第八篇Look at history , hundreds of years ago unify Muslims in - TopicsExpress


第八篇Look at history , hundreds of years ago unify Muslims in the West trade routes, China Silk , silk tea shortage in the West , the world silver flowing into China , it is the thinker religionists strategist banker new ideas and new technology , said Mr. Story era ! Western Crusades Jewish bankers to borrow a large dynasty , defeated three challenges facing bankruptcy ! Noble life , serves tea , silk , spices, silver flow Far East and Southeast Asia ; lifted the debt is not a Jewish banker ; war due to lost revenue and greatly improve the orang- war candidate did not achieve the trigeminal sub- five hundred years ago, Asia, the United States and Africa . colony to China accounted for the economy this fat ! WWII Japanese Studies foreigner colonial master , the Boxer Rebellion and India together also bloodbath Beijing , Tianjin, rape , eternal accounting Shanghai Yangtze Taiwan Germany , after Spain, Portugal and Netherlands Russia, France and Britain Italy became the newly industrialized countries of colonial Shanghai and Qingdao . Western trigeminal formula to solve the problem, an Indian species Ya pieces of silver to China sucked .2 support anti- Arab Turkey Road divide and rule .3 . destroy the image of a large Jewish creditors to kill Jewish exempt debt ! Orang 𤠣 control the universe by the governments and central banks around the world charge daffaires of the three means : A , B taxes , interest propionate , no longer pay for gold and silver to pay no more food stamps and pay drafts golden ticket IOUs , the worlds largest the country is still in debt IOUs Murray pointed Republic, then the world in dire straits go ? Four Peoples Republic of China today is the victim : a Jewish banker Crusades era story made the necessary elimination of the debt cancellation under zero nether world war 2 is a World War II German factories and technology ! . market 3 is a World War II Japanese how chimpanzees also take energy to non- oil Arab states to take the Eurasian markets, Latin America and Canada to take food , as well as marine moon and the universe ! 4 Currency War arms sales war , the Peoples Republic of China Cargo has replaced the United States and Europe become the mainstream of the world ! Anglo Japanese imperialist powers refused to lose the master ,2013 -2019 round of World War III . Artificial script. Civil rights division of the indigenous peoples of the world into a small main opposition control , economic colonies directly by the World Jewish banker strong government a powerful combination of idealism every time and space electronic control .2024 new unified currency issued in the world , winner , compete in the universe , finals semi-finals ! French world currency, world currency in English , Russian world currency, world currency .... Hui Chinese have direct recollection , Contributions everyone together alone Better Together , welcome to participate in the script , you need to astronomical numbers in one fell swoop Ming amazing actor !看历史,几百年前回民统一了中西方贸易要道,中国丝绸之路,茶丝在西方供不应求,全世界白银流入中国,那是思想家宗教家军事家银行家新科技新创意和说故事先生的年代!十字军东征西方皇朝大量向犹太银行家举债,战败又面临破产三难题!高尚生活,茶、丝、香料的供应白银流向遠东和东南亚;举了犹太银行家的债还不了;战争因失利而大大收入提高沒有实现.三叉战争红毛候子五百年前亚美非佔为经济殖民地为了中国这肥肉!二次大战日本学老外做殖民主,八国联军也和印度一起血洗北京,强奸天津,永恒不变佔上海长江台湾.德国继西班牙葡萄牙荷兰英美俄法意大利之后成为新兴工业国殖民上海和青岛.西方三叉配方解决难题,1.印度种雅片把中国白银吸走.2.支持阿拉伯对土耳其道反分而制之.3.破坏犹太债主形象以大杀犹太免除债!红毛𤠣控制宇宙由全世界代办政府和中央银行三大手段把:甲,税.乙,利息.丙,不再付白银不再付黄金不再付银票金票糧票而打白條,世界最大的打白條欠债国仍美利尖共和国,那么世界水深火热何去何從?中华人民共和国当今是四合一受害人:1.十字军东征時代的犹太银行家必需造个故事消灭把债取消为零九泉下!2.是一次大战二次大战的德国世界技术工厂和市场3.是二次大战的日本怎么黑猩猩也到非州阿拉伯取能源油,到欧亚取市场,到拉丁美州和加拿大取食物,还有海洋月亮和宇宙!4.货币战争军火销售战争,中货人民共和国已取代美欧日成为世界主流!英美日帝国主义列强不肯失去主控,2013-2019全方位第三次世界大战.人为的剧本.把世界人民本土民权分裂成反对党控制的小主体,经济殖民地,直接由世界犹太银行家政府强有力的电子结合唯心隔时空控制.2024年发行世界统一新货币,鹿死谁手,逐鹿宇宙,决赛四强!法语世界货币,英语世界货币,俄语世界货币,回回华语世界货币....直得回味,投稿大家一起来独乐乐不如众乐乐,欢迎参与剧本,需要天文数的一举鸣惊人演员!
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 02:38:10 +0000

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