পেজে ধারাবাহিকভাবে - TopicsExpress


পেজে ধারাবাহিকভাবে প্রতিদিন ১টি করে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ Essay পোস্ট করা হচ্ছে। ভাল কিছু পেতে পেজটির সাথেই থাকুন। সবাইকে ধন্যবাদ। আজকের Topics: Globalization The term globalization has been increasing use since the mid-1980s and especially since the mid-1990s. In 2000, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) identified four basic aspects of globalization: trade and transactions, capital and investment movements, migration and movement of people and the dissemination of knowledge. Further, environmental challenges such as climate change, cross-boundary water, air pollution, and over-fishing of the ocean are linked with globalization. Globalizing processes affect and are affected by business and work organization, economics, socio-cultural resources, and the natural environment In light of advanced technology, higher demands from markets and faster turnaround times, globalization has become a staple for world commerce. In the U.S., the term globalization often has negative connotations. For many, it represents a threat to their jobs, livelihood and way of life. Though many Americans think of it as a dirty word, globalization, actually has been a catalyst for positive change as well. Here are four ways that globalization has had a positive impact on the world economy: 1. More efficient markets: Efficient markets should be what every economy strives for. Essentially, the sign of an efficient market is where there is an equilibrium between what buyers are willing to pay for a good or service and what sellers are willing to sell for a good or service. 2. Increased competition: Anytime that you have multiple producers competing for a hold of the economy, that’s a good sign for consumers, as the quality of goods and services often goes up as a result. 3. Stabilized security: When your economy depends largely on another country’s economy, it is hard to imagine either one of the countries attacking the other. In a weird sort of way, globalization helped heighten world security. 4. More wealth equality throughout the world: Although many Americans contend that their standard of living has gone down because of globalization, the flip side to this is that hundreds of thousands of people around the world now have jobs, have started their own businesses and can provide comfort for their families. The Effects of Economic Globalization on Developing Countries: Financial and industrial globalization is increasing substantially and is creating new opportunities for both industrialized and developing countries. The largest impact has been on developing countries, which now are able to attract foreign investors and foreign capital. This has led to both positive and negative effects for those countries. Increased Standard of Living: Economic globalization gives governments of developing nation’s access to foreign lending. These funds are used on infrastructure including roads, health care, education, and social services, the standard of living in the country increases. Access to New Markets: Globalization leads to freer trade between countries. This is one of its largest benefits to developing nations. Homegrown industries see trade barriers fall and have access to a much wider international market. Widening Disparity in Incomes: While an influx of foreign companies and foreign capital creates a reduction in overall unemployment and poverty, it can also increase the wage gap between those who are educated and those who are not. Decreased Employment: The influx of foreign companies into developing countries increases employment in many sectors, especially for skilled workers. However, improvements in technology come with the new businesses and that technology spreads to domestic companies. Foreign Direct Investment: Foreign direct investment (“FDI”) tends to increase at a much greater rate that the growth in world trade, helping boost technology transfers, industrial restructuring, and the growth of global companies. Technological Innovation: Increased competition from globalization helps stimulate new technology development, particularly with the growth in FDI, which helps improve economic output by making processes more efficient. Economies of Scale: Globalization enables large companies to realize economies of scale that reduce costs and prices, which in turn supports further economic growth, although this can hurt many small businesses attempting to compete domestically. Some of the risks of globalization include: •Interdependence: Globalization leads to interdependence between nations, which could cause regional or global instabilities, if local economic fluctuations end up impacting a large number of countries relying on them. •National Sovereignty: Some see the rise of nation states, multinational or global firms and other international organizations as a threat to sovereignty. Ultimately, this could cause some leaders to become nationalistic or xenophobic. •Equity Distribution: The benefits of globalization can be unfairly skewed towards rich nations or individuals, creating greater inequalities and leading to potential conflicts both nationally and internationally as a result. •Cultural Dominance While cultures are becoming less distinct, this is not necessarily an equitable shift. Rather, it is an increase in the influence of wealthier Western cultures at the expense of other cultures. This means that cultural globalization is really a matter of Westernization, with more people speaking English and following American ideals. While cultural distinctions are eroding, they are also being consumed, which is a negative effect of globalization. Admin→ ⌠ Rashed Zaman ⌡ বিসিএস ও ব্যাংক জব পরীক্ষার সর্বোত্তম প্রস্তুতির জন্যঃ Plz Like→ Preparation For BCS Exam Plz Join→ Job Preparation [ BCS+BANK ]
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 13:02:59 +0000

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