米広告業界で最も影響力のある業界誌Ad - TopicsExpress


米広告業界で最も影響力のある業界誌Ad AgeにLINEの紹介記事が。ローソン、マツキヨなどのクーポン事例も紹介。多くの業種において、こんなにも早く広告主がLINEでの広告を開始したことは、新しいプラットフォームに慎重なことで悪名高い日本のビジネスにおいては、非常に注目すべきことだと紹介。=One of the most remarkable aspects of Line’s fast rise and its ad-funded business model is that so many businesses have bought into it so quickly. While consumers are quick to leap onto the next big thing, businesses in Japan are notoriously wary of new platforms. The constant search for first-mover advantage is simply not as ingrained in the marketing psyche as it is in Western countries.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 23:02:36 +0000

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