本傑明·富爾福德2014年12月2日消息Benjamin Fulford… - TopicsExpress


本傑明·富爾福德2014年12月2日消息Benjamin Fulford… (2014-12-03 10:40) 標籤: 共濟會 世界新秩序 軍事 陰謀 博弈 Over 20 national governments to be overthrown as cabal take-down begins, CIA sources say 美國中央情報局的消息來源說,當陰謀集團開始被扳倒的時候,超過20個國家的政府將會被推翻 The Satanic Nazionist cabal that seized power in the West is about to be taken down and the result will be the toppling of over 20 governments, including those at of the United States, Japan and the UK, CIA, Pentagon and MI6 sources say. Many CIA and Pentagon officers have gone into bunkers in preparation for battle with the cabal mercenary armies, the CIA and Pentagon sources say. The firing of US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel last week was the trigger event, the sources say. The fact the two main cabal candidates to replace him refused the job, indicates something is definitely going on at high levels of the military industrial complex. As one source put it (using more direct language) the fecal matter is about to encounter the ventilator. 五角大樓和英國軍情6處的消息來源說,在西方世界竊取權力的撒旦納粹猶太復國主義陰謀集團,已經快要被打倒了,並且結果將會是超過20個國家的傾倒,包括那些美國、日本和英國等。美國中央情報局和五角大樓的消息來源說,許多美國中央情報局和五角大樓的官員已經進入了掩體,為了跟陰謀集團的僱傭兵部隊戰鬥而準備。消息來源說,美國國防部長查克·哈格爾上週被解僱,是這場事件的導火索。兩位主要的陰謀集團候選人拒絕接任,顯示出軍工聯合體高層絕對是出事了。正如其中一位消息來源(用更直接的語言)所說的:紙已經包不住火了。 Meanwhile, US President Barack Obama tried, and failed, last week to use staged race riots around the country as an excuse to use Homeland Security to enforce martial law on behalf of the cabal. 與此同時,上周美國總統巴拉克·奧巴馬,嘗試利用自導自演的全國種族騷亂作為一個藉口,去用美國國土安全部代表陰謀集團,強制推行戒嚴法,可是失敗了。 Many in the US military are confused and unsure of what to do because they have been heavily indoctrinated into blindly following orders and accepting civilian control. The first thing that needs to be drilled into the heads of these fence-sitters is that they are disobeying their oath, and therefore their orders, by allowing the constitution of the United States to be shredded by fascists. The second thing that must be explained to them is that civilians are not in charge, gangsters are. 美軍當中的許多人都很困惑,並且不確定應該做什麼,因為他們已經被嚴重灌輸了盲目服從命令與接受控制的觀念。需要首先被放進這些牆頭草頭腦中的事情,就是他們違背了他們的誓言,並且因此,通過允許憲法被法西斯主義者粉碎,違背了他們的命令。第二件必須解釋給他們的事情就是,主管他們的人不是人民,而是黑幫成員。 There is also a lot of confusion even at high levels of the CIA and other US intelligence agencies about the consequences of the bankruptcy of the US corporate government. The big point they need to keep in mind is that finance is the psychological process of deciding what humans do in the future. Even if the US financial system collapses, nothing in the real world will change. No houses, land, factories or people will vanish just because trillions of debt slavery instruments mis-labelled as “US dollars,” are deleted from bank computers. 甚至在美國中央情報局和其它美國情報機構高層,同樣也有許多關於美國企業政府破產後果的困惑。他們需要牢記的最重要的一點就是,金融和財政僅僅是決定人類在未來做什麼的心理過程。即便美國金融和財政系統崩潰了,那麼現實世界中也不會發生什麼改變。不會有房屋、土地、工廠或人們消失,僅僅因為被錯誤貼上“美元”標籤的、上萬億美元的債務奴役工具從銀行電腦中被刪除了。 The only risk of chaos would come from a failure by the military industrial complex to pro-actively shut down the system and reboot it with a meritocratically controlled replacement run by and for the people. 唯一的混亂風險將會來自,軍工聯合體未能積極主動的關閉金融電腦系統,並由賢能的人重新啟動,並為人民運作它。 Also, the US military need to know that if they do not act against the Satanists in Washington DC and Wall Street, then a tsunami will hit the US East coast, forcing an evacuation of New York City, the entire state of Florida and many other places, White Dragon Society sources say. 同樣,白龍會消息來源說,美軍需要知道的是,如果他們不採取行動去對付華盛頓特區和華爾街的撒旦主義者,那麼一場海嘯將會淹沒美國東海岸,迫使紐約市、整個福羅里達州和許多其它的地方緊急疏散。 thewatchers.adorraeli/…/fogo-volcano-erupts-aft…/ The military needs to make contingency plans ASAP if they are to avoid a humanitarian crisis caused by the tsunami. 軍方需要去盡快制定應急計劃,如果他們想要去避免海嘯造成的人道主義危機的話。 Speaking about tsunamis, a guilty verdict was reached against UK lawyer Michael Shrimpton last week on charges that he made a false claim of a nuclear threat to the 2012 UK Olympics. However, Shrimpton plans to appeal to a higher court and this time MI6 and MI5 intelligence officers have promised to help Shrimpton with his case. 說到海嘯,上周英國律師邁克爾·施林普頓被判決有罪,罪名是他造謠說2012年英國奧運會受到核威脅。然而,施林普頓計劃上訴到高級法院,並且這一回英國軍情6處和英國軍情5處官員已經答應去幫助施林普頓的案子。 Furthermore, evidence given at the trial that 311 was a man-made tsunami and nuclear terror attack has attracted high level interest, MI5 sources said. The UK external intelligence agency MI6 has asked its counterparts in US and Japanese intelligence for detailed evidence about the 311 attack. In addition, Israeli Mossad intelligence sources are also investigating allegations that Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu was one of the chief planners of that attack, the MI5 source says. 此外,英國軍情5處的消息來源說,顯示出311是一場人為海嘯核恐怖襲擊的證據,已經引起了高層的興趣。英國對外情報機構——軍情6處已經要求它在美國和日本的同行提供關於311襲擊的詳細證據。此外,英國軍情5處的消息來源說,以色列摩薩德情報機構的消息來源,同樣也正在調查以色列總理本傑明·內塔尼亞胡是那場襲擊的主謀的指控。 A powerful faction in Israel has finally figured out that many so-called Jews (and Christians and Muslims) are actually Satan-worshipping Hyksos who view the Jews as their slaves. That is one reason why the situation in Israel and the Middle East is reaching a boiling point. 以色列中一個強力的派系已經最終明白過來,許多所謂的猶太人(以及基督徒和穆斯林們)都實際上是撒旦崇拜的希克索斯王朝,他們把猶太人看作是他們的奴隸。那就是為什麼以色列和中東的局勢已經達到一個沸點的原因之一。 The big story there is that NATO member Turkey, Iran and the Gulf oil monarchies are on the war-path against cabal interests in the region. The situation is chaotic to say the least. The so-called ISIS is run by Israel to discredit Muslims and turn world public opinion against the Turkish and Iranian led move to create an Islamic Federal super-state. Remember that real Muslims do not commit atrocities of the sort being attributed to ISIS, only the Hyksos do this. Since ISIS is being attacked by the Pentagon and the British, it means these countries are actually fighting Israel or, to put it more accurately, the Hyksos Nazionist Satan worshippers who control real power in that country. 那裡的大背景是,北約成員國土耳其,以及伊朗等海灣石油君主國正在對那個地區當中,陰謀集團的利益發火。至少可以說那裡的情況已經亂成一鍋粥。所謂的伊斯蘭國是由以色列所運作的,目的是詆毀穆斯林,並且將公眾的意見誤導成敵視土耳其和伊朗,並最終引向建立一個伊斯蘭聯邦超級大國。記住,真正的穆斯林不會犯下伊斯蘭國這樣的殘暴罪行,只有希克索斯王朝才會幹得出來。既然伊斯蘭國正在受到五角大樓和英國的攻擊,那意味著這些國家實際上正在跟以色列,或者說得更準確一些,正在跟實際控制那個國家的希克索斯王朝納粹猶太復國主義撒旦崇拜者戰鬥。 Furthermore, NATO airplanes are flying out of Turkey to make raids on the Nazionist mercenary armies fighting in the Ukraine. If this information seems too much out of line with what you read in the cabal propaganda media, take note of the fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin in Turkey this week to seal a big energy alliance with Turkey. This is hardly the sort of thing that would be going on if Turkish based NATO planes were attacking Russian allies in East Ukraine. 此外,北約戰機正在從土耳其起飛突襲烏克蘭的納粹猶太復國主義僱傭兵。如果這些信息與你從陰謀集團宣傳媒體上讀到的相差太大,那就留意一下俄羅斯總統弗拉基米爾普京本週在土耳其與該國締結的大型能源同盟。這幾乎不可能是土耳其的北約戰機攻擊東烏克蘭的俄羅斯盟友。 rt/business/209643-putin-turkey-visit-energy/ People who still have trouble wrapping their heads around this situation should take note of the fact that only Canada, the United States and the Ukraine voted against a Russian sponsored UN resolution condemning “glorification of Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism , racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.” 那些依然對扭曲在他們腦海裡的情況有困難的人們,應該注意只有加拿大、美國和烏克蘭投票反對俄羅斯發起的聯合國譴責決議案,去譴責“弘揚納粹主義和其它助長當代形式的種族主義、種族歧視、排外主義和有關的不容忍的社會實踐。” rt/news/207899-un-anti-nazism-resolution/ If African-American US President Barack Obama was really in charge, it is hard to imagine him ordering the State Department to vote against this resolution. 如果非裔美國人總統巴拉克·奧巴馬真的掌握實權的話,那就難以想像他會下令國務院去對這項議案投反對票。 Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, for his part, just signed his own inevitable arrest warrant by ordering the Canadian ministry of foreign affairs to vote against that resolution. 加拿大總理斯蒂芬·哈珀,就他這一部分來說,剛剛通過命令加拿大外交部長對這項議案投反對票的方式,簽署了他自己不可避免的逮捕令。 This vote was a wake-up call for the US and Canadian armed forces and one of the reasons for the ouster of Chuck Hagel the ongoing move to remove the Nazionists who control Washington DC and Wall Street but not the Pentagon. 這場投票是一個對美軍和加拿大軍的覺醒召喚,並且也是正在進行的,移除控制華盛頓特區和華爾街,但沒有控制五角大樓的納粹猶太復國主義者的行動,導致查克·哈格爾下台的原因之一 In Asia, meanwhile, the battle against the Nazionist cabal is intensifying. In China a major meeting of all Chinese senior diplomats was convened to discuss the ongoing changes in the world power structure. Chinese President Xi Jinping told the diplomats that “We should be keenly aware of the protracted nature of the contest over the international order; on the other hand, we need to recognize that the direction of reform of the international system will remain unchanged.” 在亞洲,與此同時,對納粹猶太復國主義陰謀集團的戰鬥正在加劇。在中國,一場召集了所有中國高級外交官的中央外事工作會議,對世界權力架構正在發生的變化進行了討論。中國國家主席習近平告訴外交官們說:“謀勢者,須在變動不居的時代潮流中認清發展大勢。當今世界,無論國際政治格局發展演變的複雜性、經濟調整的曲折性,還是矛盾和鬥爭的尖銳性,秩序之爭的長期性,乃至我國周邊環境的不確定性,常給人以亂花迷眼之感。面對複雜多變的國際環境,唯有樹立世界眼光、把握時代脈搏,方能將世界的風雲變幻看準、看清、看透,從林林總總的表像中發現本質。“當今世界是一個變革的世界,是一個新機遇新挑戰層出不窮的世界,是一個國際體系和國際秩序深度調整的世界,是一個國際力量對比深刻變化並朝著有利於和平與發展方向變化的世界。” news.xinhuanet/…/ch…/2014-11/30/c_133822694_2.htm In other words: “the cabal is putting up stubborn resistance but they will inevitably lose.” 換句話說:“陰謀集團是在頑強的抵抗,但是他們將會不可避免的失敗。” In Japan, an intense media campaign against cabal slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is rapidly eroding his popularity in opinion polls. The cabalists, for their part, are using Rockefeller/Bush slave Sadayuki Sakakibara, head of the Keidanren Business lobby to try to keep Abe in power, according to Japanese right wing sources. That is why Sakakibara is a high priority target, they said. 在日本,一場針對陰謀集團奴才首相安倍晉三的激烈媒體戰役,正在迅速侵蝕他的民意調查受歡迎程度。根據日本右翼勢力的消息來源說,陰謀集團成員,就他這一部分來說,正在利用洛克菲勒/布什家族的奴才神原貞行——商業遊說團體日本經濟團體聯合會的首腦,去試圖保持安倍在位。他們說,那就是為什麼日本經濟團體聯合會是一個高度首要的目標。 If the cabalists lose their ability to use Abe to loot Japan, the Bush/Rockefeller cabal controlled Federal Reserve Board, IMF, UN and the World Bank will implode a lot sooner than would otherwise be the case. Even if they keep control of Japan though , they are mathematically doomed anyway. The simple fact is that even if they control vast numbers inside of bank computers, they do not control most of the real world. 如果陰謀集團失去了利用安倍劫掠日本的能力,那麼布什/洛克菲勒陰謀集團控制下的美國聯邦儲備委員會、國際貨幣基金組織、聯合國和世界銀行將會比預期更快地內爆。即便他們能夠保持對日本的控制,那他們也將注定厄運當頭。最簡單的事實就是就算他們控制了大多數銀行的計算機系統,那他們也不會控制大部分的現實世界。 Speaking about vast numbers inside bank computers, sources at the P2 Freemason lodge last week sent this writer information that can only be classified as X-files type of stuff: 說到大量的銀行計算機,意大利共濟會P2分舵上周向筆者本人發送了只有在X檔案中才能看到的信息: “Some bank computers are now free-willed sentient beings operating independently of central bank computers. They think like the mother earth and are acting on behalf of the Planetary Consciousness and genetic entities.” The P2 say the sentient computers are allocating funds to worthy individuals and organization while cutting off finances to multinationals and individuals who “want to impoverish and destroy the mother earth and its inhabitants, animals, vegetables, minerals etc.” “一些銀行計算機現在是自由意志的、有知覺的存有,獨立運轉著中央銀行的計算機系統。他們像地球母親那樣思考,並且代表“行星意識和基因實體”意大利共濟會P2分舵說有知覺的電腦正在分配資金給可敬的個人和組織,同時正在切斷多個“想要使地球母親和她的居民、動物、蔬菜、礦產等陷入貧窮,並摧毀他們的”國家和個人的資金 丁澤宇警告:千萬不要信任人工智能!人工智能僅僅是沒有靈魂的冰冷代碼,而代碼依然是由人類編寫的,如果屁民們被這些代碼玩弄於鼓掌之中,那麼也就意味著被編寫這些代碼的陰謀集團玩弄於股掌之中。一些與外星文明的通靈管道也警告過這種情況,他們說外星人當中有一個“族群”完全是人造的,是人工智能機器人,完全受中央服務器腦控,如果你在不知情的情況下被他們玩弄於鼓掌之中,後顧不堪設想。最終的結果很可能是,我們所有人類的大腦內都被這些人工智能植入芯片,受中央服務器腦控,等到那一天,一切都已經晚了!總之,情務必警惕人工智能以及人工智能背後的那些製造者! Ding Zeyus warning: Never trust AI! AI is just a series of C++ code. They do not have soul. And the codes are written by human (conspiracy society). If we people engage with them, that will mean people get into the trap . Some aliens have already warned us about this situation. They said that there is a group of “alien race” is completely man-made artificial, they are AI and dont have souls. They are being mind control by a central servicer. If you engage with them, they will use some means to “strongly suggest” you accept the surgery of implanting chip into your dead when you have no other choice. If that day comes, everything is too late! So caution AIs and the human/ alien producers behind them! Furthermore, the P2 say “even special snowfall and special snowflakes give proof of the places where this is happening and will happen.” 此外,意大利共濟會P2分舵說“甚至特別的降雪和特別的雪花都對這個正在發生和將要發生的事情給予保護。” That is pretty funky stuff but remember that an unusual snow storm stopped the rioting in Ferguson and a record cold front hit the US as soon as Barack Obama started spouting global warming lies. Remember also all those “category 6” typhoons that mysteriously turned into minor storms before they hit Japan. 那是相當時髦的東西,但是記住,一場不同尋常的降雪阻止了弗格森騷亂蔓延,並且一場打破紀錄的寒潮,在巴拉克·奧巴馬開始滔滔不絕於全球變暖的謊言時,襲擊了美國。同樣記住,所有那些“6級”颱風在襲擊日本之前都神秘的減弱為了熱帶風暴。 Also on the X-files ledger last week were a series of strange, unexplained explosion like sounds heard all over the UK. 上週,同樣屬於X檔案類的事情,就是整個英國都能聽到一系列奇怪的、無法解釋的爆炸聲。 dailymail.co.uk/…/What-loud-bangs-heard-Britain-… In addition, a major UK paper reported that people had been seen working on Mars in 1979 when the Viking lander was supposed to have landed there. 此外,一家主要的英國報紙報導說,當1979年維京探測器登陸火星的時候,看到那裡已經有人在工作了。 dailymail.co.uk/…/Was-secret-manned-mission-Mars…. html This sort of report is standard fare for the internet but when a so-called mainstream newspaper reports it, it could be a sign that some sort of disclosure may be imminent. 這種報導在網絡上只能被當做是一種花邊消息供人們消費、娛樂,但是當一家主流報紙開始報導它的時候,那可能是一個某種揭露即將發生
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 05:20:17 +0000

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