’ll see you in heaven as a result of what Jesus did for us in - TopicsExpress


’ll see you in heaven as a result of what Jesus did for us in taking the penalty for our sin which is death so that we might go free and have everlasting Life. Take and drink the Living Water that Jesus offered the woman at Jacob’s well and share this “living water” with others and we will meet together at the Tree of Life, at the River of Life as everlasting friends! Revelation 22:1-2. “One day, as Jesus was passing through the country of Samaria, He sat down by a well to rest. When a woman came to draw water, He asked her for a drink. The woman wondered at this, for she knew how the Jews hated the Samaritans. But Christ told her that if she would ask of Him, He would give her living water. At this she wondered the more. Then Jesus said to her: ‘Whosoever drinks of this water shall thirst again: but whosoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.’ John 4:13, 14. By the living water is meant the Holy Spirit. As a thirsty traveler needs water to drink, so do we need Gods Spirit in our hearts. He who drinks of this water shall never thirst. {The Story of Jesus, page 53-55; John 4:3-42}. The Holy Spirit brings Gods love into our hearts. It satisfies our longings, so that the riches and honors and pleasures of this world do not attract us. And it fills us with such joy that we want others to have it too. It will be in us like a spring of water, that flows out in blessing to all around. And every one in whom Gods Spirit dwells, will live forever with Christ in His kingdom. Received into the heart by faith, it is the beginning of the life eternal. This precious blessing Christ told the woman He would give her if she asked for it. So He will give it to us. {The Story of Jesus, page 55}. This woman had broken Gods commandments, and Christ showed her that He knew the sins of her life. But He showed, too, that He was her friend, that He loved and pitied her, and that if she was willing to forsake her sins, God would receive her as His child. How glad she was to know this! In her joy she hurried away to the town near by, and called the people to come and see Jesus. So they came to the well, and asked Him to stay with them. He remained two days, and taught them, and many listened to His words. They repented of their sins, and believed on Him as their Saviour. Most of the nearly 800 Samaritans alive today still live very close to the very same Jacob’s well and sacrifice “lambs” on the nearby mountain – Mount Gerizim. This was the Mountain that the woman at the well asked Jesus about. -- Years earlier This is the very place where the 12 tribes of Israel listened as Joshua read God’s law to them and the blessings that God promised them for obedience and the cursings that God promised them for disobedience. The Samaritans today do not believe in Jesus Christ or any of the Biblical prophets except Moses. They accept the first five books of the Bible only. They continue to offer Passover sacrifices that originally were designed to foretell of a Savior to come to pay the penalty for our sin, to take the punishment our sins deserve so we might have the life our Savior deserves. On Apr. 24, 2013 the Israel News reported “Although there are now less than 800 Samaritans, their Passover sacrifice - set according to calendar different from the mainstream Jewish one - draws an even bigger crowd. The Samaritan community conducted its annual Passover sacrifice Tuesday evening under the leadership of a new high priest, as 50 sheep were slaughtered on Mount Gerizim in an ancient ceremony that attracted more than 1,000 spectators from around the world. As the sun set on Tuesday, Ben Asher, the Samaritan high priest, led his community in a prayer service on their holy Mount Gerizim, which is where they believe God instructed Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. Members wore white clothing and chanted passages from the 12th chapter of Exodus, which describes how the Israelites fled Egypt, in ancient Hebrew and Aramaic. (The Samaritans learn to read the ancient Hebrew script as children and some of their liturgy is in Aramaic; They converse in Arabic and modern Hebrew.) Then a cheer was raised and the communitys butchers simultaneously slit the throats of the sheep. The men then dabbed the spilled blood on their foreheads. As the uninitiated in the international audience watched with horrified expressions, the men gutted and skewered the animals on long spits and placed them in sunken fire pits. The cooked meat was served with matzah and bitter herbs at midnight. Read about the first Passover in Exodus 12. “Then Moses called for all the elders of Israel and said to them, “Pick out and take lambs for yourselves according to your families, and kill the Passover lamb. And you shall take a bunch of hyssop, dip it in the blood that is in the basin, and strike the lintel and the two doorposts with the blood that is in the basin. And none of you shall go out of the door of his house until morning. For the LORD will pass through to strike the Egyptians; and when He sees the blood on the lintel and on the two doorposts, the LORD will pass over the door and not allow the destroyer to come into your houses to strike you.” Exodus 12:21-23. The lamb died so that the person might live – that the death angel would “Passover.” Christ is your “lamb” (1 John 1:29) – Your “Passover.” - The Apostle Paul writes, “indeed Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us. 1 Corinthians 5:7. SHARE THIS MESSAGE, THIS “LIVING WATER” WITH OTHERS WHO ARE THIRSTY FOR THE “WATER OF LIFE!” Read “At Jacob’s Well” – whiteestate.org/books/da/da19.html Read “Calvary” whiteestate.org/books/da/da78.ht
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 00:37:49 +0000

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