國立臺北藝術大學 2013 關渡藝術節 KUANDU ARTS - TopicsExpress


國立臺北藝術大學 2013 關渡藝術節 KUANDU ARTS FESTIVAL 2013 關渡藝術節 KUANDU ARTS FESTIVAL 關於關渡藝術節 購票資訊 演出場地介紹 交通資訊 好康資訊 活動總表 Opening 開幕活動 Music 音樂 Theatre 戲劇 Dance 舞蹈 Exhibition 展覽 Flim 電影動畫 Activity 校園活動 關於關渡藝術節 About KUANDU ARTS FESTIVAL Share to Twitter Share to Google+ Share to Facebook 校長暨藝術總監的話 跨越30,超越自己 每年十月,是藝文界的瘋狂十月,更是鄉鎮縣市大型藝術節舉辦的時節,這些充沛的動能,取代了以往政治氣味濃厚的「光輝十月」,慢慢發展出屬於民眾、生活、土地的十月慶典。 關渡藝術節自1993年創辦以來,今年邁入第二十年,也是重新審視自己立基點的最佳時機。以 CROSSOVER 為策展主題,希望從藝術家探索與鑽研的態度,勇敢地跨越障礙、嘗試跨界合作,超越自己,迎向挑戰的精神,勉勵北藝大創校第三十一個年頭,更期許擴散藝術的力量,加強社會參與,以「人」相連,加強社區、國際的連結。 時代發展至今,不只是先行的藝術創作重視交融、混合與跨界,文化與社會的現狀更是如此,新的一代將會有許多外配聯姻的孩子,所見的文化風景與觀點不再僅侷限於台灣本地或者傳統歐美,更需要有更多的亞洲文化風景。今年藝術節的國際節目選擇,即以亞洲為基地,邀請日本、澳門、馬來西亞等團隊,加上北藝大本身豐富的校友暨學校師生的演出,透過作品對話,探討全球化、文化多元性、包容性與跨越地域的當代亞洲觀點。 關渡藝術節一直以來,始終相信藝術節的意義是創造親民、藝術感與共同參與的節慶活動,與社會的脈動相互依存,無論是表演藝術、動畫、電影、展覽、講座、藝術市集與陣頭遊行,都誠摯期待您的參與及批評,經由親身體驗,反應藝術節價值,我們更期許自己不斷地超越與突破,開創下一個光輝歲月的共同記憶。 MESSAGE FROM PRESIDENT AND ARTISTIC DIRECTOR Over 30, Beyond Self Every October, lively events, festivals and performances are held all over the country. During this time, the arts and culture scene seems to have replaced the politically-charged atmosphere of “Glorious October”. It has since gradually developed into a celebration of life, people and the land. Launched in 1993, Kuandu Arts Festival is now entering its twentieth year. So, what better time than now to examine the event’s roots? Invoking the theme, CROSSOVER, this event will infuse the inspirations of an artist’s spirit: Non-stop exploration and study, facing difficulties with courage, attempting new collaborations, overcoming self-limitations, and seeking new challenges are qualities we would like to promote and celebrate at the 31st anniversary for the Taipei National University of the Arts. We believe that people are the key to spreading the power of art, encouraging social participation, and strengthening the link between international and local communities. Along with the changes in the times, the patterns of blending, hybrids and crossovers are not just trends seen in the art scene, but also prevalent throughout our culture and society. A new generation of children born from intercultural marriages holds perspectives that transcend the views of a single culture. Their perspective of culture is no longer limited by a singularly Taiwanese or Western worldview. Therefore, it is important to increase levels of cultural awareness and understanding among Asian countries. In 2013, we invite art groups from Japan, Macao, Malaysia, and other Asian countries to perform alongside the alumnus, students, and professors of Taipei National University of the Arts. We hope to increase levels of artistic appreciation through works that focus on topics of globalization, cultural diversity, and regional inclusiveness, as well as those that foster a perspective on contemporary Asian culture. Kuandu Arts Festival serves as an event that makes art accessible to people through its interdependence with society. We warmly welcome you to join us in experiencing the performances, animations, films, exhibitions, seminars, art bazaar, and street parade featured at this event. With your feedback and suggestions, we will be able to achieve new heights of excellence. Together, let us create collective memories for glorious times to come. 校長/楊其文 延期公告 原 10/5(Sat.) 開幕活動, 因雨改至 10/26(Sat.) 13:00 關渡宮 15:30 北藝大人文廣場 Due to the typhoon on Oct. 5, the opening parade has been postponed to Oct 26. The opening parade will start from13.00, at the Kuandu Temple, and the outdoor performance is from 15.30, at the Arts Forum, TNUA. 2013 關渡藝術節宣傳手冊 雙河彎 關於關渡藝術節 購票資訊 演出場地介紹 交通資訊 好康資訊 活動總表 指導單位 Supervisor 中華民國教育部 國立臺北藝術大學獎勵大學教學卓越計畫 中華民國文化部 主辦單位 Organizer 國立臺北藝術大學 協辦單位 Co-organizer 法國在台協會 Institut français 致理技術學院 媒體協力 Media Sponsors 2013 華山藝術生活節 Huashan Living Art Festival Arttime 藝術網 甘樂文創 綻賞國際有限公司 MOT/TIMES 線上誌|藝術.設計.電影.生活.建築.音樂.表演.時尚.人物 SNAPPP TAAZE|讀冊生活 – 新書與二手書的網路書店 The Big Issue / 大誌雜誌 | 大智文創 YOURART藝游網:開啟你的雲端藝術生活 yourart.asia 小人物 雜誌 双河彎 — 愛讀‧愛生活 crosspoint 交點 國立中正文化中心 welcome to e - classical 藝文費斯簿(Blog) — 最即時互動的表演藝術資訊平台 關渡自然公園 贊助單位 Sponsors 中影股份有限公司 Hong Kong Economic, Trade and Cultural Office | 香港經濟貿易文化辦事處 Copyright © 2013 KUANDU ARTS FESTIVAL. All Rights Reserved. Web Design by dayinflying.net Scroll to Top kdarts.tnua.edu.tw/festival/2013/tickets/
Posted on: Sat, 12 Oct 2013 02:04:33 +0000

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