现货~韩国正品海带无化学Seaweed hair mask. Call for - TopicsExpress


现货~韩国正品海带无化学Seaweed hair mask. Call for order:catherine 019-310 6020 ★功效:防油性,止痒,头皮屑,头发干燥,能保湿舒缓还能促进头发快生长,恢复头发光滑有光泽,最重要是能解决掉发问题的★ ★功效:防油性,止痒,头皮屑,头发干燥,能保湿舒缓还能促进头发快生长,恢复头发光滑有光泽,最重要是能解决掉发问题的 *Clinic Hair Mask对生产过后掉发的妈妈或是很会掉头发的mm来说绝对是很好的圣品哦! 打个比喻~我们上一次理发院做Treament最便宜都要RM50以上吧! Clinic Hair Mask就是你的救星哦^_^因为有了它你现在就可以自己在家做护理哦,一星期只需做两次~轻轻松松五分钟搞定(是用在头皮的) *会有效的改善脱发问题 *会有效的改善头皮痕痒问题 *会有效的改善头皮屑问题 *超适合产后的妈咪 *超适合严重脱发的美眉 有兴趣的美眉们可以pm我了解哦♥ 使用時你會FELL到整個頭很冷的~ 妈咪们你们生了孩子是不是都一样有掉发问题呢? 不想头顶变空空的?头皮出油 头皮屑等等问题? 来 …来 …来… 介绍这个hair mask给你们 不但可以改善掉发问题 用了发质头皮也会变好噢** 用了后头皮还会感觉冰冰凉凉呢^ω^ 现货有限噢~快来PM询问 你有掉发 头皮出油 头皮屑等问题pm我噢~ 有了这个hairmask自己在家里也能护理头皮 一支也能用很久噢*^_^* 节省很多噢 要头发漂亮 当然从头发开始护理噢*^_^* 想购买pm我~ 你有脱发问题吗?不妨试一试 很不错噢 头皮出油 或是头皮屑问题都能解决噢*^_^* *店主强力推荐* 很多妈咪生了孩子后都有掉发问题困扰 不怕不怕救星来囖^v^ 不管你有《脱发、头皮屑、头皮易出油》等问题只要你试试这支clinic mask后相信你也会和我一样很满意效果 有了这支clinic mask在家也能自己护理头皮 自己护理省钱又省时 如果单单去理发店护理最少一次都要70-80块吧-.- 干脆买一支又能用很久*^_^* 一星期最多只需要用1-2次 就能让你头皮健健康康的发质也会变好噢~ 现货有限 快来pm我询问详情 (Treatment for Scalp&Hair)The progressive pack formula including Chlorella (algae)extract.Copper Peptide and Lauryl PCA acts on the total trouble of hair. After cares,your scalp & damaged hair change into the healthy,clean,and glossy. *Balance of the cutaneous ecosystem *Skin of hair integrity *Scalp hydration. Scalp Clinic Mask provides a significant immediate progressive and long-lasting moisturising effect. It helps restore the ecosystem balance by promoting the growth of beneficial germs to the detriment of noxious germs. The multi-progressive formular provides immediate and long-lasting hydration,regulates the desquamation process and reinforces the skin barrier. Skin microflore balance to fight against scalp discomfort(dryness,itching,dandruff,irritations). Moisturizing-Soothing Scalp Treatment.The effect of the treatment is clearly visible. The scales are bonded onto the hair shaft by the treatment substance. The hair is smooth,shiny and easy to comb. Conditioning cream for hair and scalp. Directions: (1) Shampoo and rinse hair throughly. (2) Apply Seaweed Scalp Clinic Mask to scalp and hair. (3) Massage into a rich,creamy emulsion. (4) Leave on for 4-5 minutes. (5) Rinse extremely well with warm water until hair and scalp are free of cream. Do not shampoo again. (250ml)Made in KOREA ♥别只顾美肤,头皮也要照顾哦,不然严重掉到秃头时就来不及医了,没介绍错你们,自己试试下,一次就能让你感觉到"它"到底哪里好~♥ Call for order:catherine 019-310 6020
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 17:55:20 +0000

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