業務筆記: 修養篇 有恩報恩有仇報仇 Repay Good - TopicsExpress


業務筆記: 修養篇 有恩報恩有仇報仇 Repay Good with Good, Bad with Bad 幾乎每個人都知道史帝芬.史匹柏有部電影「辛德勒名單」,「辛德勒名單」是描述二次大戰期間德國商人辛德勒從納粹手中救了許多猶太人的故事;許多人也知道史帝芬.史匹柏導演的另一個有名的電影「慕尼黑」,是描述以色列運動選手在1972年慕尼黑奧運選手村,集體被恐怖分子襲擊槍殺後,以色列政府派出情報人員私下追查兇手的報復行動。 雖然史帝芬.史匹柏在電影中也表現了以色列情報人員在復仇行動中自己的恐懼與痛苦。但史帝芬.史匹柏拍了這樣的兩部電影,我不認為這是一個巧合。史帝芬.史匹柏作為一個猶太人,我認為這其中有很深的含意。 電影「慕尼黑」用復仇的行動來表現了猶太人「以眼還眼、以牙還牙」的傳統精神;「辛德勒名單」則用另一種故事來表達,在我們有需要時,有人冒著風險伸出援手,這人就算是敵方的人,我們還是要表達我們的感恩。 這就是對於我們受到的待遇,都用同一種態度去反應。對於欺負我們的人,睚眥必報;我們對於施恩給我們的人,我們也是要報以湧泉。這就是猶太人沒有自己的土地,流浪兩千年,沒有被其他民族同化,還能夠存活下來的原因之一。 如果有人給了我們幫助,我們應該表達我們的謝意,並盡量的給於回報。當我們對於幫助我們的人表達了謝意,其他的人也才有意願在我們需要的時候給於協助。 換個角度來,如果別人蓄意的欺負我們,我們就要義正嚴詞的表達我們的憤怒,並且做出相對應的報復行動,這樣才能嚇阻別人以後不要來欺負我們。 當然,有人會用,「別人打你的右臉,就把左臉也讓他打」以為這樣可以消彌仇恨。但我認為這只是對這種惡意的行為的鼓勵而已,也助長欺負別人的歪風。 有恩,要報恩;有仇,也要報仇。這才是正常人生活該有的原則。 Repay Good with Good, Bad with Bad有恩報恩有仇報仇 Almost everyone knows the famous Spielberg-directed movie “Schindlers List,” which recounts the story of a German business man saving Jews from Hitler’s genocide during World War II. Many also know that Spielberg directed another famous movie, “Munich,” which portrays how Israel retaliated for the massacre of its Olympic team by a terrorist group during the 1972 Summer Olympics. Israel had and has a policy of taking revenge for attacks on its people, though the Spielberg’s film also showed how an Israeli agent suffered as a consequence of this policy. Regarding these films both being directed by Spielberg, I don’t think that this was a coincidence. Of course, Steven Spielberg is a Jew, but I believe that there’s more to it than that. The movie “Munich” exemplifies the Jewish teaching of “An eye for an eye,” which is obviously a story focused on taking revenge. Schindler’s List, on the other hand, commends the virtue of risking one’s life to help those in need. So, even if someone is considered to be our enemy, we still need to present our gratitude if they have helped us in some way. These situations are like two sides of the same coin: if we punish those who do evil, we should also reward those who do right. And it seems likely to me that this is part of the reason that the Jews, though without land for nearly two-thousand years, were not only able to survive but also maintain their culture. Personally, I respect this dual-sided philosophy. For example, if someone gives us help in our life, we need to present our gratitude or try to offer a reward. That is not only the right thing to do (i.e., how we would want to be treated if we helped someone else), but it also encourages people to continue to offer their help, and even encourages other people to offer help to us should we need it down the road. But from the opposite standpoint, if people deliberately harm us in our life, we need to present our anger and take commensurate action against them to punish them and dissuade them from doing it again, thus protecting our own interests. I’m not saying that we need to go far out of our way to do this; that could be counter-productive (perhaps like America’s involvement in Iraq). But, to the extent that we are reasonably able, we need to discourage others from harming our interests, just like we reward those that provide assistance. These actions will tell other people not to hurt us in the future. Of course, many will say that we should “turn the other cheek” to dispel enmity, but I think that often encourages continued bad behavior on the part of those treating us wrongly, which is not only bad for us but is often bad for the perpetrator, as well, because their doing bad to us will often end up hurting them, too, in the long run. I also believe that this is a good policy for regular life, too, not just in business. We should strive to reward or otherwise appreciate those that have helped us, and we should punish those that harm us, obviously in a legal and proportionate manner, not over-reacting.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 00:43:16 +0000

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