上師講故事:扎西老人臨終前的悔恨 Dharma Story - TopicsExpress


上師講故事:扎西老人臨終前的悔恨 Dharma Story Series Story One: The Elderly Zhaxi’s Remorse On His Dying Bed 以前我們寺廟有個老人家名叫紮西,我小的時候他對我特別好。 There was an elderly man named Zhaxi in our monastery, who treated me very nice when I was still a little boy. 我從遼西寺回來後對他說:“紮西,你好好的修行。 你是學佛,但是你還沒有真正的修行,現在你年齡已不小了,還不修行的話以後就來不及了。你現在五十多歲,身體還不至於虛弱到什麼都做不了。還是可以磕頭、可以繞塔的,供曼紮也可以。現在條件還具足。老婆你也娶了,孩子也生了,現在你好好的修行還來得及。” I once told him after my returning from Nyoshul Monastery, “You should devote yourself more to Dharma practice, Zhaxi. Though you are a Buddhist, you haven’t truly started your practice yet. You are already above fifty years old, no longer young, you would miss this chance if going on without the authentic practice. You’re still strong enough with energy to do prostrations, circumambulations and mandala offerings, not so weak to be totally deprived. Furthermore, you have settled your wife and children well down at home. Now that all the favorable conditions are complete and available, it’s time for you to practice the Dharma with greater devotion. ” 他說:“您說的對。但是現在孩子還非常小,如果我到寺廟來修行,家裡的牛羊肯定不用兩年就會都死了,孩子也會餓死的。”他也有很多大道理說。他說所有的人都去挖蟲草了,小孩子帶到山上會很冷,也沒什麼吃的,放在家裡的話又沒有人照顧,他們現在非常需要我。 “You’re right, Guru. But my kids are still quite young. If I leave home practice here, my yaks and sheep would definitely die out within two years and my kids die of hunger. ” He replied with lots of high-sounding reasons. As all his family went to mountains for caterpillar funguses, his kids would suffer not only the icy cold but also food sparsity if they were brought together, but they would be left to nobody’ care if they stayed at home. Thus they were terribly in need of me right now. 我說:“不會的,如果你去山裡修行,他們也有他們的福報和辦法。如果有一天你死了,他們會不會就餓死呢,還是不會的。就像水將泥土沖走後,石頭慢慢的就露出來了。同樣的道理,如果你去寺廟修行的話他們自然有他們的辦法的。如果他們沒有福報的話你再怎麼都是沒有用的。”我就這麼和他說,但是他不聽,不到兩年他就去世了。 “They wouldn’t suffer at all. They have their own merits and means to carry their lives on even if you go to mountains for solitary practice. Would they die of hunger after your death one day? Of course, they wouldn’t. Just as stones naturally appear once the earth covering them is washed away gradually by water, they will find their own way after your leaving for the monastery. Unless they have merits accumulated in the past, your own resourcefulness would never be able to give them a comfortable life.” Though I uttered these words from the bottom of my heart, he just couldn’t listen to them. He died within the next two years. 臨終前,他們家人叫我去念經,去到他家後我和他說:“紮西,當年我叫你好好修行,你不聽。現在真的要走了,要離開這個家了,現在的離開不是去寺廟離開,而是真正的離開這個世界了,你永遠看不見這些孩子了。” 聽了後,他哭了,流著淚說:“活佛,你說得是非常對的。但是我們都沒有回天之術,沒辦法了。”後來我們就念了經,沒幾個小時他就去世了。 On his dying bed, I came to chant scriptures for him on request, “Zhaxi, I asked you to practice the Dharma with diligence, but you didn’t listen to me. Now you’re leaving this home in this world for another world, no longer for our monastery. You would never see your kids anymore.” On listening to my words, he sobbed with remorseful tears, saying “What you said is absolutely right, Tulku, but now we are so hopeless to have no other way out.” We were only left to carry out some Dharma activities for him, who died in a couple of hours. 他死了後,他的那些孩子要挖蟲草的就挖蟲草去, 都沒餓死。他們一樣有辦法(活下去)的。 After his death, all his kids found their ways to live on, by going out to dig caterpillar funguses in the season. No one has died of hunger. 所以我們在孩子和親情方面的執著對他們是沒什麼作用的,只會讓自己更累。 Clearly, our serious attachment on kids and affections is simply meaningless, which only makes ourselves even more fatigued with greater pressure. 我們的所作所為是不是永久的呢?其實一切都是無常的。 Can our behaviors and thoughts last forever? Honesty, everything is simply impermanent.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 06:10:36 +0000

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