最後請參看大約兩年前,有關 Steve Jobs - TopicsExpress


最後請參看大約兩年前,有關 Steve Jobs 真實遺言的貼近人士敘述: Steve Jobs’ Cryptic Final Words Revealed For all his fame and fortune, Steve Jobs held his cards close to his chest. He was a private person, rather than a fame-seeking party boy like many of his Silicon Valley peers. For both personal and occupational reasons, Jobs kept his secrets. Now that he’s dead, we’re learning more and more about the man who shaped our modern existence. 賈伯斯是一個孤僻的人,與矽谷其他追求功名的玩咖同行不同。個人和職業因素,讓他習於低調,一生的許多秘密直到蓋棺後,才逐步為外界所窺知。 In addition to his opinion that Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News is “destructive,” we now know Jobs refused to give friend and early employee Daniel Kottke stock options when Apple first went public, found Bill Gates to be “unimaginative,” and, thanks to his sister, his final words. 他批評梅鐸的福斯新聞是「破壞性的」,在蘋果上市分享股權時將早期戰友丹尼爾科特克一腳踢開,揶揄比爾.蓋茨「沒創意」。而賈伯斯臨終的遺言,則由他的親妹妹,莫娜.辛普森所揭露。 In her eulogy for Jobs, published yesterday in the ‘New York Times,’ Mona Simpson reveals that Jobs, laying on his deathbed, uttered one phrase three times: “Oh wow.” 莫娜.辛普森在《紐約時報》登文,在 頌德禮讚之外,她說: Steve’s final words, hours earlier, were monosyllables, repeated three times. Before embarking, he’d looked at his sister Patty, then for a long time at his children, then at his life’s partner, Laurene, and then over their shoulders past them. Steve’s final words were: OH WOW. OH WOW. OH WOW. 史提夫的臨別贈言是:「哇哦。哇哦。哇哦。」 Of course we’ll never know what Jobs was marveling at: was he reflecting on the life he was leaving, or remarking on what he saw ahead? Did the universe share its vast mysteries or did Jobs want one final secret for us to mull?Again, we’ll never know. 他是看到了什麼而驚嘆呢?是過去時光的幻燈片,還是天國或來生的遠景?宇宙廣褒的秘密向他顯露了,或是賈伯斯想讓我們測度他人生的終極秘密? But we do know that Jobs, for all his cutthroat business skills and aloof ways, was a romantic at heart, deeply fascinated by love. “Steve was like a girl in the amount of time he spent talking about love. Love was his supreme virtue, his god of gods. He tracked and worried about the romantic lives of the people working with him,” said Mona in her eulogy. 但我們所認識的賈伯斯,在他業界喋血的商戰手腕和冷酷作風下,還有著一顆柔情浪漫之心。愛是他人生終極的美德,在訴說愛的時候,他就像個小女孩一般。他戀戀不忘的是生命中每個與他以愛相交的人。 “He believed that love happened all the time, everywhere. In that most important way, Steve was never ironic, never cynical, never pessimistic. I try to learn from that, still.” 愛無時、無處不在。賈伯斯的人生,不憤世、不嫉俗、不悲觀,皆由於對愛的信念而來。 As should we all. 那是我們都當學習的。
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 06:56:17 +0000

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