggler tries to fight back. Mz goes for the neckbreaker but Cesaro with a power move to Ziggler. Cesaro mlitary presses Miz as Ziggler hits a dropkick from behind -Commercial- Series of nearfalls between all three and Ziggler drops Cesaro and Miz with a DDT... Cesaro misses with a right hand. Ziggler with a splash in the corner on Miz. Dropkick and clothesline to Cesaro. Ziggler once more drops Cesaro and Miz. Mizdow taken out. Miz looking for the figure four. Ziggler kicks him into Cesaro who lands an uppercut/ Ziggler takes out Cesaro and slaps the figure four on Miz. Ziggler with a superkick to Cesaro and covers Miz for the three count The winner of the match: Dolph Ziggler Backstage: Noble and Mercury are looking for Dean Ambrose -Commercial- WEget a Wyatt Family promo Backstage: Noble and Mercury are in The Authoritys office and say they cant find Dean Ambrose and Stephanie tells them to find Ambrose or theyre fired. Miz and Sandow walk in complaining about how they deserve a rematch with Ziggler one on one no triple threat and they dont share the spotlight because they are bonafide A-listers. Triple H tells them to make him chuckle because thats why theyre here. To make him laugh and warns Miz never to stomp into his office barking orders again -Commercial- Rosa Mendes vs Layla Right hand by Layla to Rosa. Chinlock on Rosa. Rosa trying to escape nearfall by Layla. Rosa tries to fight back but Layla still control as she dumps Rosa out of the ring.. Summer and Natalya get in each others face as a brawl breaks out. Rosa throws Layla back into the ring. Layla with a neckbreaker on Rosa and hits the Lay-out for the three count The winner of the match: Layla Backstage: Dean Ambrose is shown walking -Commercial- Dean Ambrose comes out and Mercury and Noble walk out to the ring to confront him. Ambrose tells them they need to stop being so intimidating and if they want the briefcase alll they have to do is come into the ring and get it. Ambrose then throws tshirts out into the crowd.. Mercury, Noble and Rollins come out with security. Ambrose says hes busted and questions if theyre really security because he could have sworn they were rosebuds last week. Ambrose then tells Rollins to take his briefcase and says hes sorry he doesnt want any problems. Ambrose exits the ring and steps over the barricade walking back through the crowd. Rollins is in the ring and opens it and gets slimed. Rollins blames Mercury and Noble for this as he exits the ring. -Commercial- Backstage: Rollins is complaining he could have been blinded. Orton and Kane are laughing and Rollins tells them its not funny. Triple H tells Rollins to go have his eyes washed out and orders Ambrose to be found and told tonight he and Cena will compete in tag team action against Kane and Orton. Orton says they did this last week but Triple H says they just saw what happened Rollins is in no shape to compete. They then hear a whirring sound coming from the briefcase and Rollins steps back in and grabs his briefcase and tells them its an electric razor. Mark Henry vs Bo Dallas Mark Henry comes out and says the past week has been emotional and wants to apologize because he knows the fans expect more out of him. Bo Dallas comes out and tells him not to apologize to the WWE Universe but to apologize to himself because he lost to Rusev twice. Hes been knocked out, passed out and even cried out. Hes not living up to his potential and says its time to close the hall of pain and join the Hall Of Bo-Lievers Headbutt by Henry and Dallas whipped into the corner. Irish whip across the ring. Henry picks Dallas up and slams him. Another headbutt to Dallas. Henry misses witht he moonsault. Dallas hits the Running Bo-dog for the three count The winner of the match: Bo Dallas -Commercial- Backstage: Renee catches up with Bo Dallas and asks how he managed to pick up a victory over Mark Henry. Dallas says hes been telling everyone for months all you have to do is Bo-lieve. Henry then attacks Dallas Stardust is talking to himself and Goldust says theyve captured the cosmic key and all this is science fiction. Stardust says but the tag team championships are science fact. -Commercial- Brie is in the ring and Nikki comes out and says how fitting the quitter getting ready for her match in the city she quit in and all for Daniel Bryan and she quit for all the fans and when Brie quit Nikki was punished and she was nowhere to be found and tonight she feels like a little payback and tonight Brie will have a little handicap match of her own. Brie Bella vs Eva Marie & Cameron Armdrag by Brie to Eva. Eva with a knee and forearm to the back. Brie with a kick to Cameron. Eva floors Brie and then throws her into the corner where Cameron takes over with kicks. Cameron with a suplex. Chinlock on Brie. Brie gets to her feet and tries to fight back but Cameron throws her into the corner. Brie with a right hand to Eva. Brie fighting her way out of the corner. Eva with a handful of hair. Cameron bumps into Eva as Brie rolls her up for the three count The winner of the match: Brie Bella -Commercial- Los Matadores vs Slater Gator ONeil with an irish whip delivering a backbreaker to Fernando. Slater in going for an atomic drop. Hurricanrana by Diego landing chops to Slater. Diego on the second rope as ONeil throws Hornswoggle in the ring. El Torito chases Hornswoggle out of the ring as Slater rolls Diego up for the three count The winners of the match: Slater Gator Post Match: ONeil slams El Torito to the mat and Hornswoggle with the gator rol on ONeil. The bunny on the apron with Adam Rose as Los Matadores double team Slater. The Bunny goes to the top rope and lands a splash onto Slater -Commercial- Rusev and Lana come out to the ring and Lana tells the crowd to shut up as she cuts a promo in Russian. Lana then turns attention towards the big screen where she says Rusev showed his dominance over Big Show then Show displayed what a sore loser he is and tried to intimidate Rusev. Show comes out and says that was really good the way they twisted the facts around. That works real well for them but he and the WWE Universe know its all a bunch of crap. Show then tells Lana she cant handle the truth. Show then shows footage of he and Henry. Rusev then says he wants to jam his fist down Shows throat and pull out his guts, bite his ear off and kick him in the groin and wats to break every bone in Shows body. Rusev then gets fired up and goes to continue but Show tells him enough they dont speak Russian. Show then runs down and Rusev and Lana exit the ring. Show taunts Rusev by putting his hands on the Russian Flag and pulls it down.Rusev charges the ring and Show takes a swing at him. Rusev slides in and gets tossed back out of the ring. Backstage: John Cena talks about tonights main event. Dean Ambrose walks in and says after their tag match Seth Rollins is his. Cena says if Rollins interferes before, during or after the match hes got a beating coming his way at the hands of Cena. Ambrose says no one takes food off his table not even Cena -Commercial- Alicia Fox vs AJ Lee Paige remained ringside to try to distract A.J., who ignored Paiges presence and quickly knocked Fox out of the ring. Paige tried to help Fox recover, then A.J. flew off the top rope with a splash on both Divas. Paige, upset, distracted A.J. when they returned to the ring. Fox then finished off A.J. for the pin and the win. The winner of the match: Alicia Fox Post Match: Paige attacked A.J. back in the ring. Fox then went under the ring to retrieve a few beverages for no apparent reason. Paige and Alicia double-teamed A.J., then Paige stood tall over A.J. with possession of the Divas Title belt. Fox threw the beverages down at Lee. Suddenly, the Wyatt theme interrupted. Bray talked in a pre-recorded video about finding Luke Harper when he was purposeless and directionless. He said he fixed Harper and sent him out into the world. And now Harper has been pieced back together. -Commercial- Sheamus vs Damien Mizdow Sheamus drops Mizdow with series fo cloteslines. Sheamus goes for the 10 Beats Of The Bohdran but Mizdow counters. Sheamus throwshim around the ring. Mizdow with a kick to the face and a DDT. Mizdow wears Sheamus down. Sheamus with a series of elbows. Mizdown with a knee to the midsection. Mizdow with knees to the face. Mizdow runs into a double sledge. Sheamus with the high running knee. Another high running knee in the corner. Sheamus with the Ten Beats Of The Bohdran. Sheamus to the outside. Miz gets involved Sheamus throws Mizdow into the Miz then back into the ring where he hits The Brogue Kick for the three count The winner of the match: Sheamus -Commercial- Hulk Hogan comes out to ring to plug WWE teaming up with the Susan G. Komen Foundation Backstage: Orton and Kane are complaining about lately having to fight Seth Rollins battles for him. Stephanie walks in and says people are saying Ortons gone soft and Kanes lost that killer instinct that once made him a dominant force. Kane asks if people are saying that or if shes just saying that to get what she wants. Stephanie said when Ambrose attacked Seth Rollins he attacked The Authority and the Authority is more than a group they are a family. -Commercial- John Cena & Dean Ambrose vs Kane & Randy Orton Cena and Orton started things off, setting up a dueling chant of Lets Go Cena / Cena Sucks. Kane then tagged in and Cena thought about an AA, but Kanes weight collapsed on Cenas back. Kane tagged out to Orton, who stomped away on a weakened Cena. Raw cut to break with Ambrose pacing the ring apron. -Commercial- Ambrose gets the tag and unloads on Kane and Orton. Rollins runs in and interferes attacking Ambrose as the referee calls for the bell The winners of the match: Dean Ambrose and John Cena Post Match: Orton delivers an RKO to Ambrose and Kane follows with a chokeslam. Rollins with the Curb Stomp on Ambrose. Cena tries to fight back but gets the same treatment as Raw goes off the air with Orton, Rollins and Kane standing over Orton and Ambrose -End Show-
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 04:06:15 +0000

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