画(huà) 龙(lóng) 点(diǎn) 睛(jīng) Adding eyes to the - TopicsExpress


画(huà) 龙(lóng) 点(diǎn) 睛(jīng) Adding eyes to the picture of a dragon to bring it to life In the ancient time, there was a painter whose surname is Zhang. His paintings are vivid and true to life. Some people said that the animals he drew could become living soon after he finished painting. Once he visited a temple and painted four dragons on the wall, but gave none of them eyes. The watchers felt it odd and asked him why. He answered, Eyes are crucial for dragons. If I draw the eyes, the dragons will fly off the wall. Nobody believed this, so Zhang took up his brush and added eyes to two of the dragons. No sooner had he finished than the two dragons flew into the sky amid a thunderstorm. The two without eyes remained on the wall. The story might not be true. But the story tells us that Zhang is really skillful at painting. People made up the story to show their admiration for him. Afterwards, this idiom developed to describe how, when writing or speaking, one or two key sentences will make the whole more vivid and to the point. In a broader sense, if you want to describe the brilliant finishing touch of something, you can also use Huà Lóng Diǎn Jīng.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 08:20:39 +0000

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