免搓揉湯種小餐包(No-knead tangzhong dinner - TopicsExpress


免搓揉湯種小餐包(No-knead tangzhong dinner rolls) 大家好!不好意思,今天公私兩忙,到現在才有時間與大家分享食譜。今早做完運動,看見我家小狗在露台好奇看街,拍了幾張照片與大家分享 :-) 上星期六介紹了免搓揉湯種土司,如果你覺得土司太單調,這次分享免搓揉湯種小餐包,希望你喜歡!麵粉和水(流質)的比例同樣是2:1;材料和做法同樣簡單! 免搓揉麵包利用大自然和時間發酵,省卻不少時間和工夫,而湯種令麵包口感特別柔軟,兩者結合,是另一個不錯的選擇啊!自己親手焗出來的愛心麵包,照顧了家人的健康,也有滿足感,配以手工果醬就更美味了! No knead country bread reference 對免揉麵包有興趣,可以參考: youtube/watch?v=YX_6l2bmvQI https://youtube/watch?v=eaoNyw-cH8s&feature=youtube_gdata_player 材料: 3量杯高筋麵粉 1量杯水 *也可以用牛奶,果汁,菜汁等做出不同口味 ½ 量杯湯種 1¼ 茶匙鹽 ¼ 茶匙快速酵母 8 吋方型焗模 預備: 1. 麵包模型内掃一層薄牛油防黏 2. 焗爐預熱180°C 15分鐘 做法﹕ 1) 將所有材料在容器中混合 2) 覆上保鮮紙,讓它于室溫作第一次自然發酵 10 - 12小時;因爲有湯種,請不要超過12 小時 3) 麵糰發酵后表面充滿泡泡 4) 工作擡上灑上薄薄麵粉 5)把麵糰倒出,輕輕排氣,簡單整圓,然後分割16 等份再簡單整圓。 6) 放入方型模具内 7) 覆上保鮮紙,室溫下發酵約1 小時作第2次發酵至麵糰約兩倍大 8) 把模型連麵糰放進焗爐,焗 15至20分鐘(每個焗爐的溫度都會有點差別,烤焗時間因此也會有點差別,初次做的朋友,請多留意) 9) 把麵包取出,趁熱在面部掃上放在鐵架上待涼 10)凃上手工果醬或牛油就更美味了! **做湯種的時候忘記了拍照,下星期一定記得,哈哈! Ingredients: 3 cups of all-purpose or bread flour, more for dusting 1 cup of water *can be milk, fruit juice, vegetable juice ½ cup of tangzhong 1¼ teaspoons salt ¼ teaspoon instant yeast 8 inch square baking tin Preparation: 1. Grease the baking tin 2. Preheat the oven at 180°C for 15 minutes Process: 1. Mix all ingredients in a large bowl, and stir until blended. 2. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap. Let the dough proof for 10 to 12 hours. 3. Dough is ready when its surface is dotted with bubbles. 4. Lightly flour the work surface. 5. Place the dough on it; and slightly pushing out some air bubbles and slightly shape it. 6. Cut into 16 equal-sized sections. Roll each piece into a ball. 7. Place the dough into the baking tin 8. Cover with plastic wrap. Let it rise for about an hour until double in size. 9. Bake in a pre-heated oven for 15 to 20 minutes. 10. Cool on a rack. 11. Serve with handmade jam. **Forgot to take pictures while making tangzhong, will do that next week! Promise :-)
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 13:37:24 +0000

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