成聖的靈 經文: - TopicsExpress


成聖的靈 經文: 「藉著聖靈得成聖潔,以致順服耶穌基督,又蒙祂血所灑的人,願恩惠平安,多多的加給你們。」(彼得前書一:2) 舊約中上帝以三位一體的真神啟示祂自己,有一百多次提到上帝的靈,但只有三次提到聖靈。然而在新約裡,聖靈不斷重複並且獨立出現,我們也因著耶穌的犧牲,受死得以被贖稱義,聖靈偉大的工作,就是在我們心中不斷地榮耀耶穌,使我們得以成聖。 在禱告會中,或個人的靈修時,這個真理可曾抓住你的心?就是聖靈要幫助你成聖?若你不接受這真理,聖靈就無法做潔淨成聖的工作。若你只是禱告求聖靈讓你變好一點,或能多禱告一點,那麼你尚在救恩的開端,但你若明白聖靈之稱為聖靈,就是祂要使你有份於上帝聖潔的性情,並且要使你全然成聖,你就明白聖靈是住在你心裡了。 這會帶來怎樣的結果呢?你會感到聖靈要完全地擁有你,並要整天管理你的思想言行。我的言談作息都要行在聖靈當中;我的禱告、我的信心、我與上帝的交誼、服事等,都要完全在祂的眼目眷顧之下,因為祂是聖潔的靈,祂也要使我全然成聖。 親愛的弟兄姐妺們,以上我所說的是深奧、永恆的真理;即使我們相信接受這真理,也撥空默想其真意,但我們若不肯花時間等候上帝,給祂機會、時間,讓祂向我們啟示屬天的智慧,並領悟祂將能成聖的靈當作禮物賞賜給我們,那麼這一切還是與我們無益。讓我們每早晨都堅定有恆地來到主面前說: 「阿爸天父,在這新的一天,求祢賜下成聖的靈,更新我裡面的人。奉主耶穌聖名,阿們!」 THE SPIRIT OF SANCTIFICATION Scripture: Elect, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Christ.—1 PET. i. 2. In the Old Testament God was revealed as the Thrice Holy One. The Spirit is mentioned more than a hundred times, but only three times as the Holy Spirit. But in the New Testament the word Holy is ascribed to the Holy Spirit, and Christ sanctified Himself for us, that we might be holy. The great work of the Holy Spirit is to glorify Christ in us as our Sanctification. Has this truth ever taken hold of you—at the Pentecostal prayer-meetings or in your private devotions—that the great object for which the Holy Spirit is given is to sanctify you? If you do not accept this truth, then the Holy Spirit cannot do His purifying work. If you only want the Spirit to help you to be a little better, and to pray a little more, you will not get very far. But when you once understand that He has the name of Holy Spirit in order definitely to impart Gods holiness, and will sanctify you wholly, then you will begin to realize that the Holy Spirit dwells in your heart. And what will be the result ? You will feel that He must have you wholly. He must rule and control the whole day. My whole life and conversation must be in the Spirit. My prayer, my faith, my fellowship with the Father, and all my work in Gods service, must be completely under His sway. As the Spirit of holiness, He is the Spirit of my sanctification. Dear brother, what I have just said is deep, eternal truth. Even if we are willing to accept this truth, and meditate on it daily, it will be of no avail if we do not wait upon God to grant us the Spirit of heavenly wisdom, and a vision of what God has intended for us in His wonderful gift—the Spirit of sanctification. Each morning say slowly and calmly: Abba, Father, for this new day renew within me the gift of Thy Holy Spirit. 恩典之路 youtube/watch?v=0Q444bzsehU
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 06:05:05 +0000

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