又是對答案的時候了! 9/18/13 What did Jesus abolish? - TopicsExpress


又是對答案的時候了! 9/18/13 What did Jesus abolish? 耶穌已經把什麼廢去了? A. The devil 魔鬼 B. Death 死亡 C. The law 律法 D. Poverty 貧窮 E. None of the above 以上皆非 答案Answer: B 9/19/13 What does Paul tell Timothy not to be ashamed of? (This also tells us not to be shameful of what?)保羅告訴提摩太不要以什麼為恥辱 ? (這也表示今天我們也不要以什麼為恥辱) A. Paul 保羅 B. Dying 死亡 C. Persecution 迫害 D. The testimony of the Lord 為主做見證 E. None of the above 以上皆非 答案Answer: D 9/20/13 What will happen to those who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus? 那些渴望在基督裡過敬虔生活的人會發生什麼事? A. They will be blessed 他們將被祝福 B. They will suffer persecution 他們將受到迫害 C. They will prosper 他們將蓬勃發展 D. They will have fellowship with believers 他們將與信徒團契 答案Answer: B 9/21/13 What will Jesus give to Paul and those who love His appearing? 主耶穌會賞賜什麽給保羅,和那些愛慕祂顯現的人? A. A mansion 一座豪宅 B. A crown of righteousness 公義的冠冕 C. Great treasures 極大的財寶 D. A beautiful white horse 一只美麗的白馬 E. A new name 一個新名 答案Answer: B 9/22/13 What happened to Paul at Antioch, Iconium and Lystra? 保羅在「安提阿」,「以哥念」,和「路司得」城裏發生了什麽事? A. Persecutions 遭迫害 B. Imprisonment 坐牢 C. Greeted by fellow believers 受其他信徒接待 D. Questioned by the priests 被祭司質問 E. None of the above 以上皆不是 答案Answer: A 9/23/13 Titus, like Timothy, is a pastor of a local congregation. Where was it? 像提摩太一樣,提多是一個地方教會的牧者,這地方在哪裡? A. Cyprus 塞浦路斯 B. Sicily 西西里島 C. Crete 克里特島 D. Malta 馬耳他 答案Answer: C 9/24/13 In the Book of Titus chapter 1, Paul gives 15 qualifications for elders. Which below is one of them? 保羅在提多書第1章列出了15個作為教會長者的資格。下面哪個是其中之一? A. Blameless, be the husband of one wife 無可指責,只作一個婦人的丈夫 B. have faithful and obedient children 兒女也是信主和聽話的 C. not self-willed, not quick-tempered, not greedy for money 不任性,不暴躁,不貪財 D. hospitable, loving what is good, sober-minded, just, holy 樂意接待人,好善,莊重,公平,聖潔自持 E. All of the above 以上都是 答案Answer: E
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 01:30:00 +0000

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