{小編} 轉載@唐威廉美語 American Dartmouth College - TopicsExpress


{小編} 轉載@唐威廉美語 American Dartmouth College courses on French and Italian is trying to combine the functionality of social-networking website Twitter into the course. They encourage students to use Twitter in French or Italian outside of class and follow the tweets of other people in that language. By tweeting and reading tweets in the target language, it increased the chance for students to use the language actively and practice what they’ve learned in class, bringing them a huge benefit to their learning. 美國達特茅斯大學(Dartmouth College)的法語和義大利語言課程,目前正嘗試結合推特(Twitter)社交網絡的功能,讓學生除了課堂學習之外,還能在自己選擇的法文和義大利文推特上,跟著推文(tweets),或閱讀別人的推文,增加活學活用的機會;有現成舞台讓他們可以演練學來的語文,對他們學習幫助很大。 本文由國立教育廣播台提供
Posted on: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 10:56:06 +0000

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