《眾神之島---台灣官將首》 【The Island of the - TopicsExpress


《眾神之島---台灣官將首》 【The Island of the Gods--Taiwans Guardians of the Underworld】 Guan Jian Shou ceremony, this Taoism parade formation demonstrating the Guardians of the Underworld, is one of Taiwans most priceless cultural assets, and a centennial tradition in Xinzhuang region (Northern Taiwan). 「官將首」是台灣廟宇陣頭最寶貴的無形文化財之一,是一項發源自北部新莊地區的百年傳統;至今,新莊大眾廟地藏庵的官將首陣頭依然是全台最大、最重要的民俗活動之一。 According to Taoism legends, the green-faced General Deprival and the red-faced General Enrichment are just like the well-known Monkey King, magic spirits born by the nature. Bodhisattva of Inferno (Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva) recruits them to be the Guardians of the Underworld, in charge of exorcism, also decisions to deprive or enrich humans longevity; good to live, evil to demolish. Today, as shown in Taiwans Guan Jian Shou ceremony, these Guardians of the Underworld has increased from two to over three or even seven, joined by the other spiritual guardians of the Underworld, such as the Gourd Boy(引路童子) and the Godly Tiger(虎爺). 根據道教傳說,青面「損將軍」與紅面「增將軍」與大聖爺一樣原來是天地靈氣凝聚而成的仙靈,爾後被地藏王菩薩收為護法侍衛,遇善增壽、遇惡減壽,並專司降妖除魔;在台灣廟宇陣頭中已經從2位演變為3~7人以上,加入引路童子、虎爺等更多神話角色。 九天民俗技藝團官將首藝術表演 Guan Jian Shou Art Performance presented by Chio Tien Folk Drums & Arts Troupe https://youtube/watch?v=rBtZqTyniKM 20140529 新莊大眾廟官將首紀實 2014 Xinzhuangs Guan Jian Shou Ceremony Documentary vimeo/97586130 新莊有一句俗諺:「新莊有三熱:火燒厝、扒龍船、迎五月初一。」其中的「迎五月初一」指的就是每年農曆五月初一的「日巡」,細節請見: 新莊地藏庵「文武大眾爺誕辰」習俗、傳統、由來 goo.gl/sh6qzm 新北市文化資產「新莊地藏庵文武大眾爺祭典」網頁 goo.gl/aWlKv9
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 11:26:10 +0000

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