最後一章 2013年 10月 30日 讀經: - TopicsExpress


最後一章 2013年 10月 30日 讀經: 默示錄22章6-20節 當叫眾人知道你們謙讓的心。主已經近了。 —斐理伯書4章5節 全年讀經: 耶肋米亞書20-21章 弟茂德後書4章 我有個朋友,在開始閱讀一本新的驚險小說時,她都先看最後一章。她說:「這樣讀就比較不會那麼緊張。」其實基督徒也是一樣,因為我們已經預先知道生命的結局,所以不管外在的世界如何紛亂,我們心中仍有平安,即使災難當前,依舊能夠淡然處之。 使徒保祿在腓理伯書4章5節提到的「謙讓」,有溫和、穩定的意思,意指「在壓力下的平安」。也就是我們具有平靜的心態、謹慎的能力,去面對每天令人憂慮不安的情況。國家可能敗亡、朋友可能不牢靠、教會或許會關閉、大海也會翻騰、高山可能坍塌,但是我們仍然能享有平安。 我們如何能保有這樣的鎮定、平安?當記得「主已經近了」(斐理伯書4章5節),主再來的日子已經近了。我們的主就站在門外,預備好要破門而入,且將除去世上的罪污使萬有回到正道。當上主的國度降臨時,這個世界所有的紛亂都要過去,因為「認識上主榮耀的知識,要充滿遍地,好像水充滿洋海一般。」(哈巴谷書2章14節) 在聖經最後一章裡,耶穌說的最後一句話:「我必快來!」(默示錄22章20節)沒錯,可能就是今天! 主啊!謝謝祢告訴我們結局, 驅散了我們心中的恐懼。 我們確切地知道:身為祢的信徒, 在那榮耀的天國,祢會永遠與我們同在! 基督再來的應許,與我們日常生活密切相關。 6天使又給我說:「這些話都是可信而真實的,因為是賜先知神恩的上主天主,派遣了自己的使者,把那些必須快要發生的事指示給自己的僕人們。」 6Then the angel said to me, These words are sure and true; the Lord God who inspires the prophets has sent his angel to show his servants what must happen soon. 7「記住!我快要來。凡遵守本書預言的,是有福的。」 7I am coming soon! Happy are those who keep the prophetic words of this book. 8我若望聽見了,也看見了這一切;我聽完看完以後,便俯伏在指示我這些事的那天使腳前,要朝拜他; 8I, John, saw and heard all this. When I had seen and heard them I fell at the feet of the angel who had shown me everything, to worship him. 9他卻對我說:「萬不可這樣作!我只是你和你的弟兄諸先知,以及那些遵守本書預言的同僕,你只該朝拜天主。」 9But he said, No, I am a fellow servant like you and your brothers, the prophets, and those who heed the words of this book. It is God you must worship. 10耶穌對我說:「你不可密封本書的預言,因為時期已臨近了。 10He then said to me, Do not keep secret the prophetic words of this book because the time is near. 11讓不義的,仍行不義罷!讓污穢的,仍舊污穢罷!讓行義的,仍舊行義罷!讓聖潔的,仍舊聖潔罷! 11Let the sinner continue to sin and the defiled remain in his defilement; let the righteous continue to do what is right and he who is holy grow holier. 12記住!我快要來。我隨身帶著報酬,要按照各人的行為還報各人。 12I am coming soon, bringing with me the salary I will pay to each one according to his deeds. 13我是『阿耳法』和『敖默加』,最初的和最末的,元始和終末。 13I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. 14那些洗淨自己衣服的,是有福的!他們有吃生命樹果的權利,並得由門進入聖城。 14Happy are those who wash their robes for they will have free access to the tree of Life and enter the city through the gates. 15凡為狗的,行邪術的,姦淫的,殺人的,拜偶像的,以及一切喜愛撒謊並實在撒謊的人,都留在城外。 15Outside are the dogs, sorcerers, the immoral, murderers, idolaters and all who take pleasure in falsehood! 16我耶穌派遣了我的使者,給你們證明了有關教會的這些事。我是出於達味家族的後裔,我是那顆明亮的晨星。」 16I, Jesus, sent my angel to make known to you these revelations concerning the Churches. I am the Shoot and Offspring of David, the radiant Morning Star. 17聖神和新娘都說:「你來罷!」凡聽見的也要說;「你來罷!」凡口渴的,請來罷!凡願意的,可白白領取生命的水, 17The Spirit and the Bride say, Come! Whoever hears let him say, Come! Whoever thirsts let him approach, and whoever desires, let him freely take the water of life. 18我向一切聽本書預言的人警告說:誰若在這些預言上加添什麼,天主必要把載於本書上的災禍,加在他身上; 18As for me, I warn everyone who hears the prophetic words of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will pile on him the plagues described in this book. 19誰若從這書上的預言刪除什麼,天主必要從本書所載的生命樹和聖城中,刪除他的名分。 19And if anyone takes away words from this book of prophecy, God will take from him his share in the tree of Life and the holy city described in this book. 20為這些事而作證的那位說:「的確,我快要來。」「阿們。主耶穌,你來罷!」 20He who has declared all this says, Yes, I am coming soon. Amen! Come, Lord Jesus. The Last Chapter October 30, 2013 I have a friend who reads the last chapter first when she starts a new thriller. “Takes the anxiety out of reading,” she claims. So with Christians: Because we know the end of the story, we can be centers of peace in the midst of utter chaos, calm in the face of disaster. The apostle Paul calls this attitude “moderation” in Philippians 4:5 (KJV). It’s a term that implies “peace under pressure.” It refers to the calm and deliberate strength with which we meet the disquieting circumstances of our days. Kingdoms may fall, friends may falter, churches may fold, oceans may rise, and mountains may crumble, but we can be at peace. How do we maintain such composure? By remembering that “the Lord is at hand” (Phil. 4:5); He is near. Our Lord is standing just outside the door ready to burst through and turn everything that’s wrong right-side up. Then this world and all its troubles will become the kingdom of our Lord, and “the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea” (Hab. 2:14). Jesus said, “Surely I am coming quickly” (Rev. 22:20). Today could be the day! It’s the very last thing He said in the very last chapter of His book. Lord, thank You for dispelling the fear from our lives by letting us know the end of the story. We can rest in the assurance that as Your followers we will one day be with You in Your glorious, eternal kingdom. No doctrine is more closely linked to practical daily living than that of the Lord’s return.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 03:11:25 +0000

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