甘露法語 Nectar of Dharma - TopicsExpress


甘露法語 Nectar of Dharma Rains 對大乘佛子而言,一切眾生都像親人一樣;皈依了佛的人,不管顯密,不分教派,就像外甥跟舅舅一樣;皈依了同一位上師的佛弟子,就像同一父母的親兄弟;而同一壇城、一起得到灌頂的道友就像自己的心一樣寶貴。 As for Mahayana followers, all sentient beings are as close to them as their relatives. People who have taken refuge in the Buddha are as intimate to each other as an uncle to his nephews. Moreover, practitioners who have taken refuge in the same guru are as dear as brothers having the same parents. More importantly, dharma companions who have entered the same mandala palace or received empowerment on the same occasion should take good care of each other just like protecting our precious minds. 持之以恆、不間斷地以清淨的發心、虔誠行為精勤祈供護法,以此善妙緣起激發他們對佛弟子的強力護持,從而遣除內外障礙、增上種種順緣。這是以祈供護法對治違緣的方法。上供下施,行持各種善法,比如多放生、多做施食煙供,請寺院安排法事遣除違緣等。這是以行善止惡對治違緣的方法。 Carry on our strenuous and devoted practice of praying and offering to the Dharma protectors with perseverance and pure motivation so as to arouse their powerful protection of dharma practitioners. Their auspicious supports will clear away all our internal and external obstacles and develop various kinds of favorable circumstances, which is the method to destroy obstructs through praying and offering to Dharma protectors. There are also many other methods to cope with obstacles by positive actions, such as making offerings and practicing generosity, releasing lives, making smoke offering and requesting the Sangha to arrange Dharma activities to dispel these obstacles.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 07:16:16 +0000

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