【火爆出击】Dé Secret Tiramisu ♚开启窈窕旅程 - TopicsExpress


【火爆出击】Dé Secret Tiramisu ♚开启窈窕旅程 の秘密 Dé Secret Tiramisu 携伴 Hoodia 【蝴蝶亚】减肥成分精华密笈全新火爆出击!!! 全新研发!全新感受!让你享受提拉米苏の秘密~ 就是要你吃着瘦!瘦着吃!轻松享瘦每一刻! 打照健康减肥 の 王者之道~ 轻松喝下8大成分,创造一个月减重10KG の秘密奇迹!! 无需运动,无需节食, 决不反弹!! 别再犹豫了! 与其停在原地羡慕他人, 不如加快自己的脚步!! 今天就开启您の窈窕旅程吧 ~♥ Dé Secret,绝对是你开启窈窕旅程の首选 —————————————————————— ♚ Dé Secret Tiramisu の马来西亚合格准证 > Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) 拥有马来西亚卫生部的批准与放行出售 > Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) GMP认证,是指由马来西亚食品药品监督管理局组织GMP评审专家对企业人员、培训、厂房设施、生产环境、卫生状况、物料管理、生产管理、质量管理、销售管理等企业涉及的所有环节进行检查,评定是否达到规范要求的过程。 > Vegitarian ( 素食者可使用) > Nano Tech (采用先进の纳米科技) > 100% Natural ( 100% 天然) > US Formula (美国科技研发) > 马来西亚伊斯兰教 Halal 合格认证 ———————————————————————— ♚ Dé Secret Tiramisu の产品规格 > 分量: 一盒 X 15包 ,每包 20G ~(此产品两盒为一个月用量) > 服用方法: 每包加入 150-200毫升 的温开水,搅拌均匀即可饮用。每天早餐前30分钟饮用 > 注意事项: 心脏病,发烧,糖尿病,高血压病患,哺乳期和怀孕妇女皆不适宜服用此产品~ 服用期间若有不适或过敏性反应, 请停止服用~ > 储存方法: 存放于阴凉干燥处 —————————————————————————— ♚ Dé Secret Tiramisu の密笈 Hoodia 仙人掌(学名Hoodia Gordonii)是一种生长在南非沙哈拉沙漠的仙人掌品种之一。在古代,居住在沙哈拉沙漠的居民在狩猎时都是依靠这种仙人掌以抵抗饥饿和解渴。如今,人们利用它来帮助解决肥胖问题。Hoodia仙人掌内含有一种化学物质能使头脑发出“我已吃饱了”的信号,以减轻肚子饿得感觉;它能有效地控制食欲。摄取过量的食物以及不足够的运动量是导致肥胖的主要因素。Dé Secret能有效地为您控制食欲以达到纤体的效果! ♚ Dé Secret Tiramisu の好处 * 能有效地控制食欲 * 能帮助解渴 * 有效地清理肠胃 * 减轻肥胖问题 * 减少胃液的分泌 * 提高新陈代谢 * 帮助燃烧卡路里 * 增加饱和感 * 帮助转换碳水化合物为精力 * 帮助建立健康的牙齿及骨骼 ♚ Dé Secret Tiramisu の八大精华成分 1. 咖啡 2. Hoodia仙人掌萃取物 3. P57(黄酮甙) 4. 月见草 5. 可可纤维 6. 维生素B群(B1, B2, B6, B12) 7. 钙质 8. 镁质 ✿ 咖啡 咖啡内的咖啡因能帮助提高身体的新陈代谢率。这能提高导致肥胖的多余卡路里。咖啡因还能分解脂肪释放出脂肪酸,然后迅速地被燃烧掉。这能帮助将脂肪转换为精力。咖啡所含有的抗氧化物可帮助抵消自由基对细胞所造成的伤害。此外,咖啡可帮助预防心脏疾病。 ✿ Hoodia仙人掌萃取物 Hoodia仙人掌已被南非的居民广泛的用作于天然的抵抗饥饿及解渴的圣品。它能帮助降低饥饿感以及解除节食时的疲倦及疲乏感。除此之外,它能清除消化道所累积的废物及害菌。它也能安全的减少粉刺及肥胖的问题。 ✿ P57(黄酮甙) P57(黄酮甙)是从Hoodia仙人掌所提取所得。它能有效地控制食欲。它能减缓胃酸分泌的功效使它成为控制食欲的圣品。 ✿ 月见草 月见草可提高身体的新陈代谢以帮助燃烧更多的卡路里。除此之外,它也能让您拥有滑嫩的肌肤及帮助减缓粉刺的问题。 ✿ 可可纤维 可可纤维可有效地降低胆固醇及血糖水平。除此之外,高纤维饮食能使您更耐饱,也就是提高较长时间的饱和感。相比于其它同等分量的食品,可可纤维那较低的卡路里值能将低卡路里摄取量。 ✿ 维生素B群(B1, B2, B6, B12) 维生素B群包括B1(硫胺素)、B2(核黄素)、维生素B6(吡哆醇)和维生素B12(钴胺素)。这些维生素是维持身体正常操作的主要物质之一。它们主要帮助细胞代谢、免疫系统及神经系统。这些维生素B群能帮助改善神经系统的运作功能。维生素B群的另一功能是可帮助解除压力及焦虑。维生素B群也能帮助将碳水化合物转换为葡萄糖然后加以转为人体所需的精力。 ✿ 钙质 钙质已被广泛用于协助纤体瘦身。它可促进燃烧脂肪、排出饮食中的脂肪及避免脂肪的贮存。它也能帮助提高新陈代谢以燃烧多余卡路里。此外,它还能提高身体内的好胆固醇(高密度脂蛋白,HDL)。钙质也是强健牙齿及骨骼的重要矿物之一。 ✿ 镁质 镁质是一种人体所需的矿物质。它可维持肌肉、神经系统及心脏跳动率的正常功能。镁有助于调节血糖和血压水平;也能提高新陈代谢率。它的润肠通便功能可帮助减轻便秘问题。此外,镁质是强健骨骼的重要矿物之一。 Dé Secret Tiramisu associate with Hoodia weight loss essence formulated the latest gigantic brand !!! Newly developed! New experience! Let you to enjoy tiramisu の secrets is for you digesting fats and eat to digest ! Simply enjoying every moment of the utmost health way of loosing weights and the journey to success,drink up this 8 incredible ingredients. Creating a 10kg weight loss a month. Without exercise, without dieting and never rebound! The miracle of Dé Secret Tiramisu. Do not hesitate! Stopping envying others and it is better to start accelerate your footsteps now!! Opened up your majestic journey today ~ Dé Secret, the perfect personal weight losing secret. **Dé Secret Hoodia is a type of cactus like herb “Hoodia Gordonii” which grown in South Africa in the Kalahari Desert. In ancient time, the people of the Kalahari Desert consume hoodia during long period hunting trips to quench hunger and thirsty. Nowadays, Hoodia is commonly used by people that facing obese problem It releases a chemical compound to the brain that signals one has eaten enough so that won’t feel hungry all the time. Obesity is very common nowadays due to lack of exercise and overeating. By consuming dé Secret, you may regulate the appetite easily to achieve perfect slimming effect! **Benefits of dé Secret * As appetite suppressant * As thirsty quencher * Cleanse digestive tract * Reduce obese problem * Reduce secretion of gastric acid * Stimulate metabolism * Aid in burning calories * Increase food satisfaction * Convert carbohydrates to energy * Help in building stronger and healthier teeth and bones **Ingredients of dé Secret 1. Coffee powder 2. Hoodia cactus extract 3. P57 (Glycoside) 4. Evening primrose 5. Cocoa fibre 6. Vitamins B complex (B1,B2,B6,B12) 7. Calcium 8. Magnesium **Coffee powder Coffee contains caffeine which will stimulate metabolism rate in body. This will burn up calories that cause obese. Caffeine also breaks down fat, releasing fatty acids which are immediately burned. This boosts up the conversion of fat to energy. The presence of antioxidants in coffee help in quenching free radical that causes cell damage. Coffee powder is able in preventing cardiovascular diseases. **Hoodia cactus extract Hoodia cactus has been widely used by people in South Africa as a natural appetite suppressant and thirsty quencher. By consuming hoodia cactus extract, it will stops the hunger feeling as well as removing the normal tiredness and weakness feeling during diet. It is also able to cleanse accumulated waste and bacteria in digestive tract. It is also able to reduce acne and obesity safely and naturally. **P57 (Glycoside) P57 (glycoside) is an ingredient isolated from Hoodia, it is responsible for appetite suppressant effect. Besides that, P57 is able to inhibit the production of gastric acid in stomach. By limiting the secretion of gastric acid, it is able to suppress one appetite. **Evening primrose Evening primrose is able to stimulate the metabolism to aid the body in burning more calories. Besides that, evening primrose can gives a softer, smoother and acne free skin. **Cocoa fibre Cocoa fibre is effective in lowering cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Moreover, a diet with high fibre content may make a meal feel larger and one may stay full for a longer time. In other word, it increases food satisfaction. Another benefit of cocoa fibre is that it contributes lesser calorific value compared to the same volume of food which helps in reducing the intake of calorie. **Vitamins B complex (B1,B2,B6,B12) Vitamin B complex included B1 (Thiamine), B2 (Riboflavin), B6 (Pyrixine) and B12 (Cobalamins). This series of vitamin B complex is needed for the body to function properly. They play role in cell metabolism, immunity and nervous system functions. Vitamins B1, B6 and B12 help in the correction and the regulation of nervous system’s function. Another benefit of vitamin B complex is to relieve stress and anxiety. Vitamin B complex is needed to help convert the carbohydrates into glucose and then convert it into energy. **Calcium Dietary calcium has widely associated weight loss. It promotes fat loss, excretes dietary fat, and prevents fat storage. It also increases the rate of metabolism which helps to burn off excess calories. Furthermore, it is able to increase the High Density Lipoproteins (HDL) in the body which is a type of good cholesterol. Besides that, calcium is an important mineral for teeth and bone building. **Magnesium Dietary magnesium is an essential mineral nutrient for life. It is needed in keeping muscle and nerve functioning normal and heart beat rhythmic. Magnesium helps in regulating blood sugar levels by promoting normal blood pressure and increasing metabolism rate. The laxative property of magnesium helps in relaxes the intestinal muscle which brings sound relief for severe constipation. Furthermore, magnesium is needed in keeping a healthy bone. Why Choose Us? ♚ Dé Secret Tiramisu * Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) * Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) * Vegitarian * Nano Tech * 100% Natural * US Formula * Halal Serving Size: 20gm per sachet, 15 sachets per box Prepareration: Mix 1 sachet with 150-200ml of warm water and consume 30 munites before breakfast daily. Cautions: Keep out reach of children, heart disease, fever, diabetes and high blood pressure patients and women during breast feeding and pregnancy. Discontinue use if there is any discomfort or allergic reaction. Storage: Keep in cool and dry place.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 17:38:18 +0000

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