心心相印神国度 城市欢庆教会2013印度宣教之旅 - TopicsExpress


心心相印神国度 城市欢庆教会2013印度宣教之旅 队员分享篇 十三 City Celebration Centre 2013 India Mission Trip Team Member Sharing 13 麻坡城市欢庆教会 陈桂兰 Tan Kwee Lan,City Celebration Centre,Muar 当年我在新加坡留学的时候,被培训如何与人分享基督的福音。我和我的好友便开始使用《四个属灵的定律》向人分享福音。我们挨家挨户、一座组屋到另一座组屋向人分享福音,有时候路上行人也走近我们聆听福音。 后来我在马六甲工作,我所参与的教会姐妹也这样做。我从来不曾想过能够到海外去宣教,传扬福音,一直到去年,我们的城市欢庆教会开始在印度开展宣教旅程开始在我的脑海运行。向不同语言的人传福音是什么样的体验呢?我想那种经验应该是非常棒。去年的印度之行,我还在STMicroelectronics工作,无法请上那么多天的假期参加这次旅程。此外,我有一个女儿-美仪需要照顾。 今年,感谢上帝,我的机会来了。我已经退休了,无需在请假。我也要感谢上帝给了我非常好的述贞姐妹和佩婷传道,他们愿意照顾我的女儿。 我阅读并听说许多关于印度的点滴。有一位牧师在印度传福音,他说:印度是赤贫国,大多数的印度人非常贫穷。那里的妇女没有基本权,特别是寡妇。很多印度人都相信他们是带来家庭厄运的源头。 对于这个即将到来的印度宣教之旅,我们将在三个城镇或村庄宣教,最兴奋的是当我知道我们将服侍许多的寡妇和孤儿。虽然我们能给予的经济协助不大,但至少可以让他们知道,有人(我们的教会和其他一些教会)关心他们、为他们祷告、让他们经历到信主主耶的未来是充满希望的。 良好并有素质教育是带来国家繁荣的其中一个关键。我祷告上帝触摸和感动有钱的人,在这些城镇或村庄建立学校、有弟兄姐妹自愿去到那里从事英语教学。毕竟,给他们鱼不如教他们如何钓鱼。 愿奇妙的上帝赐福印度,尤其是寡妇和孤儿。 您可以如何与我们同心参与呢? 一, 你可以成为我们的代祷勇士,用祷告守望我们整个旅程,到时我们将作出呼吁。 二, 你可以以金钱或支票的奉献支持我们整个宣教旅程的基本开销,每一个团员的初步旅程预算总额为马币3300,此数目包括了机票、住宿、交通、膳食、医药、体检。 三, 你可以以金钱或支票的奉献支持印度的教会,我们将一起将您的奉献带给他们。 四, 你可以以金钱或支票的奉献支持印度的孤儿及寡妇,我们将一起将您的奉献带给他们。 五, 你可以协助我们的团员和印度的教会,向人分享并要求经济的奉献。 参加团员的基本开销: 日期:2013年9月24日至10月3日(十天) 团员:十五人 开销:每一个团员的旅程费用总额包括了- 机票RM1000 住宿交通膳食RM1700 医药体检RM400 其它RM100 总共为RM3200 为了慎重与透明的缘故,所有金钱奉献或支票奉献都会直接归入【城市欢庆教会印度宣教基金】。金钱奉献恳请获取教会正式收据,支票奉献请务必汇入 CITY CELEBRATION CENTRE 银行户口:MBB 5010 4816 1855 无论多寡的奉献或是否获得你的支持,我们都感激您。 分享的快乐加倍的多,分担的重担格外的轻。 祝福你,平安喜乐。 While I was studying in Singapore and after training on how to share gospel with people, my friend and I started personal evangelism by using the 4 spiritual laws for some time. We went from house to house or rather from flat to flat to share the gospel and sometimes sharing with pedestrians who came near us. When I was working in Malacca, some brothers and sisters from the same church that I attended also did the same thing. To evangelize to people in a foreign country is a dream that had never come across my mind until last year some brothers and sisters from CCC started the missionary work in India. What kind of experience will we get by evangelizing to people of different language in a foreign country? The experience should be marvelous. However, during last year’s mission trip to India, I could not participate due to the reasons that I was still working in STMicroelectronics, my superior would not allow me to go on leave from my work for so many days. Moreover, I had a daughter, Mei Yee to take care. This year, CCC is going to India for mission trip again. Thank God, my chance has come since I have retired from STMicroelectronics, I don’t have to apply leave from work anymore. I also thank God for giving me 2 very helpful sisters, Sister Alice and Pastor Pei Ting who are so willing to take care of my daughter when I go to India. I have heard and read many stories about India. A pastor when evangelizing in India said that India was in adject poverty, thus, majority of the Indians there should be very poor. The women there do not have positions and rights especially the widows whom a lot of Indians believe they will bring bad luck to their families. For this coming mission trip, we are going to evangelize in 2 or 3 towns or villages and the majority of people that we are going to serve are widows and orphans sine they are the people who are really in need. I am very glad we can serve them even though the help that we are going to give them is not a lot financially, at least we can let them know that there is someone (our church and a few other churches) concerns about them and we are praying for them. We can also let them know that there is hope for their future when they believe in Christ. Since to have good or high education is a way to make a land prosperous, I pray that God will touch and move rich people to build schools in these 2 or 3 towns or villages and then some brothers and sisters may go there voluntarily to teach the children there English. After all, to teach a person to fish is much better to give a person a fish. May God wonderfully bless India specially the widows and orphans there. How can you be with us on this matter? 1. You can be our prayer warrior, use prayers to uphold our whole journey, till then we will make a calling. 2. You can support our whole missionary trip’s basic expenses by cash or cheques, each mission member’s initial trip budget transport, food, medicine and body checking. 3. You can support the Indian churches with cash or cheques we shall altogether bring your offerings to them. 4. You can support India’s orphans and widows, we shall altogether bring your offerings to them. 5. You can help our mission members and India’s churches by sharing with people and requesting financial offerings. Funds for participating mission members’ basic expenses. Date: 24/09/2013 to 03/10/2013 (Ten days) No of members: 15 Expenses: Each mission member’s trip expenses includes – Air ticket RM1000.00 Board and lodging, transport RM1700.00 Medicine and checking RM400.00 Others RM100.00 Total: RM3200.00 Due to caution and transparency, all cash offerings or cheque offerings will directly be put into City Celebration Centre’s India Missionary Fund. Cash offerings will be issued church official receipts, cheque offerings will be deposited into: CITY CELEBRATION CENTRE Account number: MBB 5010 4816 1855 No matter how much your offerings or have your support, we are grateful to you all the same. Shared joys are manifolds, shared loads all the more light. Bless you, peace and joy.
Posted on: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 05:38:28 +0000

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