[後補] 九月二十日 September - TopicsExpress


[後補] 九月二十日 September 20 今天是首都墨西哥城之旅的第六天,因為在旅途中看到一件事所以想特別記下來。Paseo de la Reforma是一條12公里長的大道,對角穿過整個城市,橫跨多個旅遊點。那天我們於黃昏走在大道上,一行人邊聊邊走,忽厭看到前方有位小妹妹(依身高估計應該只有六七嵗)作小丑打扮,挺著一個道具大屁股,只需少許郁動假屁股就會大幅度地上下左右搖擺,乍看之下絕對是會滑稽得令人發笑。當我們走近至妹妹的視線範圍時,她隨即走前伸手拿錢,在她附近的弟弟見狀也一併上前。一看之下我稍稍嚇了一跳,別說稚氣,她世故得像成人的神情實在令我心寒(和心疼);還有她拒絕被友人拍照的舉動也令我戚然,那是因為她清楚知道自己在做什麼,而她對自己做的事感到羞恥...雖然友人看到她的反應後沒有拍下照片,但我仍因為她而感到歉疚。作為旅客的我是如此無力,給她錢是幫倒忙,促使她繼續以這種方式生活;不給錢她可能三餐不繼,連生存都談不上。而且,這樣的童年會為她的成長帶來怎樣的印記...寫下來是為了記著,以督促自己一定要做點什麼。 今天是中秋節翌日,公眾假期。難得假期,留家休息看電影,看了。訊息很明顯:每個時代都有壓迫,面對壓迫的人們都竭力作出抗爭。然而,人類總是會犯重覆的錯誤,人性光輝一面非得有醜惡襯托不可,所以過了多少年,多少個時代,抗爭的還在抗爭,和平就只能是短暫的過客。 Today is the sixth day of the Mexico City trip. Its special because of something I saw during the day. Paseo de la Reforma is a wide avenue that runs diagonally across the whole city, it passes through lots of tourist points. As we walked along the avenue in the evening, we saw a little girl, roughly around 6 to 7 years old, wearing a clown costume with an exceptionally huge fake butt. With just slightly moving her body, the fake butt would shake substantially, which is definitely hilarious enough to make everyone laugh. As we walked closer, the little girl and her younger brother approached us and asked for money. As I looked at her closely, her overly worldly look on her face surprised me, not to mention the usual childishness a usual kid would have. As my friend raise his camera, the way she instantly refused to be taken pictures of even surprised me more. Her reaction clearly shows that she knows exactly what shes doing and she feels shameful about it. I feel awfully sorry for her. At the same time, I feel the heavy helplessness. Giving her money, I keep her in this way of living; not giving her money, she may be starved. Not to mention the scar that may stay with her when she grow up. I write it down as a way to remember and to remind myself to do something and to combat the helplessness. Today is a public holiday of Mid-autumn festival. I took a rest at home and watched a movie--. The message is clear: Suppression happens every era. Revolution takes place whenever people are oppressed. Yet, humankind always repeats the same mistake. The beauty of humanity is present only with its ugliness. After all those years, all those eras, humans are still fighting against something, with peace passing through as a short-lived guest.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 17:28:42 +0000

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