デフレ下の増税は税収増にはならない。 Though - TopicsExpress


デフレ下の増税は税収増にはならない。 Though National government and the Bank of Japan has taken such strong economic stimulus package as monetary easing measures and fiscal investment loan to promote money flow in the market, which is known as Abenomics, Japanese economy has seen slowdown because of less personal consumption caused by the increase of consumption tax in April this year. As many economists claims, however, that raising of consumption tax in deflation curb personal consumption. Principle Equivalent of Three Aspects that GDP, GDI and GDE from each perspective of production, distribution and payment should be numerically identical, can clearly explains it. That means the more people consume the more national revenue increase. The chart shows that GDP and tax revenue is correlative. The best timing to raise the consumption tax, I believe, is when domestic economy inflate. I dont know why Ministry of Finance seeks tax increase in deflation. Who is stupid, me or MOF? Otherwise, MOF might conspire against Prime Minister Abe, and plot the failure of Abenomics. Anyway, the government should not raise consumption tax before Japanese economy escape from deflation. 今回のGDPの減速は消費税増税により消費が落ち込んだもの。アベノミクスで金融緩和、財政投資をしたのは市場の金回り、つまりは消費を刺激するための政策である。デフレ下での増税は消費を冷え込ませる。 GDP三面等価の原則というのがあって、生産・サービスの合計額、支出の合計額、所得の合計額が一致するというもの。消費を増やせば黙ってても税収は増える。図を見て頂ければ分かると思うが、GDPと税収は見事に一致しているのである。だから増税はインフレになってからが実施するのが当たり前だと思うのだが… 財務省がなぜ増税を求めているのかわからない。俺がバカなのか財務官僚がアホなのか?それともアベノミクスの失敗を企んでいるのか。 とにかくデフレから脱却しないうちに消費税増税をするべきではない。
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 23:04:06 +0000

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