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祝 人生初シェアハウス。 前の住人が男性にも関わらず、なんだか乙女な香りがする部屋です。 下見の段階で警戒心剥き出してたせいか、シェアメイトたちは私を腫れ物の様に扱います。 ゴメンなさい。良い人たちでした。まだ警戒してるけど。 これから家賃を稼ぐためバイトしなきゃ。筑波大の先生が協定結ぶためにキャンベラの国立大に来たらしいが、協定結ぶ前に居住と金銭的サポートの保証制度を作る方が先だと思う。 I started living at share house in Sydney. Of cause this is my first time to have such kind of experience. They treat me like a swelling, because I wonder that I exposed my wariness at the time. I am sorry about that, and could understand they are very kind and gentle persons, but I still look out them.♪( ´θ`)ノ My room is full of sweet fragrance just like a maiden, in spite of previous owner of my room is a male. Now, I have to find part time job to obtain my rent fees. Today, I heard that one of professor came from Tsukuba Uni to construct agreement of exchanging student among international Uni in Sydney. However, I strongly want to mention that it is better for the students to set up support system, such as accommodation and financial support, in Tsukuba Uni before making any agreement. Tsukuba Uni must understand how the life is so expensive in Australia!!
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 10:59:59 +0000

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