【另一英譯版本,若無意見,我會採用這個】 Has - TopicsExpress


【另一英譯版本,若無意見,我會採用這個】 Has the government ever consulted you before letting them in to get your seat and your job? 佢地搶書讀,爭工做! 政府批佢地來,有冇問過你先? Nearly 70% out of the total number of subsidized-research students are from the Mainland! 大學資助研究生(碩士、博士)有近70%為大陸學生! In the past ten years, the increase in subsidized-undergraduate programme were 15% for local students, and 806% for mainland Chinese students. 近十年資助學士學生增幅:大陸學生:806% 本地學生: 15% These mainland Chinese students (including those from self-financed taught Master programme) can stay in Hong Kong for one year without any precondition. Afterwards, they might stay continuously with a job offer or self-business. The number of these graduates are 21,049 from 2008-2012. 佢地(包括自資授課式碩士) 畢業後毋須工作簽證,也可留港一年。之後只要有工作或創業,就可申請繼續留港!08-12年大陸學生畢業後留港人數累計有21049人。 We oppose to the Mainlandisation of local universities! Hong Kong citizens’ rights to tertiary education and employment should be protected! 反對本港大學大陸化! 還我港人升學就業權! Educating Hong-kongers must remain the primary goal of statutory universities! Now we demand: 1) To reduce and set limit to the percentage of Mainland Chinese students at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. 2) To tighten the measure for allowing Mainland-Chinese graduates to work in Hong Kong. 3) To increase the number of subsidized degree programmes for local students. 4) To enhance the opportunities and academic training for local talents at research level; to encourage Hong Kong Studies. 5) To review the self-financed taught Master programmes as well as its admission policy. 6) To consider whether the percentage of Mainland-Chinese academics is dominantly high among the overall population of academic staff. 港人資助的公立大學,必須以培育港人為主! 我們要求: 1 減少各級大陸學生比例。 2 收緊外地生留港工作規定。 3 增加本地生資助學位。 4 培養本土學術人才,振興本地研究。 5 檢討自資修課式碩士的開辦及收生政策。 6 檢視大陸教員佔全體大學教員比例是否過高。
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 06:32:53 +0000

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