甘露法語 Nectar of Dharma - TopicsExpress


甘露法語 Nectar of Dharma Rains 按照《前行備忘錄》所說的知母、念恩、報恩的次第來觀修,明白無論怨敵還是親朋,無始劫以來都曾經做過自己的父母,如同現世父母一般對我們恩重如山。高低怨親皆是母,緣分無常具大恩,所以,我們應發自內心地生起慈悲心。並將違緣障礙視作上師三寶賜予的最勝悉地,感恩戴德、歡歡喜喜地代眾生承受果報。這是以慈悲心對治違緣的方法。 According to The Words of My Perfect Teacher, the perception, memorization and repayment of parents’ favor and bounty should be practiced in their proper order, enabling us to realize the fact that all sentient beings, be they our present enemies or relatives and friends, have once been our parents since the beginningless time, to whom all we owe great favor just like to our present parents. Whatever they may be, in high or low position, or as our hated or loved ones due to the impermanent circumstances, they all have offered us graceful kindness. Therefore, we should arouse compassion from the depth of our minds, seeing all obstacles and favorable conditions as the most auspicious object the guru and the Three Jewels have granted us, thus shouldering up their consequences with sincere gratitude and joy on behalf of all other sentient beings. This is the method to clear away unfavorable circumstances through the cultivation of compassion.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 23:36:26 +0000

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