আসসলামু আলাইকুম আমার - TopicsExpress


আসসলামু আলাইকুম আমার মুসলিম ভাইয়েরা কেন আবু বাকর রদিয়াল্লোহুআমহু তারাউইর ব্যপারে এমন করলেননা যেমন উমার রদিয়াল্লোহুআমহু করলেন উত্তরে ইমাম আশ-শাতিবি রহ্‌মাতুল্লোহি আলাইহ্‌ বলেনঃ 1. either because he thought that the people’s praying qiyaam at the end of the night, and what they were doing, was better in his opinion than bringing them together to pray behind an imam at the beginning of the night; this was mentioned by at-Tartooshi; 2. or it was because he (may Allah be pleased with him) had little time to examine such #minor issues, when he was focused on dealing with the #apostates and other #issues that were #more important #than #Taraweeh prayer. Then when Islam became well-established at the time of ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him), and he saw the people scattered in the mosque, as it says in the report, he [‘Umar] said: If I bring the people together to pray behind one reciter, that will be better. When he did that, he pointed out that their praying qiyaam at the end of the night was better. Then the salaf (early generations) agreed that this was valid and they approved of it, and the ummah cannot unanimously agree on misguidance. The scholars stated that consensus can only be on the basis of shar‘i evidence._al-I‘tisaam, 1/194 আমার Neo-Salafi ভাইদের জন্য প্রশ্ন এখানে ইমাম ষাতিবি কী বুঝিয়েছেন? এখানে তিনি দ্বিন প্রতিষ্টা অ মুরতাদ্দের সাথে লড়া আর-অ গুরত্তপূন মনে করেছেন তারাউই-র ছাইতে, তবে এখন আমাদের কন বিষয়গুল বেশি ফকাস দেয়া উচিত? আমি বলছিনা তারাউই ছেড়ে দেন!! কারন the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him): “Whoever prays qiyaam in Ramadan out of faith and seeking reward with Allah, his previous and later sins will be forgiven.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 09:33:45 +0000

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