突破美肌科学 - 中药美白 - TopicsExpress


突破美肌科学 - 中药美白 香港龙发制药《白肌燕窝》 Breakthrough Skincare - Chinese Medicine Beauty & White - LF Hong Kong Pharmaceuticals ( White Nest ) 白肌燕窝採用突破性美肌科学,并结合尊贵的纯白管燕,研制成强效 [8小时白滑配方]。有效提升皮肤自制胶原能力,再配合锁紧水分因子,集中保湿,同时发挥至强的美肌10效*。连续服用28天,肌肤变得白滑紧致,恢复幼嫩,毛孔幼细得像BB肌肤一样。 The new breakthrough skincare innovation, WHITENEST is developed with an advanced 8 hours whitening formula formulated with pure white imperial bird nest. It effectively increase the ability of skin to produce collagen in itself, combined with locked in moisture for maximum replenishment; at the same time boasting itself of its 10 times whitening effect. With continuous use for 28 days, skin become fairer and smoother, just like a baby’s. 美肌 10 效 1. 促进血液循环, 令面色迅速变得红润,展现白里透红的肤色 2.黑眼圈逐渐淡化 3.含锁紧水分因子,集中补水 4.面部轮廓更明显动人 5.粗大毛孔消失 6. 唤醒沉睡的肌肤细胞,彻底令深层蛋白细胞活跃,散发青春魅力 7.皮肤恢复弹性 8.肤色逐渐恢复光泽 9.幼纹,皱纹消失,皮肤恢复光润紧致 10. 豆豆减少 10 Beauty Result: • Improves blood circulation and skin will glow naturally. • Diminishes dark eye circles gradually. • Contains locked-in moisture to replenish lost moisture, skin will become fair and firmer. • Lifts facial contours. • Refines faicial pores. • Revitalizes skin cell and reactivates its deep protein layer. • Restore skin’s elasticity. • Resumes skin to its natural glow. • Removes fine lines and wrinkles. Skin becomes smoother and firmer. • Reduces pimples. 选用优质纯白官燕,提升骨胶原 : 纯白管燕窝中之极品,含有丰富的蛋白质,活性醣蛋白,钙,铁,碘及维他命等多种天然营养和矿物质,容易被人体吸收。当中所含的优质蛋白能有效提升身体自制骨胶原能力,增加皮肤弹性,幼纹,皱纹消失,皮肤恢复光滑紧致。此外,能使深层蛋白细胞再度活跃,减少油脂分泌,使毛孔收细,豆豆减少,皮肤再回复婴儿肌肤一样。 Prime White Bird’s Nest, Improves Collagen Production Prime white bird nest is rich in protein, Active glycoprotein, calcium, iron, iodine, and may other vitamins and minerals for easy absorption. It improves overall production, improves skin elasticity; diminishes fine lines and wrinkles, hence restores to smoother and firmer skin. It reactivates deep protein cells, reduces sebum secretion and tightens pores; pimple reduce and skin is just like a baby’s. 锁紧水分因子,清爽白润: 当中的野生花旗参含人参皂甙,发挥油,树脂等,能补气血,增强体质,滋阴降火润肺,消除烦倦等功效。使身体进入健康状态,从而令身体每个细胞均能充分吸收营养;当归,黄芪能促进血液循环,使营养素更有效输送到各器官,并提升身体吸收燕窝精华的能力,令肌肤更白,更丰富弹性。此外,白肌燕窝蕴含锁紧水分因子,集中补湿,同时减少油脂分泌,保持肌肤水螢亮丽,清爽白滑。 Locked-in Moisture, Radiant Smooth, Clean And Refresh Wild American ginseng contains ginsenosides, volatile oil and resin; improves energy, reduces body heatiness, strengthen lung, eliminates fatigue, improves overall health for maximum cellular absorption absorption. Radix astragali, Chinese angelica improves blood circulation and increase absorption of bird nest essence, thus makes skin whiter and smoother. WHITENEST contains locked-in moisture, replenishing skin’s lost moisture, at the same time reduce sebum secretion, keeps skin fair radiant smooth, clean and refresh 服用方法: 每日早晚各一次,每次两粒 成分: 纯白官燕窝,西洋参,玄参,黄芪,当归,大枣 保存方法 :避免纯放在高温或潮湿的地方及远离孩童 每盒容量:每盒3排,每排10粒 胶囊400毫克 Direction: Take 2 capsules twice daily Ingredients : Nidus Collocaliae, Radix Panax Quinquefolium L, Radix Scrophulariae Ningpoensis, Radex Astragali Seu Hedyari, Rdix Angelicae Sinensis, Fructus Jujubae Storage : Store in a dry, cool place, keep out of reach of children. Packing : 3 blisters per box, 10 capsules per blister , 400mg per capsule. Under licensing of : Long Far Pharmaceutical Holding (HK) Limited.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 03:52:43 +0000

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