ពេលរៀមត្រកងបីបមជាប់កាយ - TopicsExpress


ពេលរៀមត្រកងបីបមជាប់កាយ ចិត្តមិនខ្វល់ខ្វាយរសាយកង្វល់ ដៃទិព្វដៃមន្តទន់ភ្លន់គ្មានកល អោយស្រីច្របល់រសល់រសាប់។ កុំអៀនណាស្ងួននួននាងងាកមក ណាពៅពន្លកម្ចាស់ចិត្តស្នេហា បើអៀននឹងបងបងរងសោកា ដោយសារជីវ៉ាមិនអោយមើលភក្ត្រ។ with ធីតា ឈូករ័ត្ន The masterpiece of Cambodian artist of Ramayana story. The monkey general falls in love with the lovely mermaid and wins her over to be a partner against evil. In the Indian epic, the Ramayana, Reamker in Cambodia, the princess Sita was captured and taken to the Kingdom of Lanka. The prince Rama calls on a famous army general named Hanuman to help him rescue princess Sita. Hanuman and his army of monkeys set to build a bridge across the ocean to rescue the princess Sita. But, as fast as they pile up stones for the bridge, the stones mysteriously disappear. The Monkey Hanuman general dives into the sea to investigate. What he discovers is a beautiful golden mermaid named Sowann Maccha, who has been carrying off the stones in an act of playful vandalism. Hanuman confronts the beautiful, but troublesome, mermaid. He can’t help but be dazzled by her beauty and falls in love. Although she initially resists, Hanuman uses a variety of tactics to get her attention and eventually, as the story goes on, he wins her over as his partner in the fight against evil. Photo: Pok Sinath
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 12:56:00 +0000

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