奇妙創造 A Flying Miracle 2013年 07月 2日 讀經: - TopicsExpress


奇妙創造 A Flying Miracle 2013年 07月 2日 讀經: 聖詠104篇10-24節 上主啊,祢所造的何其多!都是祢用智慧造成的,遍地滿了祢的豐富。 —聖詠104篇24節 全年讀經: 約伯記22-24章 宗徒大事錄11章 在上主所造的萬物中,有許多艷麗奪目的生物,蝴蝶便是其中之一。牠們優雅的舞姿、斑斕的翅膀,以及神奇的遷徙,使蝴蝶成為自然界的偉大傑作。 這翩飛起舞的彩蝶,給了我們視覺的享受,也讓我們看見了上主創造的奇妙。 比方說,身體碩大的帝王蝶可以飛越三千哩遷徙到中美洲,並且準確地找到牠們的父母、甚至是祖父母所曾棲息的同一棵樹。這全靠帝王蝶那像針頭般小的腦袋引導方向。 此外,蝴蝶的蛻變也讓人驚嘆。在毛毛蟲以蝶蛹包住自己之後,就會釋放一種化學物質,使身體變成一團糊狀物。接著,逐漸發育成大腦、內臟、頭、腳、翅膀,最後長成了一隻蝴蝶。 有一位蝴蝶專家說:「從一隻毛毛蟲變成有身體、翅膀的蝴蝶,這毫無疑問的是地球上生物的一大奇事。」另一位專家也認為「這種蛻變真可稱為是奇蹟。」 「(上主)所造的何其多!」(聖詠104篇24節)蝴蝶只是其中之一罷了。 上主創造眾星系, 又為蝴蝶披彩衣; 自然萬物正述說, 主愛環繞我和你。 奇妙的創造,顯出那位偉大造物主。 10你使水泉成為溪川,蜿蜒長流於群山間, 10And he appointed the same to Jacob for a law, and to Israel for an everlasting testament: 11供給各種走獸水喝,使野驢也得以解渴。 11Saying: To thee will I give the land of Chanaan, the lot of your inheritance. 12天上飛鳥,在水邊宿臥,在枝葉叢中不斷鳴叫。 12When they were but a small number: yea very few, and sojourners therein: 13你從高樓宮殿上,灌溉山地,以你出產的果實,飽飫普世; 13And they passed from nation to nation, and from one kingdom to another people. 14你使青草和植物生出,餵養牲畜,為給人服務。又使土地產生出五穀, 14He suffered no man to hurt them: and he reproved kings for their sakes. 15美酒,人飲了舒暢心神,膏油,人用來塗面潤身,麵餅,人吃了增強心神。 15Touch ye not my anointed: and do no evil to my prophets. 16上主的喬木飽餐水澤,黎巴嫩香柏,主手所植。 16And he called a famine upon the land: and he broke in pieces all the support of bread. 17鳥類在那裡壘窩築巢,鶴群以樹梢為家安臥。 17He sent a man before them: Joseph, who was sold for a slave. 18高山崚嶺作羚羊的洞府,絕壁岩石作野兔的居處。 18They humbled his feet in fetters: the iron pierced his soul, 19你造有月亮以定節季,太陽自知向西邊沉墜。 19Until his word came. The word of the Lord inflamed him. 20你造了黑暗,便有了夜晚,林中的野獸遂四出狂竄。 20The king sent, and he released him: the ruler of the people, and he set him at liberty. 21少壯的獅子怒吼覓食,向天主要求食物充饑; 21He made him master of his house, and ruler of all his possession. 22太陽升起的時候,牠們各自逃避,回到自己的洞穴,安然臥下休息; 22That he might instruct his princes as himself, and teach his ancients wisdom. 23於是人們外出謀生,各去勞動,直到黃昏。 23And Israel went into Egypt: and Jacob was a sojourner in the land of Cham. 24上主,你的化工,是何其浩繁,全是你以智慧所創辦,你的受造物遍地充滿。 24And he increased his people exceedingly: and strengthened them over their enemies, A Flying Miracle July 2, 2013 Among God’s creatures, the butterfly is one of the most stunningly beautiful! Its gentle flight, colorful wings, and amazing migratory patterns are traits that make the butterfly a masterpiece of the natural world. This flying insect, while supplying us with visual enjoyment, also supplies us with amazing examples of the marvels of God’s creative work. For instance, the majestic monarch butterfly can travel 3,000 miles on its migration to Central America—only to end up at the same tree its parents or even grandparents landed on a generation or two earlier. It does this guided by a brain the size of a pinhead. Or consider the monarch’s metamorphosis. After the caterpillar builds a chrysalis around itself, it releases a chemical that turns its insides to mush—no perceptible parts. Somehow from this emerges the brain, internal parts, head, legs, and wings of a butterfly. One butterfly expert said, “The creation of the body of a caterpillar into the body and wings of a butterfly is, without doubt, one of the wonders of life on earth.” Another expert feels that this metamorphosis is “rightly regarded as a miracle.” “How manifold are [God’s] works!” (Ps. 104:24)—and the butterfly is but one of them. We stand amazed, God, at the awesome creation You allow us to enjoy. From distant galaxies to beautiful butterflies, You have given us a world that speaks loudly of Your love for us. Thank You, Lord, for creation. Creation’s design points to the Master Designer.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 00:50:51 +0000

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