憐憫The Power Of Compassion 2013年 08月 10日 讀經: - TopicsExpress


憐憫The Power Of Compassion 2013年 08月 10日 讀經: 依撒意亞書42章1-9節 壓傷的蘆葦,祂不折斷;將殘的燈火,祂不吹滅。 —依撒意亞書42章3節 全年讀經: 聖詠79-80篇 羅馬書11章1-18節 弗朗西斯·薛華(Francis Schaeffer)是一位作家,也是基督教護教者。他因為有閱讀障礙,所以常常無法拼出正確的字。在他所就讀的大學裡,寫錯字會大大地影響學業成績。在他大學第一學年,一位教授對薛華說:「這是我讀過最好的哲學文章,但我也從沒看過這麼多的錯字,我當如何評分呢?我不能讓你及格!」 弗朗西斯回答說:「老師,我一向沒辦法拼字,請你單單讀我所要表達的意思,忽略錯字的問題,好嗎?」 這位教授想了好一會兒,說:「薛華,我同意這麼做。」他明智的、憐憫的回應,鼓勵了一位富有才華的年輕人,讓他後來在1960至1970年間,幫助了許多迷惘的人在基督裡尋著信仰。 先知依撒意亞宣揚應許的依撒意亞說:「壓傷的蘆葦,祂不折斷;將殘的燈火,祂不吹滅。祂憑真實將公理傳開」(依撒意亞書42章3節)。這就是祂溫和卻滿有權威的形象,使受綑綁的得釋放,並鼓勵那些心靈脆弱、容易沮喪的人。 耶穌基督來是要將我們從罪中釋放出來,祂並沒有按我們的情況判斷我們,今日祂已賜下救恩和盼望給每一個信靠祂的人。 永遠脫去審判恐懼, 我屬耶穌耶穌屬我; 為祂而活祂是我主, 得穿聖潔公義衣袍。 Wesley 我們曾經支離破碎,基督修復我們完整如初。 1請看我扶持的僕人,我心靈喜愛的所選者!我在他身上傾注了我的神,叫他給萬民傳布真道。 1Here is my servant whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight. I have put my spirit upon him, and he will bring justice to the nations. 2他不呼喊,不喧嚷,在街市上也聽不到他的聲音。 2He does not shout or raise his voice proclamations are not heard in the streets. 3破傷的蘆葦,他不折斷;將熄的燈心,他不吹滅,他將忠實地傳布真道。 3A broken reed he will not crush, nor will he snuff out the light of the wavering wick. He will make justice appear in truth. 4他不沮喪,也不失望,直到他在世上奠定了真道,因為海島都期待著他的教誨。 4He will not waver or be broken until he has established justice on earth; the islands are waiting for his law. 5那創造且展布天空,舖張大地和佈置大地的產物,給世人賜予氣息,並給在地上行動的,賜與呼吸的天主上主這樣說: 5Thus says God, Yahweh, who created the heavens and stretched them out, who spread the earth and all that comes from it, who gives life and breath to those who walk on it: 6「我,上主,因仁義召叫了你,我必提攜你,保護你,立你作人民的盟約,萬民的光明, 6I, Yahweh, have called you for the sake of justice; I will hold your hand to make you firm; I will make you as a covenant to the people, and as a light to the nations, 7為開啟盲人的眼目,從獄中領出被囚的人,從牢裡領出住在黑暗的人。 7to open eyes that do not see, to free captives from prison, to bring out to light those who sit in darkness. 8我是上主,這是我的名字;我決不將我的光榮讓與另一位,決不將我應受的讚美歸於偶像。 8I am Yahweh, that is my name, I will not give my glory to another; or my praise to graven images. 9先前的事,看,已經成就;我再宣告新近的事,在事未發生之前,我先告訴你們。」 9See, the former things have come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them. The Power Of Compassion August 10, 2013 Francis Schaeffer, author and Christian apologist, struggled to spell words correctly because of dyslexia. At the college he attended, spelling errors lowered the grade on all written assignments. During his first year, a professor told Schaeffer, “This is the best philosophy paper I’ve ever read, but it’s the worst spelling. What am I going to do? I can’t pass you.” Francis replied, “Sir, I could never spell. Could you please just read what I’m saying and not worry about the spelling?” After a long pause, the professor replied, “You know, Mr. Schaeffer, I think we’ll do that.” His wise, compassionate response encouraged a gifted young man who would later help many of the searching generation during the 1960s and 70s to find their way to faith in Christ. Isaiah said of the promised Messiah, “A bruised reed He will not break, and smoking flax He will not quench; He will bring forth justice for truth” (Isa. 42:3). The image is of a gentle, yet powerful Person who sets prisoners free and encourages those who are fainthearted and tempted to despair. Jesus came to free us from sin, not to condemn us for our condition. Today, He offers salvation and encouragement to all who turn to Him. No condemnation now I dread, I am my Lord’s and He is mine; Alive in Him, my living Head, And clothed in righteousness divine. —Wesley When we come to Christ in our brokenness, He makes us whole.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 13:57:47 +0000

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