南法~ 傳統普羅旺斯村莊 South of France: The Provence - TopicsExpress


南法~ 傳統普羅旺斯村莊 South of France: The Provence villages 每過延棉的葡萄園就有個傳統普羅旺斯的村莊. 漫步在鵝卵石鋪成的小路和寧靜的村莊好像回去舊時的感覺. 村莊裡的房舍是石頭建蓋的, 圍牆是乾砌石矮牆. 亙古教堂, 古老的噴泉.美麗的石刻, 古代的時鐘(太陽的光線來判斷時間), 懷舊的農場, 可以體驗到人們在這地中海的環境中紀錄已經恆久的足跡. 周圍的山脈景色, 葡萄園和傳統村莊, 普羅旺斯成了很多藝術家追求靈感之地. 每個角落都就這麼讓人留戀不已. Travelling through extensions of vineyards one always comes across a traditional Provence village. Walking slowly through the cobbled streets of these calm villages takes me back to old times. Surrounding the stone built houses one often finds rubble stonewalls. Mediaeval churches, ancient fountains, beautiful stone carving, stone sun clocks, nostalgic farms, all of which reveal a Mediterranean history once experienced by people during mediaeval times. Surrounded by mountain scenery, vineyards and traditional villages, the Provence region of France offers inspiration for many artists. Every corner sets any admirer on a beautiful dream.
Posted on: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 14:02:23 +0000

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