めずらしく、マルクス談義。おもしろかった!!! I - TopicsExpress


めずらしく、マルクス談義。おもしろかった!!! I enjoyed very much!!! .。*♡ In Japan, students don’t learn ‘The Capital’ in schools, although his name and works are enlisted in school texts. From my individual necessity, I partly read it in Japanese version, though. While reading every expression and sentence, I thought his idea obsolete and that I might have described differently. Everyone has a right to understand and interpret Marx’s theories and concepts described in ‘The Capital.’ The historical and individual backgrounds of the period of those days, while Marx had been brought up and lived, need be entirely considered for a better understanding of his ‘The Capital.’ We live in our society, today, with an enormous number of parameters and variations, which Marx did not experience. .。*♡ Marx of ‘The Capital’ is simply a theorist who strived to elucidate theoretically the ‘historicalness of the bourgeois society.’ .。*♡ What Marx intended to preach in ‘The Capital’ is his denial of the capital system society itself and theoretical possibility to lead it to the end. Mei Yumi wrote. https://scontent-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10635802_787892641256977_7093400891070867606_n.jpg?oh=ea304305174a6893fd3f15bf4171590f&oe=54F2CC25 Jia Bao Damn true!! Those r the reasons make me never believe in Marxism though im living under Marxist state! His theory is Utopian. even a communism citizen like me have no faith in Marxism... who care!! i bet Xi Jin Ping would think of Marxism as utopia... thats so good if all of communist party to be dissolved. コルブ ツ 二コラ Actually, I beg to differ on certain points. A hundred years ago, though a bit more is in question here, it was hard to make a breakthrough in any field without money (which still applies in modern society, on an astounding level), which would buy you time and proper education to do so. Take Darwin as an example; sure, his theory of evolution was phenomenal, yet he, in the end, was just a rich boy who had a lot of time to do all that. Take most scientists as an example; indeed, many died in poverty, yet couldnt achieve what they did without material support. In any case, his socio-political theories ARENT completely inapplicable, and many elements of his sociological theories are used today in socialist republics (such as China, which is one of the worlds largest economies) as well as Sweden, per exemplum, which is a democratic country, yet combines elements of socialism, such as social aid, among others. Many of his theories, yet not the ideal system as a whole, are quite applicable in modern society, and not in any way just a fantasy. Dont be biased, people. I assume most of you havent even read his works. The point is that you could criticise most philosophers, sociologists, artists and the like for not having worked. Marxs biography is also interesting. Well, I intuitively sense that people will just brush off my comment in a bigoted frenzy, henceforth Ill abstain from writing further. Also, Im not writing with the intention to offend anyone; I just hope to clear up some misunderstandings and offer some factual information. Read his Capital, and Im sure youll see there are some valid statements in there, beside those that are, quite obviously, simply unrealistic (at least when put together). Jia Bao i spent 2 semesters to learn about Marxism - Leninism as compulsory curriculum subject at university! because my vietnam is marxism country... all i heard during classs time was Surplus value and violent revolution!Nikola Korbuc i agree, all of my friends dont understand what he said, communist party members in my country still doubt his theory, work as ur capacity but get as ur demand. Vietnam and China are applying Deng Xao Ping theory base on capitalism with mono-party system, not Marxism anymore. but they still use Marxism as their cover for communism on the surface but capitalism in the root コルブ ツ 二コラ I am glad you understood my point. Ive spent a semester learning about Marxism, as a part of the curriculum of sociology; however, Ive read his ,,Capital, and in part agree with several aspects of it. Communism simply doesnt work the way Marx describes it. However, many aspects of his philosophy, if it is fitted to be called that, can be applied in society. No one system is perfect; that is a fact. Monarchy doesnt work, since one man usually cant handle all the power, and hes often influenced by ministers councilors, etc. effectively turning it into an oligarchy. Democracy doesnt work either, if its a complete democracy, since thats little different from anarchy. It would basically be just one group in which, again, one person would always have the upper hand, despite it being the collective rule of the people. The best system is a balanced system, capitalistic, yet with elements of socialism, preventing this capitalism to get out of hand, turning it into a slave-driver society. Anyhow, I agree with your view on communism in China and Vietnam; its merely socialistic on the surface, and its formal ideology is socialism, yet the reality is quite different, I imagine. Jia Bao but because of learning Marxism - Leninism in the same course, so i cant distinguish what is Marxism, what is Leninism. my lecturer said Lenin applied Marxs theory into reality to build communism model. look at what happened in east bloc and Ukraine, people got angry with Lenin statue than Marx. コルブ ツ 二コラ Yes, indeed. Not to mention Stalinism, which is basically dictatorship, no different from classical Fascism. Marx had some brilliant ideas, although they were misapplied.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 07:28:55 +0000

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