火和雨 2013年 09月 27日 讀經: - TopicsExpress


火和雨 2013年 09月 27日 讀經: 伊撒意亞書16章1-5節 必有寶座因慈愛堅立,必有一位誠誠實實坐在其上,⋯⋯施行審判,尋求公平,速行公義。 —依撒意亞書16章5節 全年讀經: 依撒意亞書3-4章 迦拉達書6章 熊熊森林大火在科羅拉多州附近美麗的大峽谷燃起,狂燒多日,摧毀了野生動物的棲息地,以及數以百計的房屋。全國各地的百姓都向上主呼求,求祂降下雨來熄滅烈火、終止災難,使消防隊員有喘息的機會。有些人的禱告似乎很有趣,因為他們求上主顯出憐憫,降下大雨,但卻不要發出閃電,因為他們怕閃電會引發更多火苗。 這讓我想到生命中有的事情經常十分微妙,正如「水能載舟亦能覆舟」一樣,一些事情能讓我們生,也可以致我們死。因為有火,我們得以煮食取暖,但同時它也能燒毀我們。同樣的,水讓我們維持生命,澆灌土地,但我們也可能會因水而溺斃。兩者之間無論過與不及,都足致害命。 屬靈的原則也是一樣。要建設文明社會,需要執法公正和憐憫這兩個相對的特質(撒迦利亞書7章9節)。耶穌曾責備法利賽人,因他們為了堅守律法,卻忽略更重要的事,就是公義、憐憫和信實(瑪竇福音23章23節)。 我們可能會偏向公義,或傾向憐憫,但耶穌卻能同時兼顧兩者(依撒意亞書16章5節,42章1-4節)。祂的死既能滿足上主對公義的要求,又為人們提供了所需的憐憫。 天父,由於個人的原因,我有時會偏向憐憫; 有時卻要即刻的公義。當我看到祢的屬性, 從中學到智慧,求祢教導我在特定的環境裡, 在憐憫和公義中取得平衡。 十字架成就了上主的公義與憐憫。 1那地的主宰從曠野的磐石,應傳達一言,至熙雍女兒的山嶺! 1Like bewildered birds cast out of their nests, the daughters of Moab stay at the fords of Arnon. 2當時摩阿布女兒在阿爾農渡口,猶如逃遁的小鳥,傾巢的幼雛。 2From Sela, across the wilderness, they send lambs to the mount of Zion: are they not the rulers of the land? 3「請給我們出個主意,快下決斷!使你的蔭影在日中有如黑夜,遮蔽被驅逐的人,不要暴露出逃的人! 3They say: "Take counsel, render decision with justice. Even at high noon let your shade be like the night to hide the fugitives. Do not betray the refugees. 4讓被驅逐的摩阿布人僑居在你處,做他們的藏身地,以逃避劫掠者的面。」當壓迫終止,劫掠停止,蹂躪大地的人消滅時, 4Let the outcasts from Moab sojourn among you; be a refuge to them against the destroyer." and the destruction is over and those who trample the land underfoot have gone, 5必有一個寶座建立在慈惠中,在達味的帳幕內,必有一位尋求公義,急行正義的判官,憑真實坐於寶座之上。 5a throne will be established steadfast in love. One from the House of David, for the sake of truth will sit on it; he will administer justice swiftly and judge the people righteously.) Fire And Rain September 27, 2013 — by When a wildfire raged through the beautiful canyons near Colorado Springs, Colorado, it destroyed the habitat of all kinds of wildlife and hundreds of homes. People across the nation cried out to God, pleading with Him to send rain to douse the flames, put an end to the destruction, and give firefighters relief. Some people’s prayers had an interesting condition attached to them. They asked God to show mercy and send rain without lightning, which they feared would start even more fires. This reminds me of how we live in tension between things that save us and kill us. With fire, we cook our food and keep warm, but in it we can be consumed. With water, we keep our bodies hydrated and our planet cooled, but in it we also can drown. Too much or too little of either is life-threatening. We see the same principle at work spiritually. To thrive, civilizations need the seemingly opposite qualities of mercy and justice (Zech. 7:9). Jesus scolded the Pharisees for being sticklers about the law but neglecting these “weightier matters” (Matt. 23:23). We may lean toward justice or mercy, but Jesus keeps them in perfect balance (Isa. 16:5; 42:1-4). His death satisfies God’s need for justice and our need for mercy. Father, for personal reasons I sometimes lean toward showing mercy, and sometimes I just want justice now. Teach me the balance as I look at Your character and give me the wisdom I need in specific situations. God’s justice and mercy met at the cross.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 02:11:59 +0000

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