ይኸዉ ዛሬ ብቅ አልን …. የመጣነዉም ባዶ - TopicsExpress


ይኸዉ ዛሬ ብቅ አልን …. የመጣነዉም ባዶ ሆነን አይደለም … በተቃራኒዉ አንድ መጽሐፍ ይዘን ነዉ … አለምሰገድ አባይ (ዶ/ር) ነዉ… በአሁኑ ጊዜ የታሪክ ረዳት ፕሮፌሰር ሆኖ በካሊፎርኒያ ዩኒቨርስቲ በርክሊ ዉስጥ ያሰተምራል … ሙያዊዉ ብቃቱ ይህን ሁሉ ያካትታል ይሉናል African History, African American Studies, Comparative Colonial History, Modern Ethnic History, Comparative Genocide አለምሰገድ የመጀመሪያና ሁለተኛ ዲግሪዉን ያገኘዉ ኢትዬዽያ ዉስጥ አዲስአበባ ዩኒቨርስቲ ሲሆን የዶክትርና ዲግሪዉን ደግሞ በአሜሪካን አገር University of California, Berkeley ነዉ…. ዶ/ር አለምሰገድ ለዶክትሬት ዲግሪዉ መመረቂያ ያቀረበዉን ጹሁፍ ነዉ ወደ መጽሐፍ ቀይሮ እ.ኤ.አ. በ1998 ዓ.ም. “Identity Jilted or Re-Imagining Identity? The Divergent Paths of the Eritrean and Tigrayan Nationalist Struggle” በማለት ያሳተመዉ … ይህ ማንነትን (Identity) ለማወቅ ያደረግሁት ሰፋ ያለ ጥናት ነዉ ይላል ዶ/ር ሰለመጽሐፉ ሲከትብ …. ይህንን ጥናት ለማደረግ 56 የኤርትራና የትግራይ ተዋጊዎችን፤ ሌላ 56 ሰላማዊ ሰዎችንና እና 28 የደህንነት ሠራተኞችን አነጋግሬያለሁ የሚለዉ አለምሰገድ ምን ያህል የዘር ጥላቻ ያለበት ግለሰብ ለመሆኑ መጽሐፉን ብቻ ማንበብ ይበቃል። ገና ሲጀምር ፀሀፊዉ የትግራይና የኤርትራ ሕዝብ በቋንቋ፤ በዘር፤ በሐይማኖት የማይነጣጠሉ አንድ እና አንድ ሕዝብ ነዉ ሲል አንዲህ በማለት ይጽፋል… “Tigryans south of Mereb river, and the Kebessa(highland) Eritreans, north of the Mereb river, are ethnically one people, tied by common history, political economy, myth, language and religion. Both fought against a common enemy, an oppressive Amhara ethnic state – Eritreans for thirty years and Tigrayans for seventeen years. In the process of the armed struggle, both retained divergent political identities and, after jointly marching to military victory in 1991, they followed separate political paths-Eritreans created the newest state in Africa and Tigrayans remained Ethiopian.” አብዛኛዉ የትግራይ ሕዝብ ከኢትዬዽያ ጋር ከመሆን ይልቅ ከኤርትራ ጋር አብሮ ተጠቃሎ መኖር ይፈልግ እንደነበር የዚህ መጽሐፍ አቅራቢ ትግራይ ዉስጥ ባደረግሁት የናሙና ቃለመጠየቅ አረጋግጫለሁ ይልና …. ለምሳሌ ያህልም አንድ የ85 ዓመት ሸማግሌ የተናገሩት እንደመረጃ ያቀርበዋል እንዲህ እያል:… ገጽ6 ላይ “I have blood lineage in Seraye, Meraguz, on both my parents’ sides. Many people in Axum have that kind of relationship with Kebessa. It is the Italians who created a difference between us and them. Otherwise, we are one people – integral organs of Tigray-Tigrignie” ሌላዉ የ74 ዓመት አዛዉንት ደግሞ እንዲህ ብለዉኛል ይላል ዶ/ር አለምሰገድ በመጽሐፉ…. “We are related to Tigray by marriage. That has been going on throughout history. Even myself, I have a mixed ancestry. Take also Wolde-ab Woldmariam. He was born and raised here in Seraye but he was originally from Tigray. His Tigrayan father was a rich farmer here.” መጽሐፉ የሚኒሊክንም ስም በክፉ ያነሳል …. የአፄ ዬሐንስን ደግሞ ያሞግሳል …. የምኒሊክንም ጦር የአማራ ጦር ይለዋል.. እንዲህም ይላል …. መጽሐፉ “The shoans are not familiar with money economy, agriculture and administration; and they will not be familiar with those areas of development in the near future. Thus, since the Shoan regime is a house built on bad foundation, it cannot rule its own people properly let alone govern the Eritrean people who are more civilized than Amhara. Take, for instance, the roads the Italians built for them. They are going bad and the Amhara do not know how to maintain them” ይኽንም ጨምሩበት … “When the Emperor came to Eritrea in 1952, he (the captain) was one of those who received him at the Mereb. As he was saluting the Emperor he watched the Ethiopian soldiers wearing sandals. Right there he was frozen with regret and he forgot to bring down his saluting hand. He could not believe the backwardness of the people who were going to be our next rulers” መቼም ከተስፋዬ ገ/አብ “የቡርቃ ዝምታ” በላይ ዘግናኝ ዘረኛ መጽሐፍ አነባለሁ ብዬ አስቤ አላዉቅም ነበር …. የዚህን ዶ/ር መጽሐፍ አነበብሁና የተስፋዬን መጽሐፍ “ማረኝ” አልሁ ወገኖች እኛ በዚሁ አበቃን …. ቀሪዉን ደግሞ እናንተዉ አንብባችሁ ትታዘቡት ዘንደ ይህንን ወደ እናንተ አቀረብነዉ …. መልካም ንባብ …. ያላነበበ …. ከሠረ https://drive.google/file/d/0ByZz-O16dhJ2TzRwc3BWNUI3X0E/edit?usp=sharing
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 20:25:21 +0000

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