ድዒግ፨ Dont think that you cant see this again in your - TopicsExpress


ድዒግ፨ Dont think that you cant see this again in your lifetimes in the very near future considering the even greater polarization of technology today compared to the 1880s as well as the direction of current politics. And if things can degrade to this level as has happened already in the not-so-distant past according to evidence like this presented here in this post, dont think it cant degrade even further to human laboratory specimens, human house pets (i.e. house Negroes, house dogs, house cats, etc...) as has already happened too among a whole host of other socially dehumanizing horrors. Not only that, but, technology has advance so far today that just like they can genetically modify other organisms like featherless/beakless/feetless chickens, hairless rats, etc..., dont think they wont genetically modify hairless/toothless/legless humans/Negroes and even cross them with other species so that they can legally claim that their literally dehumanized GMO victims arent under the protection of human rights because theyre no longer genetically human anymore. Im sure that the technology already exists to genetically modify organisms to have specific dispositions and/or brain development issues. I wouldnt be surprised to learn that something like that is already happening in some secret prison/s somewhere. Right now, blacks are in a very vulnerable and compromised social situation where theyre apparently generally hated around the world. Others degrade them and they degrade themselves apparently to either please non-blacks they think (subconsciously or otherwise) are superior to them (in hopes of getting some trinkets for their self-defamation or whatever) or because of the corruption of already having a history of dehumanization in their background. Its clear that blacks have little to no legal protection in the courts as recent events have demonstrated. So, unless blacks want to see themselves and/or their children experience literal genetic dehumanization even far beyond what Ive just described briefly above (creating monsters and freak show curiosities out of you and/or your children, etc...), theyd better learn to read the writing on the wall, put the pieces together and figure out what time it is fast and tactfully unite and apply themselves to black empowerment because clearly no one else is going to effectively protect blacks. And blacks shouldnt be foolish enough to remain complacent with historically hostile outsiders protecting them as thats not working and theyve had centuries to get it right just like they seem to almost always get black disempowerment and destabilization right. And neither should blacks put the burden of black protection on the shoulders of their white friends just like their white friends should consider the very compromised position of their black friends and support black empowerment if theyre truly their friends -- or at least stand clear and root their black friends on (or at least be quite) as they pursue the empowerment of blacks so that they dont remain vulnerable to their hostile white brothers as it is today. Your true friends know you need your own self-determined existence especially considering things today. And blacks should have learned by now not to politically support house Negroes once theyve demonstrated themselves to be exactly that. Have sense and support those whore down with the empowerment of black people and not colored agents of white supremacist imperialism wholl ultimately be consumed by those they support anyway as evidenced by the fact that white supremacist are fully aware that a considerable number of blacks who they hate actually admire and love whites to the degree that they try to imitate their phenotype and much else about white people. So, white supremacists know blacks generally love whites YET they still hate blacks. So, selling out wont save you and/or your families to have any kind of dignified human existence if any existence at all as a dehumanized minority among a majority of very technically advanced sadistic white supremacist sociopaths. Blacks world wide have significantly declined socially over the past almost 8 years. Irrational passion has its place, but, think very critically about that reality for a minute and think about who you support next time if you get another chance. Blacks/Africans had better unite and apply themselves. Learn from your past and dont be divided against each other unless you want to find yourselves in slavery, a laboratory or on display at a zoo like an animal again. This can happen again as its already happened before. Dont continue to be fools and apply yourselves.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 20:14:21 +0000

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