மூலிகை : நாயுருவி அல்லது - TopicsExpress


மூலிகை : நாயுருவி அல்லது அபமார்க்கி Botanical name : Achyranthes aspera Common name:. Prickly Chaff Flower, Chaff-flower, Crocus stuff, Crokars staff, Devils horsewhip Ayurvedic uses: Detoxing - Prickly Chaff Flower is a powerful diuretic agent helping to get rid of excess water and detox the body. Boosts Immune System - Prickly Chaff Flowers boost your immune system with powerful antioxidants. Diabetes - Prickly Chaff Flowers lowers blood sugar making great for diabetics. Alkalising - Prickly Chaff Flowers are very alkaline thus helping to prevent disease such as cardiovascular disease and cancer caused by body acidity. Cancer - Prickly Chaff Flowers contains saponins that are powerful anticancer agents. Antidepressant - Studies show that Prickly Chaff Flowers have a powerful antidepressant effect. Uterine Problems - Studies show that Prickly Chaff Flowers create regular periods and good uterine health. Weight Loss - Studies show that Prickly Chaff Flowers have the ability to delay absorption of fats. Anti-inflammatory - Prickly Chaff Flowers are a powerful anti-inflammatory agent for arthritis, joint disease… plus and inflammation of internal organs and the uterus. Antioxidants - Prickly Chaff Flowers contain 4 different kinds of saponins which are powerful antioxidants. Lowers Blood Pressure - Prickly Chaff Flower contains alkaloids that open up blood vessels and thus help to lower blood pressure. Lowers Heart Rate - This important herb also slows a racing heart and creates calm. GI Tract - Prickly Chaff Flowers are a bitter that soothes the GI tract and calms the stomach and intestines… and works well for getting rid of nausea and vomiting. Asthma - Prickly Chaff Flowers open up the lungs making it great for bronchitis and asthma. In India the flowers are made into a paste with equal equal amounts of garlic and black pepper to treat asthma and bronchitis - take 1/2 teaspoon 3 to 4 times a day… also works well for fevers associated with colds and flues. Expectorant - Prickly Chaff Flowers are a good agent for getting rid of excess mucus in the lungs. Edema and Ascites - Because Prickly Chaff Flowers are a diuretic it also helps to get rid of ascites and edema. Laxative - In large doses this great plant is a very good laxative for constipation. Kidney Stones - Because Prickly Chaff Flowers are a good diuretic it flushes out kidney stones. Urinary Infections - Prickly Chaff Flowers help to ride the bladder of invading bacteria. Anemia - In India Prickly Chaff Flowers powder is added to milk to increase red blood cell production… and it also soothes away GI tract problems. Lowers Cholesterol - Prickly Chaff Flowers lower LDL or bad cholesterol and triglycerides with saponins. Hemorrhoids - Used topically as an infusion or made into an ointment Prickly Chaff Flowers works well for hemorrhoids. Antimicrobial - Prickly Chaff Flowers are anti-fungal and antibacterial in action important for keeping way disease. Tooth Powder - Prickly Chaff seeds can be ground with salt into a find powder, it cleans and whitens your teeth like nothing else… and stops your gums from bleeding. And the dried stems of the plant can be used as a toothbrush. Rashes - The roots can be made into a powder and made into a paste… or the juice of the stems can be added to sesame seed oil and used to heal skin wounds and itchy red skin. Parts Used - The flowers, seeds, leaves and the roots can all be used for healing. Edible - In China Prickly Chaff Flowers are grown for food because they are very high in protein. Finding - You can order Prickly Chaff Flower herb on-line just google “Buy Devils Horse Whip Herb” and it will come up… or you can ask for it at your local health food store. Prickly Chaff Flowers is a powerful healing herb that should be in your medicine cabinet. This plant is popularly supposed to act as a safeguard against scorpions and snakes by paralyzing them. It is described as purgative, pungent, and digestive, a remedy for phlegm, inflammation of the internal organs, piles, itch, abdominal enlargements, rheumatism and for enlarged cervical glands. The Hindus in preparing caustic alkaline preparations use the ashes. The diuretic properties of the plant are well known to the natives of India. Different parts of the plant are ingredients in many native prescriptions in combination with more active remedies. In Western India the juice is applied to relieve toothache. The ashes with honey are given to relieve cough and rubbed into a paste with water it is used as an anjan (eye salve) in opacities of the cornea. Stem of the plant is used as toothbrush, infusion of the twig is also used as a wash for tooth pain. Roots are useful in treatment of cancer.Decoction of roots is used in stomach troubles.
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 11:33:30 +0000

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