甲午馬年全年天赦日 Tian She Day of Year - TopicsExpress


甲午馬年全年天赦日 Tian She Day of Year 2014 又到了分享天赦日的簡介了﹐感謝同道們的提醒﹐以下是一些簡介。 Tian She Day (天赦日), translated as The Reparation & Eliminating Sins Day (赦罪消災). In Taoist Culture, every Lunar Year, there are at least Five or Six Tian She Day, each Season with at least Two Tian She Days fall on Two Special Days. If there is any case of that Lunar Year only got Four Tian She Day, meaning that Year might have Big Disaster occurring. 每一年﹐都會有五六個天赦日﹐通常春及冬季各為一個﹐夏及秋季各別有兩個。如果當年註定有大災變﹐則可能只有四個天赦日﹐但這發生的機率很小。 For Year 2014, the Jia Wu Horse Year, the 1st Tian She Day of Spring falls on the 08th Day of Lunar 2 Month, which is on 08 March, a Saturday, face North East for Honouring & Blessing. 春季天赦日為農曆二月初八日﹐面東北之。 The other Tian She Days of Lunar Jia Wu Horse Year falls on the Dates as followed: Summer: 25th Day of Lunar 4 Month (23 May, a Friday) – face South West 夏季第一天赦日為農曆四月廿五日﹐面西南之。 Summer: 26th Day of Lunar 6 Month (22 Jul, a Tuesday) – face South West 夏季第二天赦日為農曆六月廿六日﹐面西南之。 Autumn: 11th Day of Lunar 9 Month (04 Oct, a Saturday) – face South West 秋季天赦日為農曆九月十一日﹐面西南之。 Winter: 28th Day of Lunar 10 Month (19 Dec, a Friday) – face South West 冬季天赦日為農曆十月廿八日﹐面西南之。 So when Tian She Day started? According to Ancient Records, Tian She Day started far in Shang Dynasty and had reached its peak in Song Dynasty (天赦日祭祀﹐最早能追溯至商朝﹐宋朝時到達顛峰。元朝之後﹐就開始沒落). So what to do on Tian She Day? As recorded and advised, on these Days, conducting of Official Taoist Chanting to Yu Huang Da Tian Zun (玉皇大天尊), San Guan Da Di (三官大帝), Dou Mu Yuan Jun & the Dippers (斗姆元君及眾星斗星君) or requesting for Forgiveness for the Pass-ons to Heavenly Lord Tai Yi (太乙救苦天尊), will be recommended. Besides that, for those who are suffering for long-term illnesses and had yet to get cured, by making trips to Official Temples to pay respect to the various Deities and sincerely requesting for Forgiveness will help too. 在天赦日之際﹐道門弟子或一般信眾可向玉皇大天尊﹐三官大帝求赦﹐願將前兩個月內﹐無意間所犯下的錯誤赦掉。 如若家中有年老者﹐長期犯有病痛﹐也可向斗姆元君及眾星斗星君求赦﹐願病痛早除﹐延年益壽。 而子孫可向太乙救苦天尊求赦﹐願過往親人早列仙班。 So where can Oneself visit on Tian She Day in Singapore? In Singapore, there are a few Official Temples that conduct Tian She Day Honouring for Devotees: 1 – Yue Hai Qing Temple (粵海清廟) located at Phillip Street, CBD 2 – Tanjong Pagar Du Cheng Huang Temple (都城隍廟), located besides Tanjong Pagar MRT, CBD 3 – Dong Yue Temple (東嶽廟), located at Bukit Purmei, beside CHIJ
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 03:00:44 +0000

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