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যারা লেখালেখি করো তাদের #Oxford_University থেকে প্রকাশিত বুকলেট, #Creative_Writing পড়ার জন্য পরামর্শ থাকবে। Creative Writing Course When you do exercises that get the mind working, you are improving your life in all other aspects. When you have to think, you are giving your brain a workout much like you would do for your body. Even if you aren’t doing something that is related to your field of study, you are helping your brain work better. If you want something to jog your mind and to help keep your thought processes sharp and working hard, you should consider taking a creative writing course. A creative writing course is great even if you aren’t a writer and even if you have no interest in every being a writer. The courses force you to be creative and think of things you may not have ever imagined before. This keeps you open and keeps you thinking. Many who work in jobs that require a lot of problem solving greatly benefit from taking a creative writing course. If you can stretch your mind to create a story, you will find that you can easily stretch your mind to come up with new ways to solve old problems A creative writing course is also great if you are a writer. You might learn new things about your craft, and you might also learn how to push through writing blocks. Even if you are a technical writer or a journalist, you can still benefit from the exercises involved in a creative writing course. You can learn how to think of better story angles or perhaps slants on articles that you may never have been able to think of before you started. They will expand your mind and help you in all areas of your career. You may even find that you like it enough to do some creative writing on the side. If you want to take a creative writing course you can find them online or in your local community. You may find some at a community college that are only a few months in length and won’t cost you a lot of money. You can find them online as well, and if you have a full time career, this might be the way to go for you. You can take your creative writing course whenever you have the time and you can get your own hours. If you have a look around online, you will find plenty of options from which to choose. #Chapter01 How To Learn The Art Of Creative Writing The term creative writing is used to discern certain types of inventive or artistic writing from other general types of writing. The field of creative writing is broad and includes many different formats and genres of writing. The broad and general description of it is purposeful in its effort not to limit the imagination of the potential writer, or that of the reader. Creative writing is totally different from other types of writing, such as technical writing, scientific writing, or copy-driven journalism. The discipline of creative writing includes, but should not be limited to, works of fiction, poetry, personal memoir or autobiography, song lyrics, plays and screenplays, and any mixture of the above. By and large, writing is a skill that is innate to a person. Just like with other proficiencies, most types of writing often comes easier to some people than to others. Therefore, it is often thought that a person cannot be taught how to write, especially creatively. Despite whatever natural talents for writing a person might have, those talents often need to be developed in order for the writer to realize his or her fullest potential in the craft. Learning how to write creatively must begin on the inside. A certain amount of individual experience, opinion, and innate sensitivity must be tapped when taking on the task of creative writing. Creative writing is an artistic expression, like painting or composing music. It is therefore subject to criticism, both constructive and disrespectful. This should in no way deter a person from writing creatively, or in any other way. Sometimes, artistic expression is done just for the sake of doing it. T here does not have to be a reason to create something, and there does not have to be an explanation behind the creation. The personal expression is free. This sentiment holds especially true with creative writing. Creative writing courses are extremely popular and widely available in various formats. Short-term workshops ranging from merely a few hours to a day or several weekly sessions are available through public libraries, community education centers, and even community colleges. They are for everyone from the beginner to the seasoned writer looking to polish his or her skills. In a creative writing course, there are many potential topics to discuss and methods to teach at length. These topics include, but are not limited to, techniques on brainstorming and exploring creative ideas, overcoming writers block, learning how to structure work, overcoming the fear of people reading/judging the created work, editing completed work, and getting works published. Though some will argue that true creative writing cannot be taught, it is widely acknowledged that certain skills can be mined and honed, as well as certain techniques taught, to make almost anyone at least a fair writer, and not be afraid to unleash his or her creativity. Many budding writers opt to study creative writing in college. Often it can be an emphasis within a major in English, and a 4-year bachelors degree can be earned. This can open doors to many professional opportunities, as well as equip a writer with the skills to either take a stab at freelance writing, or translate his or her creative writing skills into other professional arenas, such as public relations, advertising, or editing. For those whose writing ambition is to do creative writing as more of a hobby, looking to the Internet for creative writing websites is a good way to get work seen and gain insight into the craft. Many creative writing websites offer bulletin boards where writers can post works to be read and enjoyed, and where feedback can be given reciprocally. Also, writers can find a real community of individuals looking for other writers with whom to trade and share ideas. Some creative writing websites also offer some of the same lessons and pointers on brainstorming and and formulating ideas, editing, publishing, and other techniques that many workshops or writing courses offer, except it often does not cost anything online, and it is more convenient. There is also the appeal of the relative anonymity online, for the shy writer who is not quite ready for the face-to-face public arena. True creative writing might not be a learned talent, but the ability to tap inner creativity is possible for just about anyone. #Chapter02 How To Write A Book Is your book manuscript as professional and compelling as it could be? Tell the truth; could it use some work to make it crisp and compelling? Yes. Keep reading if you need some tips to make your book writing pull readers in by the collar. Also, youll discover how to write a book that keeps them reading to the end. Use the tips below to help you write your book like a pro and finish stronger to sell longer: 1. Write your book title to capture your readers attention. Professional writers know the power wielded through a hot title. They realize a dud title versus a sizzler title can cause their book to plummet or soar in sales. Knowing this, you owe it to yourself and books success to develop your best title. After all, the better your title the more people will reach out and grab your book to read. Develop your book title to have top seller status. 2. Develop your opening paragraph with a hook. Many unseasoned writers dont realize the importance of starting with a hook (something to capture your readers attention and entice them to read further.) Create a sizzling start. Hook your readers through emotion. Slant your book or introduction with a question or an amazing statistic. Share the top benefits of your book early. Target the You in every reader. 3. Write a 1-2 sentence thesis for your book. Following your short introduction including your hook (opening statement), write your thesis. Make it simple; let your readers know what benefits await them if they keep reading. For example, one author friend uses sizzling bullet points to entice the reader into the chapter. 4. Write each chapter to support your thesis. Experts know a book centered around one central become top sellers. Write a thesis for your book as a whole and each chapter. Book writing with a thesis will help you create a more compelling, organized and easy to read book. 5. Write your book with the self-editor off. Dont try to write your book and self-edit as you go. It slows you down and may even make you lose momentum. Get it out on paper then self-edit for re-writing. Get feedback from your friends and associates. A writers group is a good place to get feedback. Then invest in a professional editor. 6. Shorten your book introduction. Entice your reader with the main benefit (main central thought) early to keep them reading. Write the rest of your piece to support your main central thought. Sprinkle the rest of the benefits throughout your copy in descending priority. 7. Slash passive structures. Use emotional, power verbs to show instead of tell. Passive sentences slow and dull your writing. Get rid of the passive voice sentences. Give your sentences a clear subject and a verb to avoid the passive voice. The writer found fame and fortune through marketing her books online. instead of The writers books were instrumental in leading her to fame and fortune. Avoid connecting verbs like was, is, had, and seemed. If you dont put these How to Write a Book tips into practice you could end up this time next year still writing dull, boring copy for your book. Instead, you could take my advice and attract a host of ezine publishers, other web sites and book readers searching for more of your material? The best part is theyll come prepared to pull out their card and buy because your writing caught their attention and kept it. Now go; write your book like a pro to finish stronger and sell longer. #Chapter03 Writing a Book When you start writing a novel you may find doing so somewhat more difficult than you expected. You are not alone when you make this discovery, as many novice writers and even published authors find themselves in the very same predicament. Perhaps one of the most difficult things may be trying to discover who, what, where, when, why and how you are going to develop the next Pulitzer Prize Winning fiction book. This article will provide you with a number of thoughts and ideas which should make your task not quite so difficult and much more enjoyable. Your mental attitude, about why you are writing the book of your dreams, may well be the governing factor in the success or failure of your book. A good attitude would be looking at your book as something you have always wanted to do, not necessarily as the one thing which will propel you from rags to riches. To help you get in the right frame of mind about this, perhaps you should check out some of the statistics about having a book published in the United States. You should know that approximately 162,000 books are published a year. Please dont let the statistics deter you from your writing. On the contrary, if 162,000 books will be born, yours can be too. In other words, you may well be the next Best Selling Author just be realistic about the reasons you are writing and the expectations you have for your writing. Doing anything because you love to do it will always make it easier to complete. You now have the right mental attitude now lets move on to what you are going to write about. Obviously, you already have an idea or thoughts on what you want to write about. If you are a first time novelist, it is important for you to consider writing on something which you are passionate and have knowledge of. By doing so you will reduce the chances of you becoming bored and you can rest assured that if you become bored with the topic, it will increase the difficulty of writing your book. One of the things that ties directly in with the subject of your book, will be the style of writing you elect to use. Lets presume you are a police officer and have decided you are extremely knowledgeable and passionate about solving murder mysteries. Take a trip to your library and check out as many books, by different authors, about murder mystery as you can. Read every book and while reading take notes about the style of the authors writing. You will soon begin to recognize the style that fits you the best. As you are well aware there are many other aspects to writing, which can make writing a book difficult, they are beyond the scope of this article at this time. However, by having the right mental attitude, writing about something you know or very passionate about, taking the time to develop your own style, you should be able to start writing a novel which could become the next best seller - especially with some solid guidance. #Chapter04 How To Write, Promote And Publish A Childrens Book Writing and Publishing a Childrens Book is a dream for many people. Unfortunately, it is often a difficult dream to realize since most talented writers do not know or understand which steps to take first to begin the process of becoming known and getting published. Do you need an agent, illustrator, assistant, consultant or book marketer? Do you know which Childrens Publishing Houses should be the first ones to submit your work to for maximum profit & the highest probability of acceptance? Have you decided on type of Children’s Book you plan on writing? The Childrens Book Publishing business can be complicated for the ill-informed, but easy to navigate for those that understand it. For those that are knowledgeable, writing & actually introducing your work to the marketplace is clockwork. You may have the next popular childrens book, but the fact is, if you dont know how to introduce it to the marketplace, youll just keep running into walls which is what most struggling childrens writers go through and sadly, never emerge from the initial phase of the publishing process. Consultants can be expensive, and seasoned & well known Childrens Book Publishers will rarely reveal their industry inside secrets to childrens book publishers. After all, why would they want to put themselves at literary risk, and in a position to lose their book popularity & income. Finding an honest individual to explain how the industry works as a whole will pose to be a daunting task. Yes, you will find hundreds of publications as to how to go about writing, promoting & publishing a childrens book, but most do not make it easy for the reader to understand the publishing process. The truth is if you follow most of the Childrens Book Publishing tutorials, you will learn that they are inefficient, and could possibly cost you tremendous amounts of time. At WriteAChildrensBookAZ we offer a tutorial that takes you step-by-step in an A-Z, 123 easy-to-follow format that doesnt use complicated industry terminology. Instead, our site offers a Childrens Book Publishing guide intended for the real world, designed so that anybody can quickly and easily write, promote, sell or publish a Childrens Book without the headaches. An auto-pilot formula that not other Childrens Book Publishing guide can match. No writer wants to sift through hundreds of pages of Childrens Book Publishing techniques & ideas. To be successful in this business, you need to get to the point, and make it happen. Whether you are looking to write, sell, promote and/or publish your Childrens Book, regardless if its a picture book or regular book, you will not find a more effective formula than ours. There are hundreds of thousands of writers that go unnoticed every year, with priceless Childrens Books eventually shelved or never sold to a publishing house because of a lack of knowledge in the business. Dont let this be you! With our featured tutorial, you will learn how to target your age group, brainstorm story ideas, develop your characters, make a story line, introduce your characters with descriptions of physical and personality traits, create a problem or a conflict, and learn how to set the state for a climax. Character development, plots, conflict, and resolution, to marketing & publishing, you will everything you need to know in our A-Z Childrens Book Publishing Guide. #Chapter05 Writing Skills Creative writing is considered to be one of the most perplexing forms of articulating thoughts and ideas on paper. It turns out to be a hard nut to crack because it requires the ability to think freely, giving thoughts a modicum of leeway, and express ideas and experienced feelings sincerely and openly. That’s why putting wind in the sails with creative writing is not within every writer’s grasp. It means that a person, who succeeded in process writing approach that is all about planning, revising, re-arranging, and deleting text, re-reading, and producing multiple drafts before producing finished documents, will have the same good results in creative writing. Surely, it doesn’t imply that creative writing process doesn’t need proper planning and preparation, it means that creative writing permits the author to deviate from the specific writing styles and not to be consistent with all the standards of this style. In a word, creative writing gives the author leeway in terms of presentation and development of a piece of writing. Since creative writing is not simply a matter of sitting down, putting pen to paper, following smart instructions of emeritus pundits, commence at the beginning and write through to the end. Creative approach treats all writing as a creative act that requires time, positive feedback, and inspiration to be done well. People who engage in creative writing do not merely think freely; they view the world from free-thinking perspective. Without a doubt, creative writing is not only about inspiration and gift of the writer, and it is far from coming easy to the writer, it also needs a lot of elbow grease in order to produce a piece of writing worth the attention of the readers. The key to success in creative writing lies in the author’s ability to be frank with his readers and honest with himself. Don’t be afraid to step aside from the established standards of the particular writing style, and open the door of your brain to the new ideas that cross the threshold of your imagination and knock around your mind. Remember that process and explorations are the keystones in creative writing, rather than the finished product. Let yourself release your inner genius and vent on paper the most bizarre ideas that amassed in your mind. The source of ideas for your creative writing can be various kinds of resources of creativity such as oral tradition, dreams, childhood memories, sense perceptions and intuition. Katrina Crosbie, a tutor of creative writing in Edinburgh Universitys Open Studies programme, asserts that getting in touch with subconscious mind is the key to original and creative writing. She also claims that every writer can harness three simple techniques to enhance his creative writing abilities, they are mental focusing techniques, harnessing the power of your dreams and journal writing. Harnessing these techniques takes hard work; so, if you are ready, roll up your sleeves and follow these simple strategies. I. Mental focusing techniques Mental focusing techniques involve focusing on the positive outcome. It implies that you should concentrate and regulate your mental activity in order to enter a quiet state of your mind. The key point in mental focusing is to get rid of all the stray thoughts and replace it with one thought; this process should gradually induce a calm sensation. The procedure is very simple, you make yourself comfortable in a cozy armchair, and in all possible ways try to awake creativity inside of you. You should say something like “I’m getting in touch with my creativity source”, and imagine physically how the stream of creativity comes into your mind. Remember the sensation of clear, cool water on your face, or a stream of fresh breeze, which is blowing in your face. Then imagine yourself sitting at your word processor, typing fluently, and writing avidly. After several minutes open your eyes and commence writing. II. Harness the power of your dreams Dreams have tremendous power. The subconscious memory can be the direct cause of the certain dreams. “When the mind is centered on certain things, the sleeper goes over his life again and again in phantom fashion. He lives over the experiences of his daily life.” Overall, your daydreams can be important, just write them down after waking up in the morning. Perhaps, later on, re-reading the notes of your dreams will prompt you some interesting ideas for your creative works.”These can be triggers for an especially imaginative piece of work. American writer Joyce Carol Oates has said that her novel Bellefleur was inspired by a dream of a walled garden which haunted her for years till she felt she had to write about it.” III. Keep the writing journal This technique of enhancing your creativity is very simple and at the same time highly productive. Buy yourself a notebook, so that you can always have it at hand and write some brief narratives in it on a daily basis. Don’t focus on the style, mistakes, and, in general, in the way you write. Just write down the first things that occur in your mind, even if you think that this is junk. The main idea is to keep your hand moving and to feel a growing sense of inspiration and confidence. In the course of time, you will become a practiced hand in writing. Surely, you’ll find your journal notes a rich source of inspiration and ideas. If you really want to enhance you creative writing abilities, give a try to these simple techniques, and bring your craft as a writer into play! #Chapter06 Applying Neuro - Linguistic Method in Creative Writing A lot of Linguists and other scientists tried to establish a lot of methods to improve human memory and make the chain of thoughts and ideas more fluent and coherent. Robert Dilts was one of the scientists that established Neuro-Linguistic Programming as a way to improve writing skills and make then overall view of possibilities clearer. The scientist worked along with his colleagues and observed the work of professional writers to see the main difference. The presentation of it showed that it really helps to improve writing skills. This method can be used by individuals regardless their age. The main aim of the Programming is: To determine the most active sense and concentrate on tailoring other four to it; To learn to concentrate on the topic and switch on imagination when necessary; Lexical interchanges make your vocabulary richer and nobler. The most important thing about writing is the topic examination. Thing about it as of the thesis statement of your paper and focus on possible styles you may use to depict all you have in mind: it may be a narration, a description, a memo or fiction. Do not forget about the reader’s preferences and desires. It may be a good idea to make a sketch of what are you going to present in a chronological or functional order and work in the direction you outlined yourself. The preliminary stage concerning your composition is ready. Now it is all about arrangement there are also several methods that can suit you. 1. If it is hard for you to formulate a bridge between the sentences, put a connection word you like at the end of each sentence in your mind to make it easier for you to comprehend the idea of previous sentence. This is a way to systematize your thoughts. 2. English is a poly-semantic language rich in synonyms that may be used in different meanings according to the text. Use the interchangeable variants to make it easier to orient within the text. This gives your language fluency you never had in your oral speech. 3. Instead of interchanging words you can alter them. The more lexical units that qualify the subject you use (adjectives, adverbs, participle, gerund etc.), the better. Be sure to apply this into the right style (your text may contain direct speech). A cue you’ve established has to be composed of narrator’s position, connection and sensory verb. The narrator’s position and sensory verb are to stand at the beginning of the paragraph. The connection can be placed anywhere in the text that follows. This is what helps you to develop a unique and outlandish style that is going to become a sample for your course mates. 4. Having mastered several methods, you can successfully use them and mix to your own liking and your abilities will improve with every written assignment. Linguistic research shows that this method is helpful in 92% of cases and the easy application of it makes the studying process enjoyable. #Chapter07 Content Or Passion: Balance In The Writing Journey Is it better to participate in content writing or write for magazine publication? The above question is actually multifaceted and can help you determine the overall thrust of your freelance writing career. It has been estimated that a writer will need to pen a million words before a publisher is likely to accept their first work. That means a lot of rejection slips. So, does that imply that content writing is preferred to the crafting of a book or magazine article? Well not exactly. Content writing is a means of addressing a short-term need. If the immediate need is cash, then content writing might provide the answer. However, if you are looking for a means of affecting long-term royalty payments or a greater flexibility in the ownership of your material you may look at other publishing options. When you agree to write content for a client you are essentially providing a service for hire. Once you release the article or story to the client and they reciprocate with a payment you have no further interest in the article. You cant use it again and you will gain no further payment for its ongoing use. When you write a story for potential use in a book anthology, or a full manuscript for publication, you may have a variety of rights to consider. If you are the author of a story, you can negotiate with a publisher for the rights you are willing to provide. You could provide First North American Rights, which would allow you to resell the story in the future as a second right, but you would also have the capability of selling first rights to someone else on an international basis. Nonexclusive rights allow you to continue selling the material with the same rights to as many publishers as are interested. As we venture back to the original question it is important to understand that freelanced writing can and should be a balanced approach to writing. If it takes you a million words before you find publishing success why not make some of those words available to a paying content market to provide some skills-based writing while you work on other projects that are more personal and may have the potential to provide long-term residual payments. A writer should always find time to write about the things they are passionate about, however the service of content writing provides a means of gaining some writing income while learning new skills and writing techniques while you are waiting for a publishers acceptance letter. #Chapter08 How To Write Well Raising your level of writing needs you to focus on bigger things, like having your work published for example. This is a surefire way to encourage yourself to go beyond your current limitations and weaknesses as a writer. Taking the step from writing as a hobby towards writing professionally and having an article or a piece published is indeed a big leap for anyone. It needs a long-term commitment, discipline and an almost endless source of inspiration to be able to write constantly and creatively. Not only does it entail having to do intensive research, but it also pushes the writer to find a certain niche from which he can excel. Moreover, you have to be able to gauge your own work and consciously maintain a higher level of quality as compared to when you were just writing on a journal or your own blog. This leaves the question of how one learns how to write well. How can you raise your level so that it is up to par with what is asked and required of you as a professional writer? There are different ways to find your way towards fulfilling your worth as a writer. Some of these are the following: 1. Find your niche. You have to be able to know what you are capable of writing about. You have to know where to focus your attention to, what topics to write about, and what genre of writing you are going to start with. Some may find poetry as your strongest area, while you may feel that writing feature articles are where you are at your best. The important thing is that you are able to decide where to concentrate. For a writer who is just starting, you have to be the master of your specialized craft before branching out to other areas and other genres. 2. Educate yourself. You were not born with all the information already lodged in your brain. Read and refresh your mind by going through printed materials about the topics close to your heart and the areas where your interest is more attuned. Learn from the best in the business; study their style and their delivery. From those lessons, you can create your own unique style. 3. Write from the heart. The next important step is to start writing. Pour out your soul and write from an intelligent yet emotional perspective. Show your strengths as a writer and highlight these in all the lines that you write. 4. Edit and correct your article. Check if the facts add up, review your references, and see to it that you don’t contradict yourself. Give others a chance to critic your work, and be open to suggestions without sacrificing the content of your work. The above-mentioned ways are just rudiments of how to write a good article. These will help you get started towards your goal of being a good writer and being able to write well. Mastering all these things however does not necessarily mean producing a best seller or getting all the accolades you dream of. Perhaps the true measure of how good a writer you are is the patience and dedication you give towards writing a well written article or book, for even the great ones did not receive praise immediately. So hone your craft and be patient in doing so, as even the longest journeys start on a single step. #Chapter09 Is Writing a Skill, Craft, or Gift? Whenever you gather writers together they talk about writing. There are many different types of writers. Those who prefer to compose in long-hand or can only write on an old-fashioned manual typewriter. Those who write to music, demand complete silence, or create best surrounded by noise. You have the writers who must plan and outline before they can begin and those who find even talking about a project before it is drafted can stifle their creativity. But one of the most controversial divisions among writers is about whether writing is a skill, craft, or gift. I admit that I like to stir the fire a bit because I can argue all three points and depending on how my own writing is going at the moment I may find that one viewpoint carries more weight for me personally. I know as a teacher of writing that writing is a skill. I have taken people, young and old, who loathed writing and believed they would never be able to write -- and provided them with basic tips and tools to become good basic writers. I have taken good basic writers and given them the support and direction theyve needed to become skilled writers. Ive watched skilled writers with practice and determination become proficient writers. I have seen this in the classroom, at writing conferences, and in newsrooms. I have witnessed this transformation enough to know that writing is a skill that can be taught and a skill that can be learned. I know as a writer, editor, and reader that writing is a craft. As the definition reads to craft is to make or produce with care, skill, or ingenuity. A skilled writer can capture our interest and convey information, but a writer can also craft a story, poem, or essay that touches our emotions as well as our brains. For those who have gone beyond simply skilled to be craftsmen and craftswomen they can rely on their knowledge, experience, and instinct to create writing that does more than simply delivers -- it also sings. I know as a writer and reader that writing is a gift. Some writers simply possess a special quality that allows them to step beyond and above the huddled masses. For some it is a special ability to shape words into images and ideas and for some it is a unique vision of this world (or another) that speaks to our souls in a way others cannot. Are writers born or made? Many people argue that some gifted writers are born, but I am not convinced. Perhaps you could have some predisposition but I believe that writers are made. They are made in the rocking chair when Mother reads Goodnight, Moon; they are made under the cover with a flashlight when you simply must finish The Hobbit for the first time; they are made when you proudly pocket your first library card; they are made when you fill your first notebook; they are made when you submit your first poem, article or story for publication; they are made when you receive your first rejection; and they are made when you turn the computer on every day to write. I believe some writers are supremely gifted but even so does that mean it was a gift given to them whole or was it a gift developed through years of reading, writing, talking, and thinking about words? So, I believe, writing is all three -- a skill, a craft, and a gift. Some writers find their ability spans all three while others never progress past the level of skill. #Chapter10 Long Live The Love Poem Long live love poems: Theres no chance the love poem is dead, the reason? Because the one you write is for the one you cherish the most and it will be a part of you both forever. Writing a poem is all about observing the world within you or around you and leaving all expectations behind. For the cash-strapped, or romantically inclined, writing a sincere, well thought out love poem may be just the ticket to your loved ones heart. Love poems, friendship poems, sad poems, romantic poems, or any poem that you can think of may mean more to someone then any gift ever could. If you are writing challenged, poems-online can show you how to write the perfect poem to get the one youre after. For example, romantic love poems exhibit an intense sense of love felt by a lover but must also poses the elements of a poem: elegant structure, classic rhyme scheme, and beautiful imagery. How? Well poetrys use of ambiguity, symbolism, irony and other stylistic elements of diction often leave a poem open to multiple interpretations. As weve often discussed, poetry can be about anything. You should view poetry in an entirely new and innovative way. For example, Edgar Allan Poe, although probably best known for his macabre stories, also wrote poetry and loved to experiment with the sounds of words. While some may find poetry intimidating or irrelevant, there are people who poetry as Hope. Ive been writing poetry since I was about 11 years old and wouldn’t know what to do without it. Are you interested in writing poetry or learning the process involved in crafting a poem? Then start writing instantly, right now, go and give your writing on paper. There are many different techniques and forms you can use when writing a poem, but we wont go into them here because, honestly, they arent that important. Writing a poem is all about observing the world within you or around you. Try writing out an answer to the question, What is this poem about. Its true that many of us tend to be jaded when it comes to romantic writing as it seems old fashioned. When Im writing a poem, I hardly consider its contemporary context. Writing a poem is a voyage of discovery. Besides, a poem can be about anything -- pets, family, friends, things you like to do. Your poem is not an editorial. Your poem is very good and beautiful. Read it out loud, slowly! As is true of most of us, the poets understanding of an experience is a gradual realization, and the poem is a reflection of that epiphany. So nobody truly knows where the poem is, nor should they. As soon as a poem is finished to your satisfaction, mail a copy to a trusted friend and ask him or her to keep it along with the cancelled envelope. For time, waits for no man.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 21:05:19 +0000

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