บทที่ ชื่อของบทเรียน - TopicsExpress


บทที่ ชื่อของบทเรียน ประเภทของบทเรียน 1 Past simple was and were: yes/no–questions with answers Grammar 2 Past simple yes/no–questions and answers. Grammar 3 Holidays Grammar Reader 4 Past continuous Grammar 5 Past continuous with time words: from, to, at Grammar Reader 6 What was everybody doing? Grammar Reader 7 Past continuous questions Grammar 8 Past continuous sentences with while Grammar 9 Today Grammar Reader 10 Sentences and questions with past continuous, past simple and while and happened. Grammar 11 Unlucky Day Grammar Reader 12 Past simple sentences with modifying -ing phrases. Grammar 13 There was/were and -ing clauses Grammar 14 Yesterday Grammar Reader 15 Gerund versus the ‘to’ infinitive Grammar 16 Gerunds/Infinitives Grammar Reader 17 More about gerunds and the ‘to’ infinitive Grammar 18 Future with Going to: Positive, negative, Yes/No questions Grammar 19 Trip to Paris Grammar Reader 20 Statements and questions about the future time with will. Grammar 21 A trip to the beach Grammar Reader 22 If-clauses with will. Grammar 23 Plans for tomorrow and Sunday Grammar Reader 24 Use Grammar Reader 25 Use Grammar Reader 26 Introducing Saigo the Alien Passage 27 Saigo’s many travels Passage 28 Why Saigo wants to come to Earth Passage 29 The people of Saigonia Passage 30 More about the peaceful people of Saigonia Passage 31 Saigo come to Earth and discovers English Passage 32 English, the international language Passage 33 A difficult landing Passage 34 Safely on Earth Passage 35 Saigo meets his new friends Conversation 36 What does that word mean? Passage 37 Time to study English Passage 38 All about names Conversation 39 Names on Saigonia Passage 40 Seeing the school Passage 41 So, where do you come from? Conversation 42 “Where you come from?” NOT “Where you live?” Passage 43 The school dormitory Passage 44 What is your nationality? Conversation 45 I don’t know the name of my nationality! Passage 46 Nationalities and countries Passage 47 Aliens Passage 48 Matuba and Fatima take Saigo on a school tour Passage 49 There’s no King of Earth Passage 50 International Schools Passage
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 07:17:11 +0000

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