上周末跟 Nini 一起去看 big hero 6 - TopicsExpress


上周末跟 Nini 一起去看 big hero 6 (大英雄天團),看完電影邊哭邊笑愛到不行的當下, 決定泯滅對人性的執著,拋下對機器人的成見,去 Costco 買一隻 iRobot 回家。 . Wesley,放心回來吧!爸爸答應,以後你負責煮衣服和洗飯就好,不用擦地板了。 (youtu.be/Of2HU3LGdbo) . For showing my huge love & respect to Big Hero 6, as well as Will Smith, I decided to purchase an iRobot from Costco last night. . Dear Wesley, you can come home now. No more cleaning duty I promise. . ----- ps. My iRobot seems loves me much more than the dock. Last night she again choosed to sleep under my bed instead of going back her own place. This might be the first time I find myself attractive since last time I got married.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 00:21:25 +0000

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