天文匯 Astrolink (English - TopicsExpress


天文匯 Astrolink (English follows)又係金星,大家請留意。變色的原因是金星在黃昏時較接近地平,易受近地面氣流所影響,於是出現閃爍的現象。色澤偏黃的原因是望向地平面方向的大氣層較厚,加上空氣污染,令原本呈白色的金星藍綠色部份較易被吸收,於是剩下紅、橙及黃色,原理就像日落般,空氣污染越嚴重,色澤更偏向橙紅,亦可以說是空氣污染的「明燈」。 Again its Venus not UFO. Its brightness keeps changing because of turbulents near the horizon. Thicker atmosphere and air pollution absorb blue and green light of its spectrum, this turns Venus, which should appears as a bright white dot, to yellowish. It is the same reason why one would see a red Sun during sunset. This is a perfect indicator of air pollution level.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 05:02:02 +0000

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