槟城 白云山 观音寺 ~ 10/11/2014 ~ 祖桥法师佛法开示 - TopicsExpress


槟城 白云山 观音寺 ~ 10/11/2014 ~ 祖桥法师佛法开示 , 主题 : 四聖諦 BYS - 10/11/2014 ~ Venerable Zu Qiao presenting a Dharma Lecture on The Four Noble Truths 四聖諦 ~ sì shèng dì 三 轉 法 輪 ~ sān zhuǎn fǎ lún ( 3 Turning of Dharma Wheels of The Four Noble Truth : Understood - Practiced - Realization ) 1. 第一 示轉 ~ dì yī shì zhuǎn ( Understanding definition of suffering ) 此是苦, 逼迫性 cǐ shì kǔ bī pò xìng (This is suffering, it’s nature is oppressive ) 此是集 , 招感性 cǐ shì jí zhāo gǎn xìng ( This is Accumulation, it attracts & accrues afflictions ) 此是灭 , 可證性 cǐ shì miè kě zhèng xìng ( This is Extinction, it can be certified to no more sufferings ) 此是道, 可修性 cǐ shì dào kě xiū xìng ( This is the Way, it can be cultivated ) 2. 第二 勸轉 ~ dì èr quàn zhuǎn ( Putting in Practice one’s understanding of Sufferings ) 此是苦, 汝应知 cǐ shì kǔ rǔ yìng zhī (This is Suffering, you should recognized it ) 此是集 , 汝应断 cǐ shì jí rǔ yìng duàn ( This is Accumulation, you should sever all afflictions ) 此是灭 , 汝应证 cǐ shì miè rǔ yìng zhèng ( This is Extinction, you should certified it /realized it) 此是道, 汝应修 cǐ shì dào rǔ yìng xiū ( This is the Way, you should cultivate it ) 3. 第三 證轉 ~ dì sān zhèng zhuǎn (Accomplishing the results of Realizing it ) 此是苦, 我已知 cǐ shì kǔ wǒ yǐ zhī ( This is Suffering, I already know ) 此是集 , 我已断 cǐ shì jí wǒ yǐ duàn ( This is Accumulation, I already severed ) 此是灭 , 我已证 cǐ shì miè wǒ yǐ zhèng ( This is Extinction, I already certified to ) 此是道, 我已修 cǐ shì dào wǒ yǐ xiū ( This is the Way, I already cultivated it ) *** bù xū gēng zhī, duàn, zhèng & xiū 三苦 ~ sān kǔ ( 3 Categories of Sufferings ) 1.苦苦 - kǔ kǔ(Suffering of Pain):有情之五蘊身心,本來即苦,再加上飢渴、疾病、風雨、寒熱、刀杖等眾緣而生的苦,苦上加苦,故名苦苦 Ordinary Suffering - the obvious physical and mental suffering associated with birth, growing old, illness and dying. 2.壞苦 - huài kǔ(Suffering of Change):諸可意樂之法,生時為樂,壞時逼惱身心之苦,名壞苦。 Produced by Change - the anxiety or stress of trying to hold onto things that are constantly changing. 3.行苦 - háng kǔ(Pervasive Suffering):「行」是無常,無一時一刻安住之義。除可意不可意的法以外,所剩下的捨受法,是眾多因緣所造,難免生、住、異、滅,令身心感到逼惱,就叫行苦;色身的存在,本身就是行苦。無色界中無質礙、無苦樂境界,但有漏心識仍然是苦,故行苦相對於無色界 Conditioned States - a basic unsatisfactoriness pervading all forms of existence, because all forms of life are changing, impermanent and without any inner core or substance. On this level, the term indicates a lack of satisfaction, a sense that things never measure up to our expectations or standards. 八苦 - bā kǔ ( 8 Forms of Sufferings )- 八苦是一個佛教名詞,为佛教中四圣谛中的“苦谛” 1.生苦,~ shēng kǔ ( Birth ) 2.老苦,~ lǎo kǔ ( Old Age ) 3.病苦,~ bìng kǔ ( Sickness ) 4.死苦,~ sǐ kǔ ( Death ) 5.爱别离苦,~ ài bié lí kǔ ( Separation from Loved Ones ) 6.怨憎會苦,~ yuàn zēng huì kǔ ( Undesirable Confrontation with Another Person ) 7.求不得苦,~ qiú bù dé kǔ ( Denial of One’s Desires ) 8.五陰炽盛苦。前七苦皆由五陰領受、聚集,故稱五陰熾盛苦。 wǔ yīn chì shèng kǔ . ( All Pervasive Sufferings originated from 5 Skandhas Of the Burning Characteristic of the Human Body & Mind ) 一、生苦 ─ 眾生出生時所受之苦。生苦有六: 1.未生:人死時,不知趨向何道,未得生處並受中陰形,至父母和合,便來受胎。 2.受胎:在母胎中,窄隘不淨。 3.受精卵:隨母氣息出入。 4.增長時:母噉一熱湯,如入鑊湯;母飲一杯冷水,如寒冰切體。 5.出胎:整個色身在出離產門階段,被長時間擠壓而極為難過,初生下,風一吹,衣物一碰到,如被物刺,如履刀劍,失聲大哭。 6.種類:殘缺妍醜,富貴貧賤,個個有別。 二、老苦 ─ 眾生衰老時所受之身心苦惱。老,五根漸漸毀壞而趨熟爛,肌肉萎縮,皮膚鬆垮,原來盛壯的色力日漸衰弱,身體彎曲,腳不聽使喚,身體粗重、氣息上揚、身體不穩,只能拄著拐杖走路,身心全面感受到老的痛苦。 三、病苦 ─ 生病時所受之苦惱。之所以為苦乃因「病」能損壞可愛安適的感受 四、死苦 ─五陰壞時,壽命盡時所受之苦。死有三種,1.自然死:少小死、青壯死、中年死、耄耋死、餓死、病死。2.意外死。3.未生即死:墮胎、死產、藥傷害、母橫死。 五、愛別離 ─ 即別離愛境,或與所愛者別離時所感受之苦,總說為生離死別。所別有二,一內二外,內者自身,六根不能像以前一樣聚合在一起,或與地、水、火、風、空、識界分離;外者所謂親戚眷屬及餘資生,別離六塵可愛境,如出國旅遊,倒數幾天,心情會不好 六、怨憎會 ─ 怨仇憎惡之人事物聚集。有內有外,內者即三惡道報,外即刀杖等緣,如仇人、醜人、無緣人狹路相逢,無賴借貸,債主逼債,討厭的環境無力更換……等。 七、求不得 ─ 世間一切人物,心所樂求而不能得到滿足。所謂惡法求離不得,善法求欲不得;苦事求離不得,樂事求欲不得;三塗苦報求離不得,人天樂果求欲不得;刀杖之苦求離不得,資生眷屬求欲不得。 八、五陰熾盛苦 ─ 五陰如器,能盛受眾苦,前七苦皆由五陰領受、聚集,故稱五陰熾盛苦。世人因執著五陰、時時長養五陰,無不思藉五陰「享樂」,然所謂的樂僅只是在某一條件下才叫樂,離開這一條件就不樂了;如酷暑吃冰淇淋很快樂,連續吃數小時還是樂嗎?其實樂是相對於苦而存在的,樂也是苦因,樂中有苦,因為樂依附於五陰而存在。執著、長養五陰而產生五陰熾盛的結果,使得眾生輪迴三界,不得解脫。 五陰 ~ wǔ yīn ( 5 Aggregates / Skandhas ) 1.“色”、 ~ sè ~ ( Form / Rupa ) 2.“受”、 ~ shòu ~ ( Feeling / Vedana ) 3.“想”、 ~ xiǎng ~ ( Perception / Sanna ) 4.“行”、 ~ hang ~ ( Mental Formations / Sankhara ) 5.“识”, ~ shí ~ ( Consciousness / Vinnana )
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 01:27:32 +0000

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