疯狂大优惠leptin dried plum(排毒梅) 10盒 - TopicsExpress


疯狂大优惠leptin dried plum(排毒梅) 10盒 RM200 优惠有限哦~先到先得~亲亲们敢快来订购哦~ Pm/whatsapp 019-3739934 Weight Loss Dried Plum is a natural healthy food, with no side effects, made from edible herbal plants such as Yunnan Puerh tea and Lotus leaves. It is prepared especially with dried plums and active lactobacillus. Ingredients: Active Lactobacillus, Lotus Leave, Dried Plum and Puerh Tea Active Lactobacillus maintains a healthy digestion system and keeps optimal blood pressure level. Helps you receive the correct amount of good and bad bacteria to your body. Also promotes mineral and vitamin absorption and stimulates the immune system. Lotus leaves is considered a natural herb with wonderful curative characteristics, as healing bruises, reduces muscle spasm and stops bleeding. Lotus leaves eases fever and assists the digestion system. Dried Plum is rich in antioxidant and fiber and helps maintain a healthy digestion system and lowers the risk of colon cancer. Also helps lower cholesterol and blood sugar level. Puerh Tea (aged tea) is a great fat burning weight loss product. It is known for its ability to assist in the digestion of fatty foods, increases metabolism and reduces cholesterol levels. Puerh tea absorbs the cholesterol until it reaches the digestive system. This means that the body does not absorb the fat even though the food was eaten. Puerh tea outperforms green tea in this case. Directions: Take one piece after dinner dried plum 口味;原装进口美国leptin减肥排毒话梅载体帮助我们‘体内环保’48小时保护你的肠胃。 原装进口美国Leptin减肥话梅是通过超低温萃取法,从云南普洱茶、荷叶等可做膳食用之草本植物中萃取出有效成分,通过科学配伍,以古方秘制的话梅为载体,接种特制微胶囊化活性乳酸菌,经复杂工序生产而成的不含任何化学药剂的纯天然健康食品。减肥不需要刻意节食,对人体无任何副作用。同时不抑制食欲,不刺激神经中枢,不成瘾,不厌食,不乏力,不反弹! 美国Leptin话梅以话梅为载体,帮助我们做好“体内环保”,48小时持续保护您的肠胃、滋润肠道、软化干涸粪便、分解有害物质,并使其易于排出体外。能迅速修复肠道壁受损细胞, 滋养肠粘膜, 清除肠道内自由基, 延缓细胞衰老, 启动细胞活力, 达到养肠效果。 从根本上解决便秘问题。 第 1 天: 睡前服用1小时后,体内肠道壁上的肥油、毒素和宿便开始被分解、软化。6 ~ 8小时内会无比通畅的排出松软成型的黑色油便、宿便和毒素,味臭,便量比平时大 3 倍,水面漂浮油花。 第 7 天: 服用七天后,肠内油脂和宿便及毒素基本上排除干净.这时小便透明, 大便嫩黄, 圆圆的小肚子变软变平, 脸色明显红润光滑, 精力充沛。 第 30 天: 支持服用 30 天后,胃、肠动力得到彻底激活。便秘不反弹,色斑淡化, 皮肤光亮嫩滑。 [主要配料] 话梅、乳酸菌、低聚木糖、粉红玫瑰、桑椹 [规格型号] 15粒×10克/盒 [食用方法] 每日一次,晚餐后拆开一包嚼食 [食用人群] 排便困难(便秘)、脸色晦暗(痤疮)、体内垃圾、毒素沉积者 [保质期限] 18个月 [贮藏方法] 避免置于高温、潮湿及日光直射处 [注意事项] 幼儿、孕妇不建议食用;严重消化道溃疡者慎用;内有果核请勿吞食 Leptin 这产品是很好的herbal没有防腐剂是用梅普耳茶叶做的效果满好的也是热卖梅是晚上吃的帮助体内环保48小时排出毒素如果亲要减肥的话就配一样燃烧脂肪的和比较快(^ ^) Leptin 美国leptin by ss100%正品不会有副作用
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 06:30:20 +0000

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