ঢাবি গ ইউনিট ইংলিশ - TopicsExpress


ঢাবি গ ইউনিট ইংলিশ প্রশ্ন সমাধানঃ DU C Unit English Question solution: Set B Read the passage below and answer questions 1-5: Singapore ranked by the World Bank as the second most densely populated country of the world, imports more than 90 percent of its food. Singapore produced nearly 22,000 tons of vegetables in 2013, compared with a little more than 7,000 tons in 2004. Last year it imported 524,574 tons of vegetables. While Singapore ranked fifth out of 109 countries in the Economic intelligence Unit’s global food security index, the government wants to diversify its food sources and become more self reliant in producing eggs, fish and leafy vegetables. As part of its efforts, it has provided some funding and research support to local vertical farming company Sky Greens, which grows leafy vegetables at its farm in three-storey high frames inside greenhouses. 1.What could be an appropriate title to the passage? A.Food Scarcity in Singapore; B.Lack of food security in Singapore; C. Diversification of Food Sources in Singapore; D. Singapore’s food imports and Exports; E.Research Support to Vertical Farming Ans: C 2.According to the passage, Singapore government wants to diversify its food sources______ of its high position in the global food security index. A.despite; B. in spite; C. because; D. as a result; E.in case Ans: B. 3.Diversify means A. branch out; B. contact; C. continue; D. stop; E divide Ans: A. 4.Vertical farming is more suited to areas where A. cities are crowded; B.farm land is scarce; C. people eat a lot; D. people live in poverty; E. trees are numerous Ans: D 5. Greenhouses are A. ecologically suitable houses; B. Buildings or complexes where plants are grown; C. building that are painted green; D. safe houses in a wa zone; E. buildings that save energy Ans: A Find the correct sentence(question 6-7) 6.A. Ratan faile to carry out his studies for poverty. B.Ratan has failed to carry away his studies for poverty. C.Ratan failed to carry on his studies for poverty. D.Ratan has failed to carry about his studies for poverty. E.Ratan failed to carry off his studies for poverty. Ans: C. 7.A. He casted his vote for you. B. He cast his vote for you. C. He caste his vote for you. D. He cost his vote for you. E. He cusped his vote for you. Ans: B. 8.Find out the error. Popular method of treating colds include taking extra vitamins, getting a lot of sleep, and drinking a plenty of liquid. A.method; B. colds; C.Extra vitamins; D.sleep; E.liquid Ans: A. 9. Since Ruma didn’t want to be disturbed while studying, she left the phone off hooks. A. of hooks; B.for the hook; C.off hooking; D.off the hook; E.from the hook Ans:E. from the hook 10. Since the officer was overburdened with work, hid colleague decided to give him hand. A.giving hands; B.give him a hand;C.give him handful;D.give him handy; E.give him hands Ans: B. give him a hand 11. HEART:HUMAN A.Tail: Dog; B.Hand:Child; C.Kitchen:House; D.Brick:wall; E..Engine: Car Ans: E.Engine: Car 12.Correct spelling? Aittee; B.Comitee; Cmittee; Ditie; Emitte Ans:C. committee 13. His health has_____ because of hard labor. A.broken up; B.broken into; C.broken out; D.broken for; E. broken down Ans: E. broken down 14. He told me that he______ in Khulna in the previous year. A.had been working; B.has been working; C.has worked; D.was working; E.have been working Ans: A. had been working 15.In time of financial crisis, such lavish expenditure should be________-. A.Justified; B.curtailed;C.encouraged; D.corrected; E. organised Ans:B. curtailed 16.The word Brittle means A.strong; B.wiry;C.enduring;D.resistant; e.fragaile Ans: E. Fragile 17.Ten thousand dollars_______a lot of money. a.are; B.is; C.were; D.arent; E.its Ans:B. is 18. While going to office, take your umbrella______ it rains. a.if; B.if not;C.perhaps; D.in case; E.by the chance Ans:D. in case ** Prepositions 19. She was blessed_____ a son. A.by; B.for; C.in; D.with;E.of Ans: D. with 20. I will write______ your phone number. A.off; B.down;C.on; D.in;E.up Ans: B. down 21.Suman is beating around the bush. Sumon is…… A.avoiding the main point;B.attacking aggressively;C.solving a problem; D.clearing the undergrowth; E.speaking to the point Ans:A. avoiding the main point. **Synonym 22. Degrading A.damning;B.lowering;C.corrupting;D.minimizing;E.maximizing Ans: B. Lowering 23. Ardous A.hazardous;B.difficult;C.different;D.pleasurable;E.tedious Ans: B. difficult **Antonym 24. Perilous A.risky;B.greedy;C.curative;D.secure;E.dire Ans:D. Secure 25. Perfect a.spotless;B.immaculate;C.sheer;D.superb;E.flawed Ans: E. Flawed ©Mostafa Kamal Toorzo Lecturer, S@ifurs
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 08:36:18 +0000

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