বিসিএস সহ সকল চাকরির - TopicsExpress


বিসিএস সহ সকল চাকরির পরীক্ষায় Idioms থাকেই ,একটু পড়লে সহজেই কমনও পাওয়া যায় তাই এ অংশে গুরুত্ব দিন ।আমি কয়েকটি দিলাম --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Raining Cats and Dogs: A very loud and noisy rain storm. 2. Ring Fencing: Seperated usual judgement to guarantee protection, especially project funds. 3. Rise and Shine: Time to get out of bed and get ready for work/school. 4. Rome Was Not Built In One Day: If you want something to be completely properly, then its going to take time. 5. Rule Of Thumb: A rough estimate. 6. Run out of steam: To be completely out of energy. 7. Saved By The Bell: Saved at the last possible moment. 8. Scapegoat: Someone else who takes the blame. 9. Scot-free: To escape and not have to pay. 10. Sick As A Dog: To be very sick (with the flu or a cold). 11. The Best Of Both Worlds: There are two choices and you have them both. 12. The Bigger They Are The Harder They Fall: While the bigger and stronger opponent might be alot more difficult to beat, when you do they suffer a much bigger loss. 13. The Last Straw: When one small burden after another creates an unbearable situation, the last straw is the last small burden that one can take. 14. The Whole Nine Yards: Everything. All of it. 15. Third times a charm: After no success the first two times, the third try is a lucky one. 16. Tie the knot: To get married. 17. Til the cows come home: A long time. 18. To Make A Long Story Short: Something someone would say during a long and boring story in order to keep his/her audience from losing attention. Usually the story isnt shortened. 19. To Steal Someones Thunder: To take the credit for something someone else did. 20. Tongue-in-cheek: humor, not to be taken serious. 21. Sitting Shotgun: Riding in the front passenger seat of a car. 22. Sixth Sense: A paranormal sense that allows you to communicate with the dead. 23. Skid Row: The rundown area of a city where the homeless and drug users live. 24. Smell A Rat: To detect someone in the group is betraying the others. 25. Smell Something Fishy: Detecting that something isnt right and there might be a reason for it. 26. Son of a Gun: A scamp. 27. Southpaw: Someone who is left-handed. 28. Spitting Image: The exact likeness or kind. 29. Start From Scratch: To do it all over again from the beginning. 30. The Ball Is In Your Court: It is your decision this time. ✿-----------------------✿-----------------------✿ --------------------------------------------------------------------- নিজের সুবিধা মতো পড়তে শেয়ার করে নিজের টাইমলাইনে রাখুন; ফেসবুকের নিয়মানুযায়ী নিয়মিত লাইক , শেয়ার ,কমেন্ট না করলে পেজের পোস্ট আপনাদের হোম পেইজে আর দেখা যাবে না । তাই অনেকেই আমার সব গুলো আপডেট থেকে বঞ্চিত হচ্ছেন।আমার পরিশ্রম তখনই সফল হবে যখন সবাই উপকৃত হবেন তাই প্রতিটি পোস্টে লাইক দিবেন।এবং কমেন্টে নিজের বন্ধুদের নাম মেনসন করবেন।তাইলে বন্ধুরাও মিস করবে না ।ধন্যবাদ।
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 10:03:58 +0000

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