烽火台:鬍鬚曾之心路人皆知 Beacon tower: The heart of - TopicsExpress


烽火台:鬍鬚曾之心路人皆知 Beacon tower: The heart of moustache Tsang is known by every passerby The story goes like this: after Qin Shihuang (259-210 BC), the first emperor of China establishing his country, he often made a tour of inspection to every part of his country. At the time, Liu Pang who was still unknown to the public was impressed by the authority of Qin Shihuang when seeing him making tour of inspection and could not restrain his envy by saying: “Alas, a true man should look like this.” while Xiang Yu revealed his ambition by saying: "He can be replaced either!" And the story continues thus: Today Hong Kong had a top fan who looked up to the Chief Executive and said that he was satisfied every aspect of CY. He switched his conversation to some other subject, and suddenly aimed his target at moustache Tsang, Financial Secretary, saying this guy who could not make the thing done by “spending money on where is needed” and set on huge surplus still unable to solve any problems, and that history will prove that he is a big sinner, and so on. Moustache Tsang could not swallow down this grievance fighting back on his blog by saying that "Money is not omnipotent", hinting that Financial Secretary was only responsible for managing accounting books, just blaming on Leung team that they are incompetent, and Policy Department is incapable of promoting policies. As the third hand man in the SAR government, he indirectly criticized the SAR government that is not different from indirectly scolding himself. It can be said that it is a great anecdote in this world. With things as such, such saying so, what the top Leung fan said is absolutely right, and moustache Tsang is also a truth. Watching at the war of words between the Leung fan and Financial Secretary, we can know which extent of decadence this government goes to, and which degree of dissolving separately this government goes to. It is really a tough job for Tsang and Leung singing each other after the incident, you said "same principle" and I said "working closely". It is really trying to hide it making it more conspicuous. According to my observation, I found that moustache Tsang not only discords with Leung, but also reckons on this position. The problem is that moustache Tsang still has not said “He can be replaced either”, and for now moustache Tsang is waiting for his good luck to come! I don’t know whether moustache Tsang has his good luck to come or not, and just know that if the Plan B candidate is really this guy who likes to drink coffee, watch French movies, and a middle class person who lives in the government house having privilege car to deliver him, then the grassroots people will definitely have no good luck to come! the-sun.on.cc/cnt/news/20130730/00418_009.html
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 00:35:00 +0000

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